- 中文名:卓睿
- 別名:無
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:湖北省安陸市
- 職業:高校教師,科研工作者
- 畢業院校:華中科技大學(985、雙一流高校)
- 信仰:共產主義
- 主要成就:承擔或參與多項國家科研項目

- Rui Zhuo, Jingwen Zhang, Hongbo Yu, et al., The roles of Pleurotus ostreatus HAUCC 162 laccase isoenzymes in decolorization of synthetic dyes and the transformation pathways.Chemosphere, 234(2019) 733-745.
- Rui Zhuo, Hongbo Yu, Xing Qin, et al., Heterologous expression and characterization of a xylanase and xylosidase from white rot fungi and their application in synergistic hydrolysis of lignocellulose. Chemosphere, 212 (2018) 24-33. .
- Rui Zhuo, Hongbo Yu, Peng Yuan, et al., Heterologous expression and characterization of three laccases obtained from Pleurotus ostreatus HAUCC 162 for removal of environmental pollutants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 344 (2018) 499-510.
- Rui Zhuo, Peng Yuan, Yang Yang, et al., Induction of laccase by metal ions and aromatic compounds in Pleurotus ostreatus HAUCC 162 and decolorization of different synthetic dyes by the extracellular laccase. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 117 (2017) 62-72.
- Rui Zhuo, Feng He, Xiaoyu Zhang, et al., Characterization of a yeast recombinant laccase rLAC-EN3-1 and its application in decolorizing synthetic dye with the coexistence of metal ions and organic solvents. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 93 (2015) 63-72.
- Rui Zhuo, Li Ma, Fangfang Fan, et al., Decolorization of different dyes by a newly isolated white-rot fungi strain Ganoderma sp. En3 and cloning and functional analysis of its laccase gene. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 192 (2011) 855–873.