

《博採英語閱讀教學參考書(全一冊)(第二版)》是2014年8月25日清華大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是(美)Virginia L. Guleff、M. E. Sokolik。


  • 書名:博採英語閱讀教學參考書(全一冊)(第二版)
  • 作者:Virginia L. Guleff、M. E. Sokolik、Carolyn Lowther、Michael Ryall
  • ISBN:9787302357667
  • 定價:41元
  • 出版社清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014-8-25
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開






Reading 1 Instructor's Manual
Reading 1 Syllabus Planning
Reading 1 Answer Keys
Chapter 1 College Life: Difficult Dreams
Chapter 2 Water: Our Most Important Resource
Chapter 3 Healthy Habits
Chapter 4 Only One Earth
Chapter 5 Trains, Planes, and Automobiles
Chapter 6 A World of Fast Food
Chapter 7 Love and Marriage
Chapter 8 Telling Stories
Chapter 9 Buyer Beware
Chapter 10 Space Is the Place
Reading 1 Chapter Quizzes
Chapter 1 College Life: Difficult Dreams
Chapter 2 Water: Our Most Important Resource
Chapter 3 Healthy Habits
Chapter 4 Only One Earth
Chapter 5 Trains, Planes, and Automobiles
Chapter 6 A World of Fast Food
Chapter 7 Love and Marriage
Chapter 8 Telling Stories
Chapter 9 Buyer Beware
Chapter 10 Space Is the Place
Reading 1 QuizAnswer Keys
Reading 2 Instructor's Manual
Reading 2 Syllabus Planning
Reading 2 Answer Keys
Chapter 1 The Cycle of Life
Chapter 2 Jobs, Occupations, and Careers
Chapter 3 The Spirit of Competition
Chapter 4 Lawmakers and Lawbreakers
Chapter 5 Beyond Science
Chapter 6 War and Conflict
Chapter 7 Language, Literacy, and Bilingual Education
Chapter 8 On the Move
Chapter 9 Cultural Perspectives
Chapter 10 American Lives
Reading 2 Chapter Quizzes
Chapter 1 The Cycle of Life
Chapter 2 Jobs, Occupations, and Careers
Chapter 3 The Spirit of Competition
Chapter 4 Lawmakers and Lawbreakers
Chapter 5 Beyond Science
Chapter 6 War and Conflict
Chapter 7 Language, Literacy, and Bilingual Education
Chapter 8 On the Move
Chapter 9 Cultural Perspectives
Chapter 10 American Lives
Reading 2 Quiz Answer Keys
Reading 3 Instructor's Manual
Reading 3 Syllabus Planning
Reading 3 Answer Keys
Chapter 1 A Campus of Readers
Chapter 2 The Road Ahead
Chapter 3 Tales of the Sea
Chapter 4 Is Your Food Safe?
Chapter 5 The Gender-Role Revolution
Chapter 6 Media and Culture
Chapter 7 Affluenza
Chapter 8 Ancient Americans
Chapter 9 Ethnic Identity
Chapter 10 The Job Puzzle
Reading 3 Chapter Quizzes
Chapter 1 A Campus of Readers
Chapter 2 The Road Ahead
Chapter 3 Tales of the Sea
Chapter 4 Is Your Food Safe?
Chapter 5 The Gender-Role Revolution
Chapter 6 Media and Culture
Chapter 7 Affluenza
Chapter 8 Ancient Americans
Chapter 9 Ethnic Identity
Chapter 10 The Job Puzzle
Reading 3 Quiz Answer Keys
Reading 4 Instructor's Manual
Reading 4 Syllabus Planning
Reading 4 Answer Keys
Chapter 1 Thinking Globally: A Changing World
Chapter 2 On the Move: Population and Immigration
Chapter 3 All Talk: Language
Chapter 4 Food for Thought: Nutrition
Chapter 5 Not Child's Play: Work
Chapter 6 Let There Be Peace on Earth:Peace & Conflict
Chapter 7 Saving the Planet: Ecology
Chapter 8 Flights of Fancy: Travel
Chapter 9 Going Places: Alternative Transportation
Chapter 10 That's Infotainment: Media
Reading 4 Chapter Quizzes
Chapter 1 Thinking Globally: A Changing World
Chapter 2 On the Move: Population and Immigration
Chapter 3 All Talk: Language
Chapter 4 Food for Thought: Nutrition
Chapter 5 Not Child's Play: Work
Chapter 6 Let There Be Peace on Earth:Peace & Conflict
Chapter 7 Saving the Planet: Ecology
Chapter 8 Flights of Fancy: Travel
Chapter 9 Going Places: Alternative Transportation
Chapter 10 That's Infotainment: Media
Reading 4 QuizAnswer Keys

