The story is about an internet forum called “BDD Forum System” which is threatened to be destroyed by a hacker named “Intoxicant”. While every user in the forum is wondering what kind of disaster will “Intoxicant” bring, 6 different users start suspecting each other. When the countdown to annihilation starts, the chaos between identity and trust begins to grow.
Born and raised in Taipei, 1981, John Hsu is currently studying in the MFA class for Filmmaking in Shih Hsin University.Always interested in subjects like the virtual reality, digital culture, and video games, John Hsu won the “Best Director Award” at Golden Bell Award 2005 (the biggest television award in Taiwan similar to the Emmy) with his TV movie debut “Real Online”, which is about online computer game players. He was a member of Berlinale Talent Campus 2007. 世新大學出資支持,世新廣電系碩士班研究生徐漢強擔任導演,集合大學生與電影專業人士首次攝製35釐米底片短片作品《匿名遊戲INTOXICANT》,今天下午5點半在世新大學首映。徐漢強表示,《匿名遊戲》想呈現在網路世界無法確認真實性,在匿名包裝下,人們不需要負責,發展出許多瘋狂的言論與爭議。片子沒有太多特效,靠著美術與場景,打造出虛擬世界的模樣。