

  • 中文名:加拿大楓葉石
  • 國家:加拿大
  • 產品類別:噴墨全拋釉
  • 產品工藝:噴墨印花+全瓷質全拋釉


“魁北克”之石 Stone of “Quebec”
(1)Product Type: Ink-jet Printing Full Glazing
(2) Product Technology: Ink-jet Printing + Full Ceramic and Full Glazing
(3) Source for product design:
L&D楓葉石系列源自加拿大北部東部的魁北克城,“魁北克”是印第安語“峽灣”之意,魁北克城是北美最具歐洲色彩的城市,天賞河,夏天賞花,秋天賞楓葉,冬天賞雪。L&D楓葉石系列源自其阿巴拉契亞山脈 Appalachian 的楓葉岩石,加拿大被譽為“楓葉之國”楓樹是加拿大的國樹,也是民族的象徵,因此其國旗中央繪有一片11個角的紅色楓葉。
L&D Maple stone derives from Quebec City in the northeast of Canada. “Quebec” actually means “Fiord” in the Indian language. Quebec City is geographically located in North America with most of the European features where people can enjoy the beauty of the rivers in spring, the flowers in summer, the maple in autumn and snow in winter. L&D Maple stone series are based on the Maple stone from the Appalachian. Canada is highly reputed as the “maple-leaf country”, where maple trees are rated as the national tree as the national symbol, therefore the national flag of Canada is patterned with the red maple leaf with 11 edging dots.
——《楓葉石》阿巴拉契亞山脈 Appalachian
--- “Maple Stone” from the Appalachian
L&D楓葉石系列源自加拿大北部東部的魁北克城,“魁北克”是印第安語“峽灣”之意,魁北克城是北美最具歐洲色彩的城市,春天賞河,夏天賞花,秋天賞楓葉,冬天賞雪。L&D楓葉石系列源自其阿巴拉契亞山脈 Appalachian 的楓葉岩石,加拿大被譽為“楓葉之國”楓樹是加拿大的國樹,也是民族的象徵,因此其國旗中央繪有一片11個角的紅色楓葉。
L&D Maple stone derives from Quebec City in the northeast of Canada. “Quebec” actually means “Fiord” in the Indian language. Quebec City is geographically located in North America with most of the European features where people can enjoy the beauty of the rivers in spring, the flowers in summer, the maple in autumn and snow in winter. L&D Maple stone series are based on the Maple stone from the Appalachian. Canada is highly reputed as “the maple-leaf country”, where maple trees are rated as the national tree as the national symbol, therefore the national flag of Canada is patterned with the red maple leaf with 11 edging dots.


(1) Product Value:
L&D楓葉石系列通過噴墨印花技術,再現了以加拿大魁北克城其阿巴拉契亞山脈 Appalachian 的楓葉岩石肌理,紋理如楓葉般優美、典雅,在深紅和黃色的天然色澤中,彰顯楓葉秋景色彩之美。同時,搭配豐富,配合逼真、清晰、齊全的配件,適合高品質建築的裝潢使用。
L&D Maple stone series represent the maple stone textures of Quebec City and the Appalachian in Canada by using the Ink-jet Printing Technology. The texture is graceful and elegant, highlighting the beauty of the autumn scenery against the natural deep red and yellow colors. At the same time, the products are highly integrated with the authentic, clear and complete fittings, quite suitable for the decoration of the high-quality buildings.
(2) Suitable design style: Modern, European classical, neo-classic, simplistic and elegant and other Multi-Style.
(3) Suitable space: high-grade clubhouses, office buildings, villas, shopping malls and restaurants or hotels, etc.
(4)產品規格及包裝: 800X800:3片,53KG/箱;600X900:3片,42KG/箱。
(4) Product Specifications and package: 800X800:3 tiles,53KG/case;600X900:3 tiles,42KG/case.

