2011/10-2016/04: 荷蘭特文特大學 博士
2010/09-2011/08: 西北農林科技大學 碩博連讀(碩)
2006/09-2010/07: 西北農林科技大學 工學學士
2018/04至今: 西北農林科技大學 水土保持研究所 研究員
(2019/12: 中央黨校(國家行政學院)第二期青年英才研修班學習)
2016/10-2018/03: 西北農林科技大學 水土保持研究所 副研究員
2016/05-2016/09: 荷蘭特文特大學 客座研究員
1. 第十四批國家青年人才項目,2018年,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,黃河流域作物生產水足跡時空演變與尺度效應研究,51809215,2019/01-2021/12,主持
3. “十三五”國家重點研發計畫課題,“農業領域典型作物生產水足跡量化、評價和認證關鍵技術研究”,2018YFF0215702,2018/07-2021/06,專題負責人
4. 中國科學院西部青年學者(B類),2017,主持
5. 陝西省自然科學基金青年項目,水足跡視角下黃河流域作物生產耗水時空變異性研究,2018JQ4020,2018/01-2019/12,主持
6. 流域水循環模擬與調控國家重點實驗室開放基金,京津冀消耗型水足跡與虛擬水流動演變及驅動因素研究,IWHR-SKL-201702,2017/05-2019/05,主持
7. 陝西省留學人員科技活動擇優資助項目,2017年,主持
2018/06至今:中國自然資源學會資源流動與管理專業委員會 委員
2017/06至今:學術期刊Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (Water-SmartFood Production) 編委
2019/03至今:學術期刊Advances in Water Resources 專刊執行編委
2020/01至今:歐美同學會(中國留學人員聯誼會)北歐分會 第七屆理事
1. 卓拉, 栗萌, 吳普特, 黃紅榮, 劉藝琳. (2020). 黃河流域作物生產與消費實體水-虛擬水耦合流動時空演變與驅動力分析. 水利學報, 51(9), 1059-1069.
2. 卓拉, 王偉, 馮變變, 謝朋軒, 高學睿, 吳普特. (2019). 黃河流域小麥生產水足跡量化與評價. 農業機械學報, 50(9), 264-271.
3. Zhuo, L., Marston, L., Hoekstra, A. Y., & Wu, P. (2021). Local water management in a global context. Advances in Water Resources. 104022.
4. Mao, Y., Liu,Y., Zhuo, L., Wang, W.,Li, M., Feng, B., & Wu, P.. (2021). Quantitative evaluation of spatial scale effects on regional water footprint in crop production. Resources, Conservation & Recycling,173, 105709.
5. Huang, H., Zhuo, L., Wang, R., Shang,K., Li, M., Yang, X., & Wu, P. (2021). Agricultural infrastructure: The forgotten key driving force of crop-related water footprints and virtual water flows in China. Journal of CleanerProduction, 309, 127455.
6. Li, M., Xu, Z.,Jiang, S., Zhuo, L.,Gao, X., Zhao, Y., Liu,Y., Wang, W., Jin, J., & Wu, P. (2021). Non-negligible regional differences in the driving forces of crop-related water footprint and virtual water flows:a case study for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123670.
7. Shang, K., Zhuo, L., Yang, X., Yue,Z., Zhao, D., & Wu, P. (2021). Emergy analysis of the blue and green water resources in crop production systems. Journalof Cleaner Production, 128666.
8. Gao, J., Xie,P., Zhuo, L., Shang, K.,Ji, X., & Wu, P.. (2021). Water footprints of irrigated crop production and meteorological driving factors at multiple temporal scales. Agricultural Water Management, 255,107014.
9. Liu, Y., Zhuo, L., Varis, O., Fang,K., Liu, G., & Wu, P.. (2021). Enhancing water and land efficiency in agricultural production and trade between Central Asia and China.Science of The Total Environment,780, 146584.
10. Liu, Y., Zhuo,L., Yang, X., Ji, X., Yue, Z., Zhao, D., & Wu, P..(2021). Crop production allocations for saving water and improving calorie supply in China. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, 23.
11. Feng, B., Zhuo,L., Xie, D., Mao, Y., Gao, J., Xie, P., & Wu, P. (2021). A quantitative review of water footprint accounting and simulation for crop production based on publications during 2002–2018. Ecological Indicators, 120, 106962.
12. Yang, X., Zhuo,L., Xie, P., Huang, H., Feng, B., & Wu, P..(2021). Physical versus economic water footprints in crop production: a spatial and temporal analysis for China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(1), 169-191.
13. Gao, J., Zhuo,L., Liu, Y., Xie, P., Wang, W., Li, M., Gao, X., & Wu, P..(2020). Efficiency and sustainability of inter-provincial crop-related virtual water transfers in China. Advances in Water Resources, 138, 103560.
14. Xie, D., Zhuo,L., Xie, P., Liu, Y., Feng, B., & Wu, P..(2020). Spatiotemporal variations and developments of water footprints of pig feeding and pork production in China (2004–2013). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 297, 106932.
15. Xie, P., Zhuo,L., Yang, X., Huang, H., Gao, X., & Wu, P. (2020).Spatial-temporal variations in blue and green water resources, water footprints and water scarcities in a large river basin: A case for the Yellow River basin. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125222.
16. Zhuo, L., Liu, Y., Yang, H., Hoekstra, A. Y., Liu, W., Cao,X., Wang, M., & Wu, P.(2019). Water for maize for pigs for pork: An analysis of inter-provincial trade in China. Water Research, 166,115074.
17. Zhuo, L., Hoekstra, A. Y., Wu, P., & Zhao,X. (2019). Monthly blue water footprint caps in a river basin to achieve sustainable water consumption: The role of reservoirs. Science of The Total Environment, 650, 891-899.
18. Wang, W., Zhuo,L., Li, M., Liu, Y., & Wu, P. (2019). The effect of developmentin water-saving irrigation techniques on spatial-temporal variations in crop water footprint and benchmarking. Journal of Hydrology, 577, 123916.
19. Zhuo, L., & Hoekstra, A. Y. (2017). The effect of different agricultural management practices on irrigation efficiency, water use efficiency and green and blue water footprint. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 4(2), 185-194.
20. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M., & Hoekstra, A. Y.. (2016). The effect of inter-annual variability of consumption, production, trade and climate on crop-related green and blue water footprints and inter-regional virtual water trade: A study for China (1978–2008). Water Research, 94, 73-85.
21. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M., & Hoekstra, A. Y. (2016).Consumptive water footprint and virtual water trade scenarios for China—With a focus on crop production, consumption and trade. Environment International, 94, 211-223.
22. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M., & Hoekstra, A. Y. (2016).Benchmark levels for the consumptive water footprint of crop production for different environmental conditions: a case study for winter wheat in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,20(11), 4547-4559.
23. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M., Hoekstra, A. Y., & Wada, Y.(2016). Inter-and intra-annual variation of water footprint of crops and blue water scarcity in the Yellow River basin (1961–2009). Advances in Water Resources, 87, 29-41.
24. Zhuo, L., Mekonnen, M. M., & Hoekstra, A. Y. (2014).Sensitivity and uncertainty in crop water footprint accounting: a case study for the Yellow River basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(6), 2219-2234.
1. 吳普特, 卓拉, 劉藝琳, 高學睿, 王玉寶, 趙西寧, 孫世坤 (2019). 區域主要作物生產實體水-虛擬水耦合流動過程解析與評價. 科學通報, 64(18), 1953-1966.
2. Wu, L., Elshorbagy, A., Pande,S., & Zhuo, L. (2021).Trade-offs and synergies in the water-energy-food nexus: The case of Saskatchewan, Canada. Resources,Conservation & Recycling, 164, 105192.
3. Liu, W., Antonelli, M., Kummu, M.,Zhao, X., Wu, P., Liu, J., Zhuo, L.,& Yang, H. (2019). Savings and losses of global water resources in food‐related virtual water trade. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 6(1), e1320.
4. Ye, Q., Li, Y., Zhuo, L., Zhang, W., Xiong, W., Wang, C., & Wang, P. (2018).Optimal allocation of physical water resources integrated with virtual water trade in water scarce regions: A case study for Beijing, China. Water Research, 129, 264-276.