以色列女執事醫學中心(HMS and BIDMC)和美國德克薩斯大學西南醫學中心(UTSW)從事博士後研究,2014年任美國德克薩斯大學西南醫學中心講師。 2017年任復旦大學生命科學院教授,
採用組織特異性過表達或者敲除動物模型為研究對象, 結合電生理學和
代謝綜合症的病理機制。著眼於將基礎研究中的新發現轉化為新穎的藥理和臨床干預疾病的研究。主要課題包括羥色胺2C受體調節攝食行為,中樞神經黑皮質素4受體(MC4Rs)途徑在調節能量代謝和糖代謝中的作用,下丘腦神經樹突棘形成和攝食行為的關係。已經在Cell, Cell Metabolism, Neuron (封面和推薦文章), Nature Neuroscience等雜誌發表40多篇文章。
American Diabetes Association Young Investigator Travel Grant Award, 2014
Dr. Anna Shawyer Scholarships – University of Toronto, 2007.
Government of Ontario/ Dr. Arnie Aberman Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology - University of Toronto, 2006.
University of Toronto Open Fellowship Award, 2002
University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarship, 2000
1. Kong X*, Williams KW andLiu T*. Genetic Mouse Models: The Powerful Tools to Study Fat Tissues. Methods in Molecular Biology 1566:99-107, 2017
2. Yong G, Yao T, Deng Z, Sohn JW, Jia S, Huang Y, Kong X,Yu KJ, Wang RT, Chen H, Guo H, Yan J, Cunningham KA, Chang Y*,Liu T*and Williams KW*. TrpC5 mediates acute leptin and serotonin effects via Pomc neurons. Cell Rep 17;18(3):583-592, 2017.
3. Yao T, Deng Z, Yong G, Sun J, Kong X, Huang Y, He Z, Xu Y, Chang Y, Yu K, Findley BG, Berglund ED, Wang R, Guo H, Chen H, Li X, Kaufman RJ, Yan J*,Liu T*and Williams KW*. Ire1α in Pomc neurons is required for thermogenesis and glycemia. Diabetes 66(3):663-673, 2017.
4. Williams KW*,Liu T*, Kong X*, Fakuda M*, Deng Y, Berglund ED, Deng Z, Gao Y, Liu T, Sohn JW, Jia L, Fujikawa T, Kohno D, Scott MM, Lee S, Lee CE, Sun K, Chang Y, Scherer PE and Elmquist JK. Xbp1s in Pomc neurons connects ER stress with energy balance and glucose homeostasis. Cell Metabolism, 20(3):471-82. 2014.
5. Berglund ED*,Liu T*, Kong X*, Sohn JW, Vong L, Deng Z, Lee CE, Lee S, Williams KW, Olson DP, Scherer PE, Lowell BB, and Elmquist JK. Melanocortin 4 receptors in autonomic neurons regulate thermogenesis and glycemia. Nature Neuroscience, 17(7):911-3. 2014.
6. Liu T*, Kong D*, Shah BP*, Ye C*, Koda S, Saunders A, Ding JB, Yang Z, Sabatini BL and Lowell BB. Fasting activation of AgRP neurons requires NMDA receptors and involves spinogenesis and increased excitatory tone. Neuron 73(3), 511-22, 2012.
a. Featured by Neuron as Cover: Neuron 73(3): 2012.
b. Featured Article by Neuron: Neuron 73(3): 2012.
c. Featured by Cell Metabolism with a preview: Transmitter Time: Synaptic plasticity and Metabolic Memory in the Hypothalamus. Cell Metabolism 15: 275-27 (2012).