- 中文名:北京大學法學百科全書·社會法學環境法學智慧財產權法學科技法學
- 作者:北京大學法學百科全書編委會
- 出版時間:2016年5月30日
- 出版社:北京大學出版社
- 頁數:976 頁
- ISBN:9787301266427
- 定價:190.00
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:精裝
- 叢書名:北京大學法學百科全書
- 千字數:221
- 版次:1
《阿拉伯聯盟環境與發展宣言》(Arab League Declaration on Environment and Development)
愛爾伯福制(Elberfelder System) 安全獎(award for security) 安全區(safe zone)
《安全生產法》(Law on Safety in Production of P.R.C) 暗示商標(implicit trademark)
奧林匹克標誌(Olympic symbols)
《奧林匹克標誌保護條例》(Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Symbols)
奧林匹克智慧財產權(intellectual property rights on Olympic)
奧哲爾(George Odger,1820—1877) 澳門《勞資關係法令》(Labour Relations Act of Macau)
澳門《社會保障法令》(Social Security Act of Macau) 863計畫(“863” Program)
巴黎聯盟(Paris Union) 《(扒炭工和司爐工)最低年齡公約》(Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or Stokers)
罷工(strike) 罷工權(right to strike)
白宮科學技術政策辦公室(The Whitehouse Office of Science and Technology Policy, OSTP)
白色清單條款(terms in white list) 百科全書(encyclopedia)
《班吉協定》(Bangui Agreement) 版本保存(version save)
著作權(copyright) 著作權標記(copyright notice) 著作權產業(copyright industry)
著作權聲明(copyright notice) 著作權市場(copyright market) 著作權戰略(copyright strategy)
著作權自動保護(automatic protection) 版稅(royalty) 半就業(subemployment)
《保護北極熊協定》(Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears)
《保護表演者、錄音製品製作者和廣播組織的國際公約》(International Convention for the Protection of Performers,Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations)
《保護臭氧層維也納公約》(Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer)
《保護工業產權巴黎公約》(Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property)
《保護錄音製品製作者防止未經許可複製其錄音製品公約》(Geneva Convention on the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms)
《保護南極海豹公約》(Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals)
《保護原產地名稱及其國際註冊里斯本協定》(Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registration)
保護智慧財產權舉報投訴服務中心(Service Center for IP Protection)
《保護植物新品種日內瓦公約》(Geneva Convention for the Protection of New Variety of Plant)
保護作品完整權(right of integrity) 保加利亞《自然保護法》(Nature Conservation Act of Bulgaria)
保健津貼(allawance for health) 保密措施(measures for keeping secrets)
保障基本生活原則(the principle of ensuring basic living) 北極理事會(Arctic Council)
北京地球村(Beijing Global Village)
《北京市奧林匹克智慧財產權保護規定》(Provisions on the Protection of Beijing Olympic Intellectual Property Right) 《北京宣言》(Beijing Declaration)
北歐模式(Nordic Model) 貝弗里奇報告(William Beveridges Report)
貝弗里奇計畫(William Beveridges Program) 背景噪聲(background noise)
被許可人禁止反言原則(license estoppel)
本領域普通技術人員(person having ordinary skill in the art)
本身違法原則(per se rule) 比較廣告(comparative advertisement)
比較環境法(comparative environmental law) 比重法(specific gravity method)
必須使用註冊商標的商品(goods must use a registered trademark)
必要專利(essential patent) 避風港(safe harbor)
《避免對著作權使用費雙重徵稅的多邊條約》(Madrid Multilateral Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Copyright Royalties) 邊緣福利(fringe benefits) 編輯作品(edited works)
便民利民服務(service convenient to the people and benefit for the people)
變革謀勝利(Change to Win) 變更申請(application for the change of trademark registration)
標準工資(standard wages) 標準工作時間(standard working hours)
標準化戰略(standardization strategy) 標準活動的反壟斷審查(antitrust investigation in standardization) 標準制定組織(standard setting organization) 表演(performance)
表演權(right of performance) 表演者(performer) 表演者權(right of performer)
《瀕危野生動植物物種國際貿易公約》(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, CITES) 病假(illness leave) 病假待遇(illness leave benefits)
病假工資(salary for illness leave) 波蘭殘疾人合作社(the disabled cooperative in Poland)
《伯爾尼公約》(Berne Convention) 駁回申請(ejection of an application)
補充醫療保險(supplementary medical insurance) 不定時工作制(system of irregular working hours)
不對稱法律關係(unsymmetrical legal relations) 不可註冊商標(unregistrable trademark)
不可專利的客體(unpatentable subject matter)
《不擴散核武器條約》(Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons, NPT)
不受著作權法保護的作品(works not protected by copyright law )
不正當競爭行為(unwarrantable competing actions) 不主張專利權申明(nonassertion letter)
部分積累制(proportional accumulation system) 部分判決制度(partial judgment system)
部分喪失勞動能力(partly loss of working ability) 殘疾(deformity)
殘疾兒童(disabled children) 殘疾兒童康復中心(rehabilitation center for the disabled children)
殘疾津貼(allowance for the disabled) 殘疾人(persons with disabilities)
《(殘疾人)職業康復和就業公約(第159號公約)》(Convention concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) )殘疾人福利(welfare of the handicapped)
殘疾人福利事業費(welfare expenditure for the handicapped)
殘疾人輔助設施和工具(auxiliary facilities & instrument for the disabled)
《殘疾人機會均等標準規則》(the Standard Rules on The Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities) 殘疾人教育福利(the education welfare of the disabled)
殘疾人救助(disabled persons assistance)
殘疾人救助制度(social assistance system for the persons with disabilities)
殘疾人就業(employment of the disabled)
《殘疾人就業條例》(Regulation on Employment of Disabled Persons)
殘疾人康復(rehabilitation of the disabled)
殘疾人社會安全保障(social safety security for the disabled)
殘疾人社會發展保障(social development security of the disabled)
殘疾人社會福利機構(social welfare institutions for the disabled)
殘疾人社會物質保障(social material security of the disabled)
殘疾人文化娛樂福利(culture and entertainment welfare for the disabled)
《草原法》(Grassland Law) 《草原防火條例》(Regulation on Grassland Fire Prevention)
拆封許可(shrinkwrap license) 產假(maternity leave)
產品發明(product invention) 產學研合作(industryacademy collaboration)
產學研合作創新組織體(industryacademy collaboration innovative organization)
產學研聯合創新機制(mechanism of cooperative innovation among enterprises, universities and research institutes) 產學研聯合開發工程(industryacademy project)
產學研聯盟(industryacademy alliance) 產學研一體化(integration of industryacademy)
產業革命(the Industrial Revolution) 產業工會(industrial trade union federation)
產業政策論(industrial policy theory) 撤銷註冊商標(cancellation of a registered trademark)
《城市放射性廢物管理辦法》(Measures on Management of Urban Radioactive Waste)
《城市居民最低生活保障條例》(Regulation of Subsistence Allowances for the Urban Poor)
《城市綠化條例》(Regulation on City Virescence) 城市貧困(povertystricken area in city)
城市生活垃圾(municipal waste) 城市失業救助制度(unemployment assistance system in city)
《城市市容和環境衛生管理條例》(Regulation on Management of Urban Appearance and Environmental Sanitation) 城市煙塵控制區(urban fume control zone) 城市噪聲(urban noise)
城鎮污水集中處理設施(facilities for the concentrated treatment of urban sewage)
城鎮職工基本醫療保險(basic health insurance for urban workers and staff)
馳名取得(obtain by fame) 馳名商標(wellknown trademark)
《馳名商標認定和保護規定》(Provisions on the Recognition and Protection of Wellknown Trademark)
馳名商號(famous trade name) 持久性有機污染物(persistent organic pollutants)
充分就業(full employment) 籌資渠道模式(models of fundraising channel)
籌資形式模式(models of fundraising form) 臭氧層保護(ozone layer protection)
臭氧層耗損(ozone layer depletion) 臭氧層破壞(ozone layer destroy)
出版者(publisher) 出版者權(right of publisher) 初步審查(preliminary examination)
初步審定公告(reliminary examination affiche)
《處於危險的世界遺產目錄》(List of World Heritage In Danger)
傳統農業(traditional agriculture) 傳統醫學(traditional medicine)
傳統知識(traditional knowledge) 船舶污染事故報告書(report of vessel pollution accident)
創新動力(motivations of innovation) 創新績效(innovation performance)
創新激勵(innovation incentive) 創新模式(innovation modes)
創新能力(innovation capability) 創新型國家(innovative country)
創新要素(factors of innovation) 創新主體(innovation subjects)
創造性(creativeness) 創作(creation) 慈善(charity)
慈善活動(benevolent activities) 慈善機構(philanthropic group)
慈善基金會(charity federation) 慈善募捐(charity donation)
慈善事業(philanthropy) 慈善晚會(charity evening)
次生環境問題(secondary environmental problems) 從契約到身份(from contract to status)
從身份到契約(from status to contract) 從屬權利要求(dependent claim)
搭便車(free riding) 搭售(tying) 大陸架(continental shelf)
大氣環境質量公報(reports on the quality of the atmospheric environment)
大氣污染(atmospheric pollution)
大氣污染防治法(the law of the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution)
大氣污染防治重點城市(key cities for the control of air pollution)
《大清著作權律》(The Copyright Law of the Great Qing)
代為處置制度(administrative substitute disposal system) 待業(wait for employment)
待業保險(unemployment insurance of planning economy)
待業期間(duration of unemployment of planning economy) 待業人員(jobseekers)
待業職工(unemployed workers of planning economy) 怠工(sabotage)
單項獎(individual award) 單一性原則(principle of unity)
盜用信息(misappropriation of information)
德國工會聯合會(Confederation of German Trade Unions)
德國僱主協會總會(Confederation of German Employers Association)
德國《聯邦數據保護法》(Germany Federal Data Protection Act)
德國模式(German model) 《德意志帝國工業法》(German Reich Industry Act)
登記對抗主義(principle of register for withstanding)
登記生效主義(principle of register for becoming effective)
等級工資制(graded wage system) 等同侵權原則(doctrine of equivalent infringement)
低收入家庭救助制度(social assistance system for the lowincome home)
《低收入家庭能源幫助計畫》(The LowIncome Home Energy Assistance Program, LIHEAP)
牴觸申請(interfering application) 抵消政策(offset policy)
地方標準(regional standard) 地方工會(local trade union federation)
地理標誌(geographic indication) 地理標誌的侵害行為(infringement on geographic indication)
地理標誌權(right on geographic indication) 地理環境(geographical environment)
地名(place name) 地圖作品(maps) 地質環境(geological environment)
第三法域(jurisdiction of the third law) 第三條道路(Third Path)
《電磁輻射環境保護管理辦法》(Measures on the Management of Electromagnetic Radiation Environmental Protection) 電磁輻射污染(electromagnetic radiation pollution)
電視劇本(screenplay) 電視作品(television work) 電信資源(telecommunication resource)
電影劇本(screenplay) 電影作品(cinematographic work)
電子代理人(electronic agent) 電子公告板(bulletin board system,BBS)
電子契約(electronic contract) 電子貨幣(electronic currency)
電子計算機創作作品(works created by computer)
電子簽名認證證書(electronic signature authentication certificate)
電子認證服務(electronic authentication service)
《電子認證服務管理辦法》(Measures for the Administration of Electronic Certification Services)
電子商務(electronic commerce) 電子商務法(ecommerce law)
電子數據交換(electronic data exchange,EDI)
《電子銀行安全評估指引》(Guidelines for the Security Assessment of Electronic Banks)
《電子銀行業務管理辦法》(Measures for the Administration of Electronic Banking)
電子證據(electronic evidence) 電子政務(electronic government)