

1999.09-2002.07 中國科學院成都有機化學研究所,生物醫學專業,博士學位
1996.09-1999.07 四川大學,高分子物理專業,碩士學位
1991.09-1995.07 四川大學,高分子材料專業,學士學位
2010.10~ present 電子科技大學微電子與固體電子學院,副教授
2006.10-2010.09 Philipps-University Marburg, Germany, 博士後
2004.07-2006.07 中國科學院成都有機化學研究所,副研究員
2002.08-2004.07 中國科學院成都有機化學研究所,博士後
1. Xianmo Deng,Yu Liu, Minglong Yuan, Study on biodegradable polymers. 3 synthesis and characterization of poly (DL-lactide acid)-poly-(ethylene glycol)-co-L-lysine) block copolymer.Eur. Polym. J. 2002. 38 (7), 1435. (通訊作者)
2. Xianmo Deng,Yu Liu,Xiaohong Li, Wenxiang Jia. Preparation and characterization of poly-DL-lactide-poly (ethylene glycol) microspheres containning lambda DNA.J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2002.86 (10), 2557-2566, (通訊作者)
3.Yu Liu,Xianmo Deng, Xiaohong Li. Influence of preparation conditions on particle size and DNA loading efficiency for poly-DL-lactide-co-poly (ethylene glycol) microspheres entrapping free DNA.J. Control. Release. 2002. 83(1), 147-155.
4.Yu Liu,Minglong Yuan, Xianmo Deng. Study on biodegradable polymers: synthesis and characterization of poly (DL-lactide acid-co-L-lysine) random copolymer.Eur. Polym. J.,2003,39(5), 977-983.
5.Yu liu,Li Kun Guo, Long Huang, X M Deng. Preparation and properties of biodegradable polymer as a novel drug delivery system.J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2003,90(11), 3150-3156.
6. Jian Yuan Hao,Yu Liu,Shaobing Zhou, Zhen Li, Xianmo Deng. Investigation of nanocomposities based on semi-interpenetrating network of [L-poly (ε-caprolactone)] and hydroxyapatite nanocrystals.Biomaterials.2003,20 (9), 1531-1539.
7. Likun Guo,Yu Liu, Xianmo Deng, Jianyuan Hao. The degradation of biodegradable polymer in different pH values and accelerated degradation by increasing temperature or performing in 6% H2O2-PBS solution.Journal of Polymer Materials.2003. 20(3), 285-291.
8.Yu Liu, Long Huang, Xiao Rong Qiao, Xianmo Deng, Xiaohong Li. Investigation of poly-DL-lactide-co-poly (ethylene glycol) microspheres containing plasmid DNA.Chinese J. Polym.Sci.2004. 3, 205~214
9. Long Huang, Aiping Zhang,Yu Liu. Investigation of the relationship between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the values of TNFα in the sputum. China J. Clinic New Theory Medical Science,2005. 9(1), 27-29.
10. Long Huang,Yu Liu, Yuqiong Zheng. Investigation of the relationship between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the values of TNF and IL-8 in the sputum.Chinese Modern Medical and Clinical,2005. 4 (3), 20-21.
11. Hui Miao, Ying Fan, Yan Liu,Yu Liu,Jianyuan Hao and Xianmo Deng. Biodegradable poly(sebacic anhydride-co-caprolactone) multi-block copolymers: Synthesis, characterization, crystallinity and crystalline morphology,Eur. Polym. J.2007.43(3),1055-1064.
12.Zhiqiang Jiang. Jianyuan. Hao, Y. You,Yu Liu, Z Wang. Xianmo Deng, 2008, Biodegradable and the thermoreversible hydrogels of poly (ethylene glycol) –poly (epsilon- caprolactone -co- glycolide)-poly (ethylene glycol) aqueous solutions.J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 2008, 87(1), 45-51.
13.Yu. Liu,J. Nguyen, T. Steele, O. Merkel, Thomas Kissel. A new synthesis method and degradation of hyper-branched polyethylenimine grafted polycaprolactone block mono-methoxyl poly (ethylene glycol) copolymers (hy-PEI-g-PCL-b-mPEG) as potential gene delivery vectors,Polymer,2009, 50(16), 3895-3904.
14.Yu Liu,Terry Steele, Thomas Kissel. Degradation of hyper-branched poly (ethylenimine)-g-poly(caprolactone)-b-mono-methoxyl-poly(ethylene glycol) as a Potential Gene Delivery Vector.Macro. Rap. Com.2010, 31(17),1509-1515.
15.Yu Liu, Annette Kemmer, Klaus Keim, Catherine Curdy, Holger Petersen Thomas Kissel. Poly(ethylene carbonate) as a biomaterial for biodegradable in-situ forming parenteral drug delivery systems: A feasibility study.Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm.2010, 76(2)222-229.
16. Yuan Yang, Yu Kuang,Yu Liu,Wangyi Li, Zhonghua Jiang, Liying Xiao, Mingyuan Li, Immunogenicity of mutiple-epitope antigen gene of HCV carried by novel biodegradable polymers.Comparative Immnuology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases,2011, 34 (1), 65-72.
17.Yu Liu,Olivia Merkel, Terry Steele, Thomas Kissel, Biophysical characterization of hyper-branched polyethylenimine grafted polycaprolactone block mono-methoxyl poly (ethylene glycol) copolymer (hy-PEI-g-PCL-b-mPEG) for siRNA delivery,J. control. Release,2011, 153(3),262-268.
18. Mengyao Zheng,Yu Liu (contributed equally),Olga Samsonova, Thomas Endres, Olivia Merkel, Thomas Kissel,Amphiphilic and biodegradable hy-PEI-g-PCL-b-PEG copolymers efficiently mediate transgene expression depending on their graft density,Int. J. Pharm. ,2012, 427(1), 80-87.
19. Mengyao Zheng, Damiano Librizzi b, Ays¸ e Kılıç,Yu Liu,Harald Renz, Olivia Merkel, Thomas Kissel, Enhancing in vivo circulation and siRNA delivery with biodegradable polyethylenimine-graft-polycaprolactone-block-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers,Biomaterials, 2012,33,6551-6558.
20. Tianqiang Wang, Jianyuan Hao,Yu Liu, Zhongwei Gu, “Formation of well-defined spherical particles during suspension polymerization of biodegradable poly(glycolide-co-p-dioxanone) in supercritical carbon dioxide”,RSC Advances,2012, 2, 10365-10371.
21. Huizhen Zhao, Tianqiang Wang, Xiuli Zhao,Yu Liu, Jianyuan Hao, “Synthesis and properties of poly(d,l-lactide-co-p-dioxanone) random and segmented copolymers”,Journal of Polymers and the Environment,2012, 10.1007/s10924-012-0526-2.
22. Lei Feng,Yu Liu,Jianyuan Hao,et al, “Alternating copolymers with degradability and quantitatively controlled thermosensitivity”,Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 9, 1812-1818.
23. Tianqiang Wang, Jing Ding, Xiuli Zhao,Yu Liu, Jianyuan Hao, “In-situ suspension polymerization of poly(L-lactide-co-p-dioxanone) in supercritical carbon dioxide”,Journal of Polymers and the Enviroment,2012, 20(1), 157-163.
24. Lei Feng,Yu Liu,Jianyuan Hao,et al, “Synthesis and properties of novel thermoresponsive polyesters with oligo(ethylene glycol) pendent chains”,Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 212(24), 2626-2632.


