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  • 中文名:劉連文 
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:理學
  • 任職院校:南京大學



1997年9月~ 2002年9月 江蘇南京市南京大學地球科學系,獲理學博士學位
1988年9月~ 1992年6月 江蘇南京市南京大學地球科學系,獲理學學士學位


1992年8月~ 1997年8月 中國建築材料工業地質勘探中心江西測試研究所,助理工程師。
2002年9月~2004年11月 同濟大學海洋與地球科學學院 博士後
2004年12月~至今 南京大學地球科學系 副教授
2005年3月~2005年5月 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹自由大學 訪問學者
2015年4月~2016年4月 美國德拉瓦大學 訪問學者




3、 國家自然科學基金青年基金,40303016,東亞夏季風變遷在南海沉積物中的元素地球化學記錄。23萬元.
5、“晚新生代以來我國季風-乾旱環境耦合系統演變的動力學研究”(國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫) 2010CB833400;三級子課題負責,50萬元)
7、中國礦物碳匯潛力研究(中國地質調查局地質調查工作項目, 1212011087126,子課題負責)


1、Meng, X. Q., Liu, L. W., Zhao, W. C., He, T., Chen, J., and Ji, J. F., 2019, Distant Taklimakan Desert as an Important Source of Aeolian Deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau as Evidenced by Carbonate Minerals: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 46, no. 9, p. 4854-4862.(通信作者)
2、Zibo Li, Xiancai Lu, H. Henry Teng, Yang Chen, Liang Zhao, Junfeng Ji, Jun Chen, Lianwen Liu(*)., Specificity of low molecular weight organic acids on the release of elements from lizardite during fungal weathering. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ).2019 V256, Pages:20-34 (通訊作者)
3、Munroe, J. S., Norris, E. D., Carling, G. T., Beard, B. L., Satkoski, A. M., and Liu, L. W., 2019, Isotope fingerprinting reveals western North American sources of modern dust in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, USA: Aeolian Research, v. 38, p. 39-47.
Wenfang Zhang, Jianxin Zhao, Jun Chen, Junfeng Ji, Lianwen Liu(*). Binary sources of Chinese loess as revealed by trace and REE element ratios. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 2018 V 166 , Pages 80-88 (通訊作者)
Lianwen Liu,Wei Li,Weiping Song,Mingxin Guo(*),Remediation techniques for heavy metal-contaminated soils: Principles and applicability. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 633: 206–219
Yang Yang(#); Joseph A. Mason; Hanzhi Zhang; Huayu Lu; Junfeng Ji; Jun Chen; Lianwen Liu(*), Provenance of loess in the central Great Plains, U.S.A. based on Nd-Sr isotopic composition, and paleoenvironmental implications, Quaternary Science Reviews, 2017.夏季, 173: 114~123 通信作者
Zibo Li(#); Jie Xu; H Herry Teng; LIAN WEN LIU(*); Jun Chen; Yang Chen; Liang Zhao; Junfeng, Bioleaching of Lizardite by Magnesium- and Nickel-Resistant Fungal Isolate from Serpentinite Soils—Implication for Carbon Capture and Storage, Geomicrobiology Journal, 2015.6.1, 32(2): 181-192 通信作者
Lianwen Liu(#)(*); Jun Chen; Junfeng Ji; Yang Chen; W. Balsam, Variation of Zr/Rb ratios in the Chinese loess deposits during the past 1.8Myr and its implication for the change of East Asian monsoon intensity, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2006.6.1, 7
Lianwen Liu(#)(*); Jun Chen; Junfeng Ji; Yang Chen, Comparison of Paleoclimatic Change from Zr/Rb ratios in Chinese Loesswith Marine Isotope Records over the 2.6-1.2 Ma BP interval., Geophysical Research Letters, 2004.8.1, 31
Lianwen Liu(#)(*); Jun Chen; Yang Chen; Junfeng Ji; Huayu Lu, Variation of Zr/Rb ratios on the Loess Plateau of Central China duringthe last 130000 years and its implications for winter monsoon, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002.7.1, 47(15): 1298-1302
Lianwen Liu(#)(*); Jun Chen; Hongtao Wang; Yang Chen, A chemical index of weathering without effect of wind sorting: Fe/Mg ratios in the acid-insoluble phases of loess deposits, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001.6.1, 46(16): 1384–1387
Xianqiang Meng(#); Lianwen Liu; Xingchen T.Wang; William Balsam; Jun Chen; Junfeng Ji(*), Mineralogical evidence of reduced East Asian summer monsoon rainfall on the Chinese loess plateau during the early Pleistocene interglacials, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018.春季, 486: 61~69
Tong He(#)(*); LIAN WEN LIU; Yang Chen; Xuefen Sheng; Junfeng Ji, Plagioclase sub-species in Chinese loess deposits: Implications for dust source migration and past climate change, Quaternary Research, 2016.1.21, 85(1): 17-24
Meng Xianqiang(#); LIAN WEN LIU; William Balsam; Li Shilei; He Tong; Chen Jun; Ji Junfeng(*), Dolomite abundancein Chinese loess deposits: A new proxy of monsoon precipitation intensity, Geophysical Research Letters, 2015.12.11, 42(23): 391-398
Tong He(#)(*); Lianwen Liu; Yang Chen; Xuefeng Sheng; Junfeng Ji, A seven-million-year hornblende mineral record from the central Chinese Loess Plateau, Scientific Report, 2017.春季, 7(1): 2382
Zhao, Wancang; Sun, Youbin; Balsam, William; Lu, Huayu; Liu, Lianwen; Chen, Jun; Ji, Junfeng(*), Hf-Nd isotopic variability in mineral dust from Chinese and Mongolian deserts: implications for sources and dispersal, Scientific Reports, 2014.7.25, 4
He, Tong; Chen, Yang; Balsam, William; Qiang, Xiaoke; Liu, Lianwen; Chen, Jun; Ji, Junfeng(*), Carbonate leaching processes in the Red Clay Formation, Chinese Loess Plateau: Fingerprinting East Asian summer monsoon variability during the late Miocene and Pliocene, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2013.1.16, 40(1): 194~198
He, Tong(*); Chen, Yang; Balsam, William; Sheng, Xuefeng; Liu, Lianwen; Chen, Jun; Ji, Junfeng, Distribution and origin of protodolomite from the late Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay Formation, Chinese Loess Plateau, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2012.6.6, 13: 1~17
Zhang, Yi Ge; Ji, Junfeng; Balsam, William; Liu, Lianwen; Chen, Jun, Mid-Pliocene Asian monsoon intensification and the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, Geology, 2009.7, 37(7): 599~602
Zhang, Yi Ge; Ji, Junfeng; Balsam, William L.; Liu, Lianwen; Chen, Jun, High resolution hematite and goethite records from ODP 1143, South China Sea: Co-evolution of monsoonal precipitation and El Nino over the past 600,000 years, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2007.12.15, 264(1-2): 136~150
Li, Gaojun; Chen, Jun; Ji, Junfeng; Liu, Lianwen; Yang, Jiedong; Sheng, Xuefen, Global cooling forced increase in marine strontium isotopic ratios: Importance of mica weathering and a kinetic approach, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2007.2.28, 254(3-4): 303~312
Li, Gaojun; Chen, Jun; Chen, Yang; Yang, Jiedong; Ji, Junfeng; Liu, Lianwen, Dolomite as a tracer for the source regions of Asian dust, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007.9.9, 112(D17)
Ji, J; Zhao, L; Balsam, W; Chen, J; Wu, T; Liu, LW, Detecting chlorite in the Chinese loess sequence by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, Clays and Clay Minerals, 2006.4, 54(2): 266~273
Chen, J; Chen, Y; Liu, LW; Ji, JF; Balsam, W; Sun, YB; Lu, HY, Zr/Rb ratio in the Chinese loess sequences and its implication for changes in the East Asian winter monsoon strength, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006.3.3, 70(6): 1471~1482
Li, Gaojun; Chen, Jun; Chen, Yang; Yang, Jiedong; Ji, Junfeng; Liu, Lianwen, Dolomite as a tracer for the source regions of Asian dust, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007.9.5, 112(D17)
Chen, J; Chen, Y; Liu, LW; Ji, JF; Balsam, W; Sun, YB; Lu, HY, Zr/Rb ratio in the Chinese loess sequences and its implication for changes in the East Asian winter monsoon strength, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006.3.15, 70(6): 1471~1482
Zhao, L; Ji, JF; Chen, J; Liu, LW; Chen, Y; Balsam, W, Variations of illite/chlorite ratio in Chinese loess sections during the last glacial and interglacial cycle: Implications for monsoon reconstruction, Geophysical Research Letters, 2005.10.27, 32(20)
Ji, JF; Shen, J; Balsam, W; Chen, J; Liu, LW; Liu, XQ, Asian monsoon oscillations in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the late glacial as interpreted from visible reflectance of Qinghai Lake sediments, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2005.4.30, 233(1-2): 61~70
Zhao, L; Ji, JF; Chen, J; Liu, LW; Chen, Y; Balsam, W, Variations of illite/chlorite ratio in Chinese loess sections during the last glacial and interglacial cycle: Implications for monsoon reconstruction, Geophysical Research Letters, 2005.10.10, 32(20)
Ji, JF; Shen, J; Balsam, W; Chen, J; Liu, LW; Liu, XQ, Asian monsoon oscillations in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the late glacial as interpreted from visible reflectance of Qinghai Lake sediments, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2005.4.4, 233(1-2): 61~70
Ji, J; Zhao, L; Balsam, W; Chen, J; Wu, T; Liu, LW, Detecting chlorite in the Chinese loess sequence by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, Clays and Clay Minerals, 2006.4.4, 54(2): 266~273
Rao, WB; Chen, J; Luo, TY; Liu, LW, Phosphorus geochemistry in the Luochuan loess section, North China and its paleoclimatic implications, Quaternary International, 2006.2.2, 144: 72~83
Zhang, Yi Ge; Ji, Junfeng; Balsam, William L.; Liu, Lianwen; Chen, Jun, High resolution hematite and goethite records from ODP 1143, South China Sea: Co-evolution of monsoonal precipitation and El Nino over the past 600,000 years, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2007.12.12, 264(1-2): 136~15


