2007.09-2010.06 遼寧師範大學物理與電子技術學院 理論物理專業 理學碩士
2017.04-2022.05 中國科學院自然科學史研究所副研究員
2022.03- 中國科學院自然科學史研究所世界科技史研究室副主任
2022.05- 2024.06 中國科學院自然科學史研究所青年研究員
2024.06- 中國科學院自然科學史研究所研究員
LIU Jinyan, ICHIKAWA Hiroshi, ZHANG Baichun. Opening the Door to Scientific Exchange between China and Japan: The Visit of the Science Council of Japan’s Delegation to China in the Shadow of the Soviet Science in 1955. Historia Scientiarum, 34 (2024)1:16-32.
Danian Hu, Jinyan Liu and Xiaodong Yin. China’s Tortuous Path to the IUPAP: An Enlightening Case of Chinese Science Diplomacy during the Cold War. In: Globalizing Physics. Edited by: Roberto Lalli and Jaume Navarro, Oxford University Press, 2024: 209-239.
Jinyan Liu, Tian Miao.Tsung-Dao Lee: The Promoter of China’s Basic Research and a Scientific Bridge Builder between China and the World since the 1970s.Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology 7 (2023)2: 081-121.
LIU Jinyan, WANG Fang, Alexey ZHEMCHUGOV. Chinese Scientists in Dubna (1956–1965). Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology 5 (2021)2: 031-088.
劉金岩,張柏春,吳岳良. 楊振寧:中美科技交流合作的推手.《自然科學史研究》40(2021)3:374-386.
吳岳良,劉金岩. 宇稱破壞與對稱原理.《現代物理知識》33 (2021) 05/06(慶賀李政道先生九十五華誕專刊):15-20.
Jinyan Liu, Fang Wang, Baichun Zhang. Chinese Theoretical Physicists in Dubna--A Case Study of Zhou Guangzhao. Historia Scientiarum 31 (2021) 1:3-19.
吳岳良,劉金岩. 緬懷戴元本先生.《物理》49(2020)12:858-862.
吳岳良,劉金岩.周光召對理論物理和原子能事業的貢獻.《物理》48(2019)05: 295-300.
Liu Jinyan. Chinese Physicists’ Construction of the Straton Model in Social Context, Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology. 2 (2018)1:085-122.
劉金岩.彭桓武留歐期間的科學貢獻.《自然科學史研究》37 (2018)01: 87-103.
劉金岩,張柏春,吳岳良. 坂田昌一與中國科學家及毛澤東的交往.《自然科學史研究》34 (2015)01: 39-60.
劉金岩.2013年諾貝爾物理學獎獲得者——彼得·希格斯.《物理》43 (2014)07: 471-477.
劉金岩.探索物質微觀結構的歷史回顧——紀念夸克提出50周年.《物理》43 (2014)11: 751-755.
劉金岩,吳岳良,張柏春.坂田昌一及其對理論物理學的貢獻.《自然辯證法研究》28(2012) 05:117-121.
Jin-Yan Liu, Yong Tang, Yue-Liang Wu.Searching for Z′Gauge Boson in an Anomaly-Free U(1)′Gauge Family Model. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics.39 (2012) 0555003:1-13.
Jin-Yan Liu, Li-Ming Wang, Yue-Liang Wu, Yu-Feng Zhou. Two Higgs Bi-doublet Model with Spontaneous P and CP Violation and decoupling limit to two higgs doublet model. Physical Review D86(2012) 015007:1-12.
Chong-Xing Yue, Ting-Ting Zhang, Jin-Yan Liu. The Scalars from the Topcolor Scenario and the Spin Correlations of the Top Pair Production at the LHC. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics.37(2010) 075016:1-16.
Jin-Yan Liu, Zong-Guo Si, Chong-Xing Yue. The littlest Higgs model with T-parity and top quark pair production at LHC. Physical Review D81(2010) 015011:1-10.
Chong-Xing Yue, Jin-Yan Liu, Li Ding. Photon-induced production of the mirror quarks from the LHT model at the LHC. Commun.Theor.Phys.52 (2009):1041-1048.
Wen Jia, Yue Chongxing, Liu Jinyan, Liu Wei. Littlest Higgs model with T-parity and single top production in ep collisions. Chinese Physics C (HEP & NP) 33(2009)2: 89-93.
Chong-Xing Yue, Jin-Yan Liu, Shi-Hai Zhu. Leptonic Z decays in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity. Physical Review D78 (2008) 095006:1-8.
Chong-Xing Yue, Li Ding, Jin-Yan Liu. Production of mirror fermions via e gamma and ep collisions in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity. Physical Review D 77(2008) 115003:1-10.
Inter-Union Commission for the History and Philosophy of Physics(IUCHPP-IUPAP/DHST) 秘書(2024-2027)
2020-2023年 美國物理學會物理學史論壇執委
2020-2021年 美國物理學會 A.Pais獎評選委員會委員
2024年9月23日 北京 中國科學院自然科學史研究所:Embracing the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology: Symposium on the History of Modern Physics
報告題目:The Tortuous Decision-Making Process of China’s First High Energy Accelerator
2024年10月12日 海口 中國物理學會2024秋季學術會議 首屆物理學史分會場
2023年11月21日 深圳 南方科技大學: 二十世紀中國物理學史研討會
2023年9月1日 丹麥 哥本哈根:The Fifth Biennial Early-Career Conference for Historians of the Physical Sciences
報告題目:Chinese Scientists in Dubna (1956-1965)
2023年8月24日 德國 法蘭克福:16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
報告題目:Neutrino Physics and Neutrino Physics Study in Asian countries
2022年3月17日 美國芝加哥(視頻報告):American Physical Society March Meeting——invited lecture
報告題目:Chien-Shiung Wu and her contribution to experimental physics
2019年9月12日希臘雅典:1st Conference of the International Academy of History of Science
報告題目:The Genesis of Mao-Particle (Straton): the Chinese search for Hadron’s structure in the 1960s
2019年8月19日韓國全州:15th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
報告題目:The Relationship between Shoichi Sakata and Chinese Scientists as well as Mao Zedong
2019年3月28日俄羅斯莫斯科:Annual Conference of the Institute of History of Science and Technology, RAS
報告題目:A Scientist Full of Social Responsibility: Chou Kuang-Chao’s Scientific Work in JINR and his Contributions to Chinese Physics Development
2019年3月5日 美國波士頓(視頻報告):American Physical Society March Meeting ——invited lecture
報告題目:Chinese Physicists' Construction of Straton (or Mao-particle) in the 1960s ——the Chinese search for the structure of Hadrons under the guidance of Maoist philosophy
2018年12月20日 日本名古屋大學
報告題目:S. Sakata’s influence in China during the 1950s and 1960s
2018年8月10日 德國柏林:Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Partner-Group Workshop)
報告題目:The History of Chinese Physicists’ Construction of the Straton Model
2016年9月11日 捷克布拉格:7th European Society for the History Science conference
報告題目:Peng Huanwu’s Association with M. Born, E. Schrodinger and H. Heitler
2016年7月18日 中國科學院自然科學史研究所青年學者研討會
報告題目:Peng Huanwu’s Scientific Contributions in Theoretical Physics
2014年3月6日美國丹佛:American Physical Society March Meeting——invited lecture
報告題目:A brief History of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2012年9月22日中國廣州:Chinese Physical Society Fall Meeting
報告題目:Searching for Z′ Gauge Boson in an Anomaly-Free U(1)′Gauge Family Model