

《新標準英語:同步仿真聽力(高中第1、2冊)(必修1、2)(套裝共2冊)》採用以話題為主的設計理念,每個模組含有聽、說、讀、寫四部分,練習的內容和任務活動的設計與教材完全同步。叢書按照語言學習理論,採用“任務型學習(task-based Learning)”原則,注重多種語言技能的協同發展,充分調動學生的學習積極性。提高他們的觀察力和想像力,通過多種感知和體驗,在語言輸入的基礎上逐漸鍛鍊語言輸出能力,從而達到提高語言綜合運用能力的目的。


  • 書名:博爾英語•新標準英語:同步仿真聽力
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:135頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 作者:博爾英語同步仿真聽力編委會
  • 出版日期:2006年9月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787560059341




Module 1 My First Day at Senior High
Module 2 My New Teachers
Module 3 My First Ride on a Train
Module 4 ASocial Survey-My Neighbourhood
Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab
Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications
Tapescript and Key

Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits
Module 2 No Drugs
Module 3 Music
Module 4 Fine Arts Western, Chinese and Pop Arts
Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines
Module 6 Films and TV Programmes
Tapescript and Key


The hours for swimming are nine o'clock to half past twelve and two o' clockto nine p.m.. Then there' s the gym. There, we have aerobics(有氧健身法)for women from ninea.m. to a quarter to eleven, and for men from a quarter past eleven to one in the afternoon. Youcan play basketball in the gym between one and five, or do fitness training in the eveningbetween five o'clock and half past seven. Then we also have two badminton courts that are openall day.
And now I'd like to walk with you around the centre and show you the facilities(設備) wehave to offer. First, are there any questions?Module 4 A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood
1.Drinking a lot of Coca-Cola is bad for your teeth because of the sugar.
2.I have something else to do on Tuesday, so the appointment will have to be put off.
3.I think autumn is the best time to visit Beijing.
4.I'd like to book a taxi to the airport for Saturday morning, please.
5.Your room number is 1008.
Now back to the news. Ten people died yesterday morning when a boat sank off the GoldSand Coast, Eight were able to swim to the shore and were saved by the coast guard. The boatwas on its way to Bell Island.
Police are looking for a man and a woman in their early twenties who broke into a bank in
You ask me about my hometown, so now I'd like to tell you something about it. I live inBrighton, which is not a very big town. It has a population of around 300,000. It is on the coastabout 50 miles from London. Of course it isn't as interesting as London or Paris. But the air isa lot cleaner and better. There are a few factories in Brighton, but not many. It isn't very easyto find a job there. My father used to work in a steel factory which shut down a year ago and my father lost his job. But there are a lot of hotels and language schools in the town. In summerthe town is full of travelers. My father decided to open a small shop to sell gifts, But he is shortof money. He hopes that he can borrow some money from the bank.the early hours this morning. This was reported by people working in the shop opposite whoheard the breaking of glass. Two people were seen running away. The man is said to be verytall and well-built, with dark hair which is very long. The woman with him is said to be small with short haircut very close to her head. She was wearing blue trousers and a brown jacket.Anyone who has any information please gives further details to the police.
1.M: Now, tell me your trouble, Mrs. Green.
W:I can't sleep well recently, and last night I had a terrible headache.
2.M: That's a nice bike. Is it new?
W:No. I got it almost five years ago, but it's still in good condition.
3.M: Let's go to the dance this evening.
W:I'd like to, but I promised to go to the cinema with Jim this evening.
4.M: Have you ever played basketball, Mary?
W:Oh, yes. I used to play basketball ten years ago, but I don't play any more.
5.W: Did you take a No. 50 bus to the research centre?
M:No, I didn't. Mike told me to take a No. 15 bus.
M:Hi, Kate. Mind if I join you?
W:Not at all. Have a seat, Jack.
M:Have you got any plan for the weekend?
W:I'm really excited. I'm going to New York for a couple of days.
M:Oh, my brother is going there, too. Are you driving? Maybe you two could ride together.
W:No, I'm going to take the train. I've already got my ticket.
M:So what are you going to do in New York?
W:I'm going to visit a friend. Oh, here comes the bus. I have to leave. Bye.
W:What are you going to do tonight?
M:Oh, I'm going to stay at home and study. My final exam is coming next week.
W:Is it going to be difficult?
M:It will be harder than the midterm exam.
W:Was that one difficult?
M:It was the most difficult exam that I'd ever had.
W:Then maybe this one will be easier.
M:Well, I'm going to spend more time studying than I did for the midterm exam.
W:What are you going to do after the exam?
M:I don't know. Maybe I'll look for a better job.
W:What's the matter with this job?
M:It isn't the worst job in the world, but it isn't the best job, either.
W:Do you want to work for a bigger company?
M:I want to get ahead. I want to make more money.
W:Good evening, Sir. A table for two?
M:No. Thank you. But we have a little problem. Can you help us?
W:Sure. What can I do for you?
M:We are looking for a hotel. Are there any hotels near here?
W:Yes. There are some hotels down the street. The nearest one is near the bank. It's quite modem.
M:Do you think there are any cheap ones nearby?
W:Yes. Drive west for about two minutes and you'll find one. It's very comfortable, and the price is quite reasonable.
M:It sounds nice. Thank you for your help.
W:That's all right.


《新標準英語超級聽說讀寫》系列叢書採用以話題為主的設計理念,每個模組含有聽、說、讀、寫四部分,練習的內容和任務活動的設計與教材完全同步。叢書按照語言學習理論,採用“任務型學習(task-based Learning)”原則,注重多種語言技能的協同發展,充分調動學生的學習積極性。提高他們的觀察力和想像力,通過多種感知和體驗,在語言輸入的基礎上逐漸鍛鍊語言輸出能力,從而達到提高語言綜合運用能力的目的。


