- 中文名:北京師範大學地理學與遙感科學學院
- 外文名:School of Geography
- 創辦時間:1902
- 類別:學院
- 現任領導:院長:梁順林
分黨委書記:葛岳靜 - 地址:北京市新街口外大街19號
序號 | 專著/教材名稱 | 作者/編者(僅填寫封面作者) | 出版年月 |
1 | 多源光學遙感數據歸一化處理技術與方法 | 仲波、柳欽火、單小軍、穆西晗 | 201510 |
2 | 遙感水文 | 楊勝天、趙長森 | 201502 |
3 | 遙感水文數字實驗—EcoHAT軟體使用手冊 | 楊勝天、王志偉、趙長森、蔡明勇 | 201502 |
4 | 黃土高原土壤侵蝕評價 | 張科利、謝雲、魏欣 | 201510 |
5 | 世界旅遊城市建設的理論與實踐 | 宋金平、於萍、王永明等著 | 201509 |
6 | 新編中國自然地理 | 趙濟、方修琦、王衛 | 201505 |
7 | Contemporary Ecology Research in China | Wenhua Li | 201510 |
8 | 第三次氣候變化國家評估報告 | 《第三次氣候變化國家評估報告》編委會 | 201511 |
9 | 中國省市區地理——澳門地理 | 總主編王靜愛,分冊主編肖玲 | 201506 |
10 | 中國省市區地理——湖北地理 | 總主編王靜愛,分冊主編李娟文,朱俊林,梅惠 | 201502 |
11 | World Atlas of Natural Disaster Risk | Peijun Shi, Roger Kasperson | 201503 |
12 | 大城市創意產業空間與網路結構:基於北京和上海的實證研究 | 朱華晟 | 201506 |
13 | 區域經濟學(第三版,國家十一五規劃教材) | 吳殿廷、宋金平、孫久文、覃成林 | 201503 |
14 | 《環境教育》第二版七年級(上) | 王民、蔚東英 | 201507 |
15 | 《環境教育》第二版八年級(上) | 王民、蔚東英 | 201507 |
16 | 《環境教育》第二版九年級(上) | 王民、蔚東英 | 201507 |
17 | 《環境教育》第二版高中一年級(上) | 王民、蔚東英 | 201507 |
18 | 《環境教育》第二版高中二年級(上) | 王民、蔚東英 | 201508 |
19 | 地球小博士全國中學生地理科普知識大賽真題解析(國中組) | 王民 | 201508 |
20 | 地球小博士全國中學生地理科普知識大賽真題解析(高中組) | 王民 | 201508 |
21 | 中學理科課程標準國際比較與研究 | 王民 | 201501 |
22 | 中國溝域經濟機理與發展模式研究 | 吳殿廷主編,趙小芳、耿建忠、吳殿廷著 | 201501 |
23 | 旅遊綜合體建設的理論與實踐 | 吳殿廷總主編,劉鋒、高熾海主編 | 201501 |
表 2015年地理學與遙感科學學院邀請海外專家學者專題講座一覽表
主講人 | 主講單位/職務 | 題目 |
Hung-Gay FUNG (馮鴻璣)教授 | 密蘇里大學聖路易斯分校(UMSL) Dr. Y.S. Tsiang 特聘教授 | Isolation and Connected to the Environment |
Vladimir A. Kolosov | IGU主席(2012-2016),莫斯科國立大學地理系世界經濟地理系負責人 | Border studies: progress in theory and practical applications |
Ms. Sally Hardy | the Chief Executive of the Regional Studies Association – the leading scholarly association for the study of cities and regions. | Authors, Articles and How to Make an Impact:Trends in Academic Publishing |
Prof. Stephen Kelly | 美國杜克大學 | Energy Security and Geopolitics |
Professor Philip Lewis | The future of environmental monitoring with remote sensing data | |
Ph. D. Rachel Berndtson | Department of Geographical Sciences University of Maryland | Sustainable agriculture in the Jewish community: A Baltimore, Maryland case study |
Dr. Chi-hua Huang, Dr. Sayjro Kossi Nouwakpo | Dr. Chi-hua Huang: 美國國家土壤侵蝕實驗室主任, Dr. Sayjro Kossi Nouwakpo: 美國內華達大學(里諾) 自然資源與環境科學系研究員 | Soil Erosion Research Technology Workshop |
Prof. Des E. Walling | 國際知名水文學家,曾任國際泥沙水 科學協會( IASWS)主席、世界泥沙研究學會( WASER)首任主席。 | The Use of Fallout Radionuclides in the Study of Soil Erosion and Catchment Sediment Budgets: Some Observations on Current Progress |
Ilya Chubarov | Moscow State University | Urbanization and formation of urban system in Russia: history and recent tendencies |
Dr.Klaus Hubacek | the advisory board for the City of Shanghai Climate Center in China ,council member of the International Input-Output Association. | Linking the local to the global through environmental trade models |
Yu Bofu(於伯孚) | 澳大利亞格里菲斯大學工學院 | Sediment Delivery into the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon in Australia – its importance and implications |
John Zhang | USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Lab | Sediment source fingerprinting: a new direction |
Chuanrong Zhang | 康乃狄克大學 | Effective techniques to fill gaps in Landsat ETM+ imagery |
Dr. Xiuping Jia | Senior Lecturer of The University of New South Wales | From subpixels to superpixels: post processing for adaptive mapping |
Prof. Curtis Woodcock | Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University | Time Series Analysis of LandsatData for Continuous Monitoring of Land Cover Change and Condition |
Prof. Robert Haining | 英國劍橋大學地理系 | Thinking Spatially, Thinking Statistically, Thinking Spatially and Statistically |
William C. Kyle, Jr | 密蘇里大學聖路易斯分校(UMSL) | 1.Connecting School Science to the Socio-cultural Realities that Shape the Lives of Youth , 2. An Agenda for Action: Expanding Our Views of the Goals of Education |
Dr. Xueliang Cai | International Water Management Institute (IWMI) | Field to continental applications of remote sensing in research for agricultural water management: some examples from Asia and Africa |
Dr. Ole Wendroth | 美國肯塔基大學農學院植物與土壤科學系教授 | Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Soil Physics – Linking between Scales and Disciplines |