



  • 書名:北京英語水平考試標準教程:第2級
  • ISBN:9787040201369
  • 頁數:296頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2006年8月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本: 16


《北京英語水平考試標準教程(第2級)》以30個日常話題為切入點,對閱讀、寫作、聽力和口語四部分考試內容進行訓練和點撥,既實用又有針對性。突破傳統的編寫模式,將知識點的講解和練習融為一體,達到了輕鬆學、學中練、練中記的目的。同時,每單元末尾的語言總結(Language summary)簡明扼要地列出了本單元出現的語言、語法知識點,便於學生系統記憶和查找。考試活頁夾(Exam folder)詳細而集中地介紹了考試要求、考試形式和考試內容,提出應試建議,其中還包含專門針對考生薄弱環節:寫作而設定的寫作活頁夾(writing folder),集中訓練寫作技能,縮短了學、用、考之間的距離,為書中的點睛之筆。辭彙表按單元排列,各單元辭彙以話題為中心,緊密相關,便於學生記憶、檢索和掌握。


Content of the BETS-2 examination
Unit 1 A question of sport
Exam folder1
Unit 2 The meeting place
Exam folder2
Unit 3 What's your job?
Exam folder3
Unit 4 Let's go out
Exam folder4
Unit 5 Wheels and wings
Exam folder5
Unit 6 What did you do at school today?
Exam folder6
Units 1-6 Revision
Unit 7 Around town
Exam folder7
Unit 8 Let's celebrate
Exam folder8
Unit 9 How do you feel?
Exam folder9
Unit 10 I look forward to hearing from you
Exam folder10
Unit 11 Facts and figures
Exam folder11
Unit 12 A good read
Exam folder12
Units 7-1 2 Revision
Unit 13 A place of my own
Exam folder13
Unit 14 What's in fashion?
Exam folder14
Unit 15 Risk!
Exam folder15
Unit 16 Free time
Exam folder16
Unit 17 In the future
Exam folder17
Unit 18 Shooting a film
Exam folder18
Units 13?8 Revision
Unit 19 Happy families
Exam folder19
Unit 20 So you want to be a pop star?
Exam folder20
Unit 21 Money matters
Exam folder21
Unit 22 Strange but true?
Exam folder22
Unit 23 Best friends?
Exam folder23
Unit 24 I've got an idea
Exam folder24
Units 19?4 Revision
Unit 25 Shop till you drop
Exam folder25
Unit 26 Persuading people
Exam folder26
Unit 27 Travellers' tales
Exam folder27
Unit 28 What would you do?
Exam foIder28
Unit 29 What's on the menu?
Exam folder29
Unit 30 Blue for a boy,pink for a girl?
Exam folder30
Units 25-30 Revision
Appendix l Visual materials
Appendix II Phonetic symbols
Appendix III Vocabulaw folder
Appendix IV Irregular verbs
Appendix V Answers and recording script


