

親愛的老師們、同學們,由外語中教學與研究出版社和英國劍橋大學出版社聯合出版的這套《外研社·劍橋英語分級讀物》終於與國內讀者見面了。它集原創性、針對性、時代性和多樣性於一體,是一套理想的英語學習讀物。 本套讀物是我國目前引進的第一套專為非英語國家讀者撰寫的英語故事性讀物,作者全部是經驗豐富的英語教學專家。讀物依據難易程度共分六級,每級四本,每本獨立成篇。題材涉及廣泛,包括喜劇、歷險記、偵探小與、浪漫愛情故事和短篇故事等。內容涉及東西方多種地域和文化,情節扣人心弦,極富吸引力。讀者在提高自身英語水平的同時,還會享受到閱讀的巨大樂趣。 本套讀物分為英漢對照版和英文注釋版兩種版本,以適應不同讀者的不同需要。其中,英文注釋版附有練習及配套音帶,為不同程度的英語學習者在閱讀中提供了及時而必要的幫助。 如果你們喜歡這套讀物,請把它推薦給你們的朋友。如果你們對這套讀物有什麼意見和建議,也請告訴我們。 在此,我們謹向那些為這套讀物的出版給予幫助和關切的老師們表示衷心的感謝! “外研社·劍橋英語分級讀物”是一套全新原創系列讀物,特別適合英語學習者閱讀。


  • 書名:劍橋英語分級讀物•失去的記憶
  • 譯者:劉曉岩
  • ISBN:7560026257
  • 作者:莫爾登
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 開本:0開
  • 品牌:外語教學與研究出版社


作者:(英國)莫爾登 譯者:劉曉岩




第一章 克里斯蒂娜的機車
第二章 滅口計畫
第三章 巴黎來客
第四章 健身房事件
第五章 有苦難言
第六章 迎接貴賓
第七章 城裡不幸之夜
第八章 獲救
第九章 一切都記起來了


Cristina put the phone down and looked at the picture of the Claude Monet painting she had on the wall in her office. When she was fifteen years old she went to France with her parents and fell in love with that painting with its field of red poppies. She went to see every Impressionist painting she could find in Paris. She spent hours in the museums and didn't want to leave Paris. Her parents understood then that she was serious about studying art at university. She kept the picture on the wall in her office because it made her feel good. She had the same picture on her bedroom wall. She often looked at it when she was thinking. But today she looked away from it quickly. There was something strange about the picture today. It didn't make her feel happy. It gave her a strange feeling inside. She didn't know why. Maybe it was because she was thinking so much about the new exhibition. An exhibition of thirty-seven paintings was a lot of work.
She stood up and left her office. She had a lot to do before Philippe arrived on Wednesday. She took her notebook and left her office. She had to talk to somebody about the lights for the exhibition.
He slowed down at some traffic lights as they were changing to red. Cristina turned her head and looked into the car next to them. She saw two men. The man who was driving the car was looking at the road in front of him. The man sitting next to him looked out of the window at Cristina. She looked into his eyes and she couldn't look away. She looked into the dark brown eyes of that man and for a moment he looked back. Then he turned his head and she saw the tattoo of the red poppy on his neck.
Suddenly Cristina remembered everything. She remembered the eyes of the man and the red flower on his neck, the poppy. She remembered the carand the sound of the police cars. She knew that these were the same men who had tried to kill her in the gym. The same men who had driven their car at Philippe. And then she remembered the gun. The same gun that the man was picking up now. The same man, the same gun. The same red flowers in the field of the painting she loved.
In another area of the city, Roberto Bocuzzi and his brother, Carlos, were afraid. They were afraid that the woman on the motorbike who saw their faces would tell the police. Roberto and Carlos had $50,000 from a bank robbery and now they were rich. But they couldn't enjoy the money because the police were looking for them and this woman knew their faces. They didn't want her to tell the police. So they waited and made plans. They made plans to kill the woman on the motorbike. A week after the accident Cristina went back to work. She felt better and she really Wanted to go back to her new job as soon as possible. She only got a headache now at the end of the day when she was tired. Her mother stopped visiting her in the flat but she bought a lot of food. She put it in the fridge so that Cristina didn't have to go shopping for a few days. Cristina went back to her old life. She wanted to go back to the gym too but it was too early.
'Be careful for a week or two,' the doctor said. 'Don't do too much. Remember, you were lucky. You can't remember the accident, but it was a bad one. You lost your memory and you were lucky not to lose your life.'
For two weeks Cfistina worked on the Impressionist exhibiton. She read a lot about the Paris museum and made plans for the director of the museum, Philippe Maudet, to visit Buenos Aires.
* * *
Cristina opened her eyes and looked at her watch. It was six thirty in the morning. She tried to move but she felt bad. She felt her arm. It was very difficult to move. She dosed her eyes again. She couldn't believe it. It was a very important day for her but she couldn't get out of bed. It was now nearly seven o'dock and she still couldn't move her arm.
Any other day she could stay in bed, but not today. Philippe Maudet was arriving in Buenos Aires in less than three hours and she had to give a talk about the exhibition at the museum. She had to get up.
Her arm felt better after a shower but hurt when she brushed her hair. She went into the small kitchen in her flat and made a large cup of coffee. She didn't usually eat much breakfast but this morning she felt that she needed some. She found some bread in the cupboard and put some dulce de fiche on it. The sweet taste was really good. She walked back into her bedroom. She was trying not to think about the accident but she couldn't stop. She looked at the dock and saw that it was time to get dressed. She didn't feel good but she wanted to look good. She tried on a short black skirt. It didn't feel comfortable. She usuall wore that skirt to go out with her parents and it didn't feel right today. She tried on a brown suit and then a green jacket and skirt, but she wasn't happy with them either. At a quarrer to eight she decided on a pair of black trousers and a white shirt.


