



  • 作者:張博 編譯
  • 出版社:中國時代經濟
  • 出版時間:2011年5月
  • 頁數:214 頁
  • 定價:28 元
  • ISBN:9787511904638




第一章 內功——不露聲色1.A Girl Just Like Mother2.Ask for a Day Off3.The Work Qualification Test4.Dialog Between Woman and Man5.Things Have Been Okay6.Doggie Contest7.Lucky Mother8.It Is Kind of Fitting9.It Worked10.Is She Pregnant11.The Way to Chase away Chickens12.Three Pastors13.A Smart Boy14.Whose Son Is the Greatest15.The Death of Grandfather16.Which Woman Loves Me Most17.Post Cards第二章 外功——明目張胆1.Nest and Hair2.Have You Ceased Beating Your Wife3.A Brave Boy4.The Revenge5.Questions for George Bush6.Madonna, Britney and Christina7.How Much for a Season Pass8.Ways and Means9.A Hasty Interrupon10.Psychiatrist11.I Hung Him up to Dry12.Two Soldiers13.This Hole in the Ground14.This Is Marriage All About15.What a Rat Looked Like第三章 硬功——銅牆鐵壁1.Hillary Clinton's Hometown2.Wrong Number3.Stung by a Bee4.A Tought Teacher5.Just Helpless6.Bad Dreams7.First Lesson8.He Prefers9.He Was Only Wrong by Two10.New Year Resolution11.Whose Dog Was the Smartest12.A Nail or a Fly13.This Alligator Is Not Wearing Any Shoes Either14.Get a Job15.Help Wanted16.Three Very Tough Mice第四章 輕功——蜻蜓點水1.Only One Cake Left2.Little John Buys the Bread3.Girl's Name4.Who's the First Man5.Do You See6.The Swimmer7.The Most Beautiful Thing8.Change is Coming9.The Smell of Fresh Blood10.My Wife Told Me to Stand Here11.How Many Can be Discharged12.How Much Is It13.I Will See to the Rest14.He Lowered Her Chair Six Inches15.The Cat and the Saucer16.A Heavy Sleeper第五章 氣功——運用自如1.A Strange Creature2.A Panda Walks into a Bar3.Surgeons4.Class, Lass and Ass5.Questions & Answers6.Math and Highway Patrol7.For the Sick8.I, You and She9.Synonym=Bad Language10.Go Ahead11.On Miracle12.Logic Reasoning13.What Is Your Name14.Women15.How to Tell the Weather16.Cat and Mouse17.Blind Bunny第六章 終極菜刀術——前仰後合1.Whose Father Is Stronger2.The Impact of Computers3.The Long and Short of It4.Who Killed Abraham Lincoln5.Like The Way You Think6.When the Air Conditioner Malfunctioned7.Late for Work8.Business Just Started9.Ambitious Mother10.I Am Dead11.The Talking Frog12.Pamela Anderson Hurt All Over13.St Peter's Question14.Post Haste15.Be Careful What You Wish For16.Responses17.Pink Suit Sale18.First Flight19.Very Pleased to Meet You


