



  • 書名:北京市高中選修課試用教材·高中英語閱讀1
  • ISBN:9787560006871
  • 頁數:153頁
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:1993年9月1日
  • 開本:16開
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Unit One
Part One Text Edison's First Invention
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Horsepower
Part Three Reading Skills
Guessing the Unknown Words from the Context
Unit Two
Part One Text Light
Part Two Fast Reading Passage What to Do When Someone
Unit Three
Part One Text Young Girl Saves'Man
Part Two Fast Reading Passage The Most Intelligent Animal
Unit Four
Part One Text Volunteers
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Ice Cream
Unit Five
Part one Text SOS Children's Villages
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Speed
Unit Six
Part one Text The Moon
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Backwards
Unit Severn
Part One Text The Sea
Part Two Fast Reading Passage The New Fur Suit
Part Three Reading Skills Prediction
UNit Eight
Part One Text February
Part Two Fast Reading Passage A Famous Rock
Unit Nine
Part One Text Donating Blood
Part Two Fast Reading Passage The Fish on the Mountain
Unit Ten
Part One Text Weather Maps
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Thanksgiving Day
Unit Eleven
Part One Text Elephants
Part Two Fast Reading Passage
The Langest, the Biggest and the Tallest Building in the World
Unit Twelve
Part One Text The Car in America
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Friendly Talk
Unit Thirteen
Part One Text The Silent Lake
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Ston.e Money, Feather Money
Part Three Reading Skills hnportance of.Topic Sentences
Unit Fourteen
Part One Text Easter
Part Two Fast Reading Passage The Wheel Man's First lnventio
Unit Fifteen
Port One Text Flying Today
Part Two Fast Reading .Passage Mr.Smith's New Car
Unit Sixteen
Part One Text A New Infectious Disease
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Thanking and Apologizing
Unit Seventeen
Part One Text Clarence Nash and Donald Duck
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Daley Thompson
UNit Eighteen
Part One Text Do You Have Healthy Habits?
Part Two Fast Reading Passage
Why Do. Some Trees Shed Their Leaves?
Unit Nineteen
Part One Text Polite Behaviour
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Encounter with a Snake
Part Three Reading Skills Scanning
UNit Twenty
part One Text Dolphins Are Not Fish
Part Two Fast Reading Passage How to Return a Broken
Household Appliance
UNit Twenty-one
Part One Text We Are More Than Seventy Percent Water
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Day and Night
UNit Twenty-two
Part One Text Florence Nightingale
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Flying Doctors
UNit Twenty-three
Part One Text The Orkney Islands
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Rescuing a Patient on a Train
UNit Twenty-four
Part One Text The Olympic Games
Part Two Fast Reading Passage The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Part Three Reading Skills Fact and Opinion
Unit Twenty-five
Part One Text Advertisement
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Electronic Mail
Unit Twenty-six
Part One Text Computers
Part Two Fast Reading Passage The Best Medicine
Unit Twenty-Seven
Part One Text lnternet in the Classroom
Part Two Fast Reading Passage Pollution Fight
Unit Twenty-eight
Part One Text Rush Hour Traffic Around the World
Part Two Fast Reading Passage AIDS
Part Three Reading Skills Skimming


