



  • 公司名稱:南京博蘭得電子科技有限公司
  • 經營範圍:電力電子
  • 資本:5000餘萬元
  • 人物:徐明


南京博蘭得電子科技有限公司(下稱博)是由全漢集團(FSP Group)、3Y Power Tech.(USA)與徐明博士團隊共同注資成立、致力於先進電力電子技術研發與產品化以及新能源技術套用的高科技公司。




Under the leadership of Professor Ming Xu, many elite graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University’s Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES) are returning to China. This largest-scale migration of highly talented individuals in the history of CPES is forming the “Dream Team” of Power Electronics in China. Collectively, this nucleus of individuals provide a very broad, yet deep, understanding of today’s leading-edge technologies in power electronics systems, topology, modeling, control, simulation, and packaging.
Together this group of individuals is committed to forging a company filled with unique character, innovation, and passion into a new publicly-trade high-tech power electronics company, FSP-Powerland.
FSP-Powerland has the mission to consistently extend the frontier of power electronics. With solid backing and commitment of the FSP-Group, FSP-Powerland is framed with four core branches: Generation Technology Center (GTC), Generation Product Center (GPC), Generation Market Center (GMC), and Generation Software Center (GSC). Working in unison, their combined mission is to steer FSP-Powerland towards solutions to the multitudes of problems facing mankind today. From problems of global warming and the resultant energy crisis, to the need for future “green” power electronics technologies and their commensurate needs for ultra-high-efficiency concepts, FSP-Powerland has the potential to develop and market “must-have” technologies for the 21st century.
Similarly, FSP-Powerland is committed to the “soft” goals to improve the educational and cultural aspects of high-tech power electronics talent. Specifically, the GSC will foster the special form of education established by CPES at Virginia Tech. Through special courses and seminars, the intent is to disseminate system theory and knowledge, as well as cutting-edge technology, to enable a large number of engineering personnel in the power electronics field to master a wide range of technical topics.
It is through this multi-faceted approach that FSP-Powerland will be seen as a major contributor to our society.
徐明教授將帶領從CPES,Virginia Tech學成歸來的精英志士們,憑其各自在系統與拓撲;控制與建模;集成與封裝領域的深厚造詣, 眾志成城,穩步地將博漢公司發展壯大,成為一個富有個性和人性, 充滿激情和創意,極具影響力的高端電力電子技術的上市公司。


以全漢集團為堅強後盾,依託時代技術研究中心(GTC) ,時代軟體中心(GSC) ,時代市場開發中心(GMC) ,和時代產品開發中心(GPC),將致力於發展超高效率和低能耗的“綠色”電力電子高端產品。博漢公司將不斷探索藍海領域,一心成為電力電子世界的“Apple” 。
博漢公司亦將致力於電力電子的高技術人才的培養和教育。其時代軟體中心(GSC)將秉承CPES,Virginia Tech擁有的培訓方式,電力電子的系統理論知識和前瞻的新技術,向廣大的電力電子志士以極具特色的方式提供豐富的專業培訓課程,為我們的社會盡一份心力。”


