

努爾買買提·黑力力, 男, 新疆庫車市人, 博士, 新疆大學數學與系統科學學院教授、博士研究生導師


  • 中文名:努爾買買提·黑力力
  • 畢業院校:北京大學數學科學學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:信息系統安全, 訪問控制, 雲存儲安全
  • 職務:新疆大學數學與系統科學學院博士生導師
  • 任職院校:新疆大學數學與系統科學學院


中國密碼學會會員. 2008年7月在北京大學數學科學學院獲得理學博士學位. 2010.4-2011.4,在韓國中央大學從事博士後研究. 2016.4-2017.4, 在美國明尼蘇達大學雙城分校做訪問學者。
Short Bio - Nurmamat Helil
Nurmamat Helil received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University in 2000, 2003 and 2008, respectively. He is a full Professor of College of Mathematics and System Science, Xinjiang University, China. From April 2010 to April 2011, he worked as a post-doctor in School of Computer Science and Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Korea. From April 2016 to April 2017, he worked as a Visiting Research Scholar in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA.


北京大學 數學科學學院 (2004.9-2008.7) 理學博士,專業:套用數學; 研究方向:人工智慧與智慧型軟體;
北京大學 數學科學學院 (2000.9-2003.7)工學碩士,專業:信息科學; 研究方向:信號與信息處理;
北京大學 數學科學學院 信息科學系 (1996.9-2000.7)理學學士。


教授 ,2017.12 - 至今,新疆大學 數學與系統科學學院 信息與計算科學系;
訪問學者,2016.4 - 2017.4,美國明尼蘇達大學雙城分校 計算機科學與工程系 智慧型存儲研究中心(CRIS); 主要研究:雲存儲安全;
副教授,2011.10 - 2017.12,新疆大學 數學與系統科學學院 計算數學教研室;
博士後,2010.4 - 2011.4,韓國中央大學 計算機科學與工程學院 電子商務與網路套用實驗室; 主要研究:社交網路,信任管理。


His research interests include information system security, access control, and cloud storage security.
主要研究方向: 信息系統安全, 訪問控制, 雲存儲安全。




到目前主持國家自然科學基金項目3項, 參加2項;主持自治區自然科學基金青年基金項目1項, 自治區教育廳高校科研計畫重點項目1項, 自治區人力資源和社會保障廳留學人員科技活動項目1項;指導國家級大學生創新創業訓練計畫項目1項;發表論文30餘篇, 其中SCI收錄8篇, EI收錄13篇, 獲得軟體著作權2項;指導碩士研究生9名.
  1. 基於密碼的外包數據訪問控制中的防信息推理研究
  2. 國家自然科學基金項目 2019.1-2022.12
  3. 面向相似用戶簇與敏感許可權集的訪問控制及其系統實現
  4. 國家自然科學基金項目 2016.1-2019.12
  5. 基於信任和風險的訪問控制博弈模型研究
  6. 國家自然科學基金項目 2013.1-2016.12
  7. 信任和風險自適應訪問控制模型研究
  8. 新疆維吾爾自治區高校科研計畫項目(重點項目) 2013.1-2015.12
  9. 基於角色的訪問控制模型的擴展及其基於本體的表示和實現
  10. 新疆維吾爾自治區自然科學基金青年基金項目 2009.6-2011.12
  11. 參數化RBAC 模型在校園門戶中的套用
  12. 新疆大學自然科學基金項目 2010.1-2011.12
  1. 基於屬性的帶約束訪問控制系統V1.0,登記號:2016SR295938;
  2. 基於角色的訪問控制策略管理及訪問控制決策系統V1.0,登記號:2015SR199350。
Mucheol Kim, Ka Lok Man, and Nurmamat Helil, “Advanced Internet of Things and Big Data Technology for Smart Human-Care Services,” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2019, pp. 3, 2019.(SCI)
陳成,努爾買買提·黑力力、“基於CP-ABE的利益衝突數據集的訪問控制,”.計算機科學,vol. 45(11), pp. 149-154, 2018.
Nurmamat Helil and Kaysar Rahman, “CP-ABE Access Control Scheme for Sensitive Data Set Constraint with Hidden Access Policy and Constraint Policy,” Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2017(2017), pp. 1–13, 2017 (SCI).
Nurmamat Helil, Azhar Halik and Kaysar Rahman, “Non-zero-sum cooperative access control game model with user trust and permission risk,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 307(2017), pp. 299–310, 2017 (SCI, EI).
Nurmamat Helil and Kaysar Rahman, “Secret Sharing Scheme Based Approach for Access Control Constraint Against Similar Users’ Collusive Attack,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 32(6), pp. 1455–1470, 2016 (SCI, EI).
Qawuljan Tayir, Kaysar Rahman, Nurmamat Helil, “Risky Permission Set Based Access Control Constraint,” 2015 International Conference On Computer Science and Technology (ICCST 2015), pp. 510-517, 2015. (ISTP)
Nurmamat Helil and Kaysar Rahman, “Attribute based access control constraint based on subject similarity,” in 2014 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications (WARTIA), Ottawa, ON, Canada, pp. 226 – 229, 2014 (EI).
Nurmamat Helil, Mucheol Kim and Sangyong Han, “Trust and Risk based Access control and Access Control Constraints,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 5(11), pp. 2254-2271, 2011 (SCI).
Nurmamat Helil and Sangyong Han, “Semantic Based RBAC with Negative Authorization and Permission Hierarchy,” International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 19(3), pp. 149-157, 2011 (EI).
Nurmamat Helil and Kaysar Rahman, “Extending XACML Profile for RBAC with Semantic Concepts,” In International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, ICCASM 2010, Taiyuan, China, vol. 10, pp. v1069-v1074, 2010 (EI).
Nurmamat Helil and Kaysar Rahman, “RBAC Constraints Specification and Enforcement in Extended XACML,” In The International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, MINES 2010, Nanjing, China, pp. 546-550, 2010 (EI).
努爾買買提·黑力力,開依沙爾·熱合曼,艾孜海爾·哈力克, “靈活的混合RBAC模型及衝突解決,” 計算機工程與套用, vol. 46(36), pp. 101-104, 2010.
努爾買買提·黑力力,開依沙爾·熱合曼,“帶負授權RBAC模型的OWL表示及衝突檢測,” 計算機工程與套用, vol. 46(30), pp. 82-85, 2010.
努爾買買提·黑力力,羅振興,林作銓,“基於XACML的訪問控制與RBAC限制,” 計算機工程, 34(8), pp.19-21, 2008.
Nuermaimaiti Heilili, Yang Chen, Chen Zhao, Zhenxing Luo, and Zuoquan Lin, “An OWL-Based Approach for RBAC with Negative Authorization,” Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: First International Conference, Springer, LNAI 4092, pp. 164-175, 2006 (SCI).
Zhenxing Luo, Nuermaimaiti Heilili, Zuoquan Lin, “A Flexible Applicable RBAC Model and Its Administration,” 18th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA '07 (DEXA 2007), pp.192-196, 2007 (EI).
羅振興,努爾買買提·黑力力,徐大偉,趙琛,林作銓,“基於Java 新IO的Web安全網關,” 計算機工程,33(7), pp.107-109, 2007.
Zhenxing Luo, Nuermaimaiti Heilili, Dawei XU, Chen Zhao, Zuoquan Lin, “Web Application Security Gateway with Java Non-Blocking IO,” The 6th Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Springer, LNCS 4032, pp. 96-105, 2006 (SCI).
Chen Zhao, Nuermaimaiti Heilili, Shengping Liu, and Zuoquan Lin., “Representation and Reasoning on RBAC: A Description Logic Approach,” In ICTAC05 - International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, Springer, LNCS 3722, pp. 381-393, 2005 (SCI).
Chen Zhao, Yang Chen, Dawei Xu, Nuermaimaiti Heilili, and Zuoquan Lin, “Integrative Security Management for Web-Based Enterprise Applications,” In International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, Springer, LNCS 3739, pp. 618-625, 2005 (SCI).
Chen Zhao, Nuermaimaiti Heilili, Shengping Liu, and Zuoquan Lin., “Using Description Logic to Formalize Role-Based Access Control Model,” In International Workshop on Description Logics - DL2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 26-28, 2005.
努爾買買提·黑力力, 開依沙爾·熱合曼. “數理邏輯課程的教學方法簡談,” 新疆師範大學學報:自然科學版, 2010, 29(3):104-107.


