研究領域 / Field of Research Interest:
[1] 微能源器件 / PowerMEMS Devices
[2] 功率管理電路 / Power Management Circuit
[3] 微感測器與控制系統 / Micro Sensors and Control Systems
部分主持和參與的科研項目 / Selected Projects:
[1] 國家自然科學基金重點項目:面向近海域水環境監測的自供能無線感測網節點能量獲取及電源管理關鍵問題與技術,在研
[2] 中國電力科學研究院委託項目:特高壓直流鄰近帶電體感應電計算,結題
[3] 中央高校基本科研業務費項目:基於碰撞振動和剛柔楔形界面的摩擦發電機基礎研究,結題
代表性論文 / Selected Publications:
[1] Ling Bu, Zhangxiong Chen; Zhewei Chen, et al. Impact induced compound method for triboelectric-piezoelectric hybrid nanogenerators to achieve Watt level average power in low frequency rotations, Nano Energy, 2020, 70: 0-104500.
[2] Ling Bu, Shengjiang Quan; Jiarong Han, et al. On-Site Traversal Fractional Open Circuit Voltage with Uninterrupted Output Power for Maximal Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Systems, Electronics, 2020, 9(11): 0-1802.
[3] Ling Bu, Weiyu Xu; Shengjiang Quan, et al. Improvement of charge storage characteristics of silicon based polyvinylidene fluoride thin film through heat treatment and multiple layer stack, Journal of Electrostatics, 2016, 81: 9-14.
[4] Ling Bu, Xiaoming Wu, Xiaohong Wang, et al. Liquid encapsulated electrostatic energy harvester for low-frequency vibrations, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2013, 24(1): 61-69.
[5] Ling Bu, Xiaoming Wu, Xiaohong Wang, et al. Non-resonant electrostatic energy harvester for wideband applications, Micro & Nano Letters, 2013, 8(3): 135-137.
中國地質大學(北京)/China University of Geosciences Beijing; 信息工程學院/School of Information Engineering; 講師/Asisstant Professor; 2013.9 / 2020.12
劍橋大學/University of Cambridge; 工程系/Deparpment of Engineering; 訪問學者/Visiting Scholar; 2019.6 / 2019.12
中國地質大學(北京)/China University of Geosciences Beijing; 信息工程學院/School of Information Engineering; 副教授/Associate Professor; 2021.1 / Present