- 軟體名稱:動物對匹配
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:4.18MB
簡單的遊戲可玩誰。 它是一種精神崩潰的遊戲。 圖解,哭的動物可以玩得很開心。 這是推薦也到小孩! 孩子不能發揮神經衰弱然而需要打另外模式。 它可以選擇三種模式。 簡單-組合哭泣和例證 正常-組合哭泣,一個圖表和哭泣 硬——只有哭泣 (額外的) 為孩子不能玩這個遊戲,但這種模式推薦! 可以聽到一聲只有通過實施水龍頭的螢幕。 The easy game which can play whom. It is a nervous breakdown game. The illustration and cry of an animal can be played happily. It is recommendation also to a small child! The child who cannot play a nervous breakdown yet needs to play in addition mode. It can choose from three kinds of modes. Easy -- Combination of a cry and an illustration Normal -- Combination of a cry, an illustration, and a cry Hard -- Only cry For the child who cannot play this game yet, this mode is recommendation! A cry can be heard only by carrying out the tap of the screen.