



  • 公司名稱:北京中科大洋科技發展股份有限公司
  • 成立時間:1989年
  • 經營範圍:廣播電視專業設備及相關產品的研製開發和生產
  • 註冊資金:7000多萬元人民幣


中科大洋的業務涵蓋了電視台采、編、制、播、存、管的全流程,產品包括“浩瀚”雲媒資系統、“睿逸”高標清播出系統、DNET 3.0新一代高清新聞製作系統、NovelWorks新媒體工廠、POSTPACK後期製作軟體套裝、DAURIC演播室圖文包裝系統、VIPS磐石視頻伺服器等。
在不斷推出具有自主智慧財產權的專業視頻產品的同時,中科大洋公司與Panasonic、Oracle、Cisco、Thomson、MatroxIBM、AMD、Spectra Logic等國際知名企業建立了長期友好的合作關係,本著“自主、開放、創新”的經營理念,立足中國、面向世界的中科大洋公司正在逐步發展成為國際化的專業視頻公司。


Dayang Technology Development Inc. is a world leading manufacturer and developer of broadcast-quality digital solutions for standard-definition, high-definition and web-based products for content creation, ingest, archiving, transcoding, broadcast playout and Media Asset Management. Founded in 1989, today, inside China, Dayang is a dominant brand taking an estimated 60% of China market share.
Dayang pioneers the development of character generators, non-linear editing equipment and completes digital networking systems for the Chinese market with full international compatibility. Manufacturing and production are ISO-9001 certified, ensuring the highest standards of design, assembly, testing and delivery. Dayang has a high reputation worldwide for reliable, scalable and cost-efficient products combining versatility with easy operation.
With the appointment of Warren Allgyer as Vice President of Dayang’s International Division, There begins a new era for Dayang’s international business. “A focused range of high value products with performance and reliability equal to or exceeding key competitors will be the basis for our expansion in the international arena.”, said Mr. Allgyer. In order to promote the value and performance of key Dayang products and building a network of select dealers worldwide to sell the products, Dayang presents 4 different products strategies as I/O card, software and CG/NLE card bundles, turnkeys and systems for international market.
Depending on Dayang’s high quality of audio and video I/O cards, OEM developers can build their own products and brands in the most efficient way. For software and CG/NLE card bundles, distributors can quickly build their own CG/NLE brands as well as leverage the most profit. Dayang has a complete product lines for character generators, non-linear editing, digital signage, and multi-viewer display. “These turnkey products stand at a perfect point to provide the technology, performance, and value allowing the broadcaster to renew and expand his facilities even with decreasing budgets.”, commented by Warren.
Dayang’s dominant systems capability is well-known in China. Honored by the best broadcast manufacture in China, Dayang completed one-stop tapeless TV station solutions for CCTV, AnHui TV station in Anhui providences and other major TV stations nationalwide. These fabulous achievements benefits Dayang’s reputation in international market. Recently, Dayang just finished the first newsroom in Myanmar for MRTV.
Dayang started the international business in 2003. Now the company employs over 800 people worldwide at its headquarters in Beijing, with international offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Korea, and Latin America. Committed to the latest development in the industry, Dayang has additional research and development centres in Shanghai and Tianjin. Its extensive dealer network worldwide and experienced engineers assure professional pre and post sales support. Dayang’s customers in the international arena include Telecom Malaysia in Malaysia, Phoenix TV in Hong Kong, MRTV in Myanmar, United Broadcasting Corporation in Thailand, Sky TV in Mexico, one of Latin America's largest and most successful broadcasters and so on.


1997年,在DY2000廣告串編系統的基礎上,大洋發布了功能更為強大的DY 3000多媒體非線性編輯系統,帶動了中國視頻行業從傳統、單一的字幕產品向非線性編輯系統擴展,標誌著國產非線性編輯系統全面進入主流非編市場。DY3000經過多年發展,至今仍有相當數量的用戶使用,成為我國非編產品中的經典之作。
2001年 1月1日,鳳凰衛視資訊台正式開播,大洋勝利完成了亞洲第一個集外電收集、新聞文稿編輯、字幕製作、新聞配音、新聞剪接製作、新聞播出一體化全數字非線性新聞網路系統的建造任務,為廣播電視民族產業參與國際競爭邁出了關鍵性的一步。


