- 中文名:南森難民獎
- 設立於:1954年
- 前身:南森獎章
- 周期:每年頒發一次

1954 Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt USA
1955 H.M. Queen Juliana of the Netherlands Netherlands
1956 Mrs. Dorothy D Houghton USA
Dr. Gerrit J van Heuven Goedhart
1957 The League of Red Cross Societies
1958 Mr. David Hogget United Kingdom
Mr. Pierre Jacobsen (posthumously) France
1959 Mr. Oskar Helmer Austria
1960 Mr. Christopher Chataway United Kingdom
Mr. Colin Jones
Mr. Trevor Philpott
Mr. Timothy Raison
1961 H.M. King Olav V of Norway Norway
1962 Sir Tasman Heyes, CBE Australia
1963 The International Council for Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
1964 Dame May Curwen, DBE United Kingdom
Mr. Fançois Preziosi (posthumously) Italy
Mr. Jean Plicque (posthumously) France
1965 Mrs. Lucie Chevalley France
Mrs. Ana Rosa Schliepper de Martinez Guerrero (posthumously) Argentina
Mr. Jorgen Norredam (posthumously) Denmark
1967 H.R.H. Prince Bernard of the Netherlands Netherlands
1968 Mr. Bernard Arcens Senegal
Mr. Charles H Jordan (posthumously) USA
1969 H.R.H. Princess Princep Shah of Nepal Nepal
1972 Ms. Svana Fridriksdottir Iceland
1974 Mr. Bishop Helmut Frenz Chile
1975 Mr. James J Norris USA
1976 Dr. Olav Hodne NorwaySwitzerland
Ms. Marie-Louise Bertschinger (posthumously)
1977 The Malaysian Red Crescent Society
1978 H.E. Sir Seretse Khama, KBE Botswana
1979 Mr. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, President of the French Republic France
1980 Mrs. Maryluz Schloeter Paredes Venezuela
1981 Major General Paul A Cullen Australia
1982 H.R.H. Crown Princess Sonja of Norway Norway
1983 H.E. Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere Tanzania
1984 Captain Lewis M Hiller USA
Mr. Jeff Kass
Mr. Gregg Turay
1985 HE Paulo Evaristo, Cardinal Anrs Archbishop of Sao Paulo Brazil
1986 The People of Canada Canada
1987 H.M. Juan Carlos I, King of Spain Spain
1988 Mr. Syed Munir Husain Pakistan
1991 Dr. Paul Weis (posthumously) Australia
Dr. Libertina Appolus Amathila Namibia
1992 Dr. Richard von Weizsäcker Germany
1993 Médecins sans Frontières
1995 Ms. Graça Machel Mozambique
1996 Handicap International
1997 Sister Joannes Klas USA
1998 Mr. Mustafa Dzemiley Ukraine
2000 Ms. Jelena Silajdzic Bosnia and Herzegovinathe UN
Mr. Abune Paulos Ethiopia
Mr. Lao Mong Hay Cambodia
Mr. Miguel Angel Estrella Argentina
2001 Maestro Luciano Pavarotti Italy
2002 Captain Arne F. Rinnan Norway
The Crew of the M/V “Tampa” (Norway) and Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA
2003 Dr. Annalena Tonelli Italy
2004 Memorial Human Rights Centre Russian Federation
2005 Ms. Marguerite Barankitse Burundi
2006 Dr. Akio Kanai Japan
2007 Ms. Katrine Camilleri Malta
2008 UNMACC & 1000 Lebanese civilian deminers in South Lebanon Lebanon
2009 Edward Moore Kennedy USA
2010 Alixandra Fazzina UK
2015難民女教師艾琪拉·阿斯菲 阿富汗