


1978.10至1981.10蘭州大學動物學 碩士 。

1964.9至1968.7東北林學院林學系 動物繁殖與利用 學士 。


  • 中文名:劉迺發
  • 性別:男
  • 職業:學者 教授
  • 畢業院校:東北林學院;蘭州大學
  • 代表作品:《中國石雞生物學》




1978.10至1981.10蘭州大學動物學 碩士
1964.9至1968.7東北林學院林學系 動物繁殖與利用 學士


YUAN-TING JIN,RICHARD P. BROWN and NAI-FA LIU*. 2008. Cladogenesis and phylogeography of the lizard Phrynocephalus vlangalii (Agamidae) on the Tibetan plateau. Molecular Ecology 17(8):1971 – 1982(SCI)
H. Q. Shi, N. F. Liu*, L. Cao and M. A. Bartera. 2008. Status of the East Asian population of thedalmatianPelican Pelecanus crispus: the need for urgent conservation action. Bird Conservation International 18 : 181-193(SCI).
J. C. Liao; N. F. Liu*. 2008. Altitudinal variations of acoustic organs in anurans: A case study from China. Italian Journal of Zoology 75(2): 125 – 134(SCI).
Wei Zhao, Mingqin Shao, Sen Song, andnaifa Liu*. 2008. Diets of littleOWLSand long-eared owls in Northwestern China. Animal Biology 58:211-219(SCI).
Zuhao Huang, Naifa Liu*. 2008. Mitochondrial DNA Diversification and Phylogeny among Subspecies of Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar), Phasianidae. Genes & Genomics 30(3):181-190(SCI).
Mingqin Shao, and Naif Liu*. 2008. The Diet of the Little Owl (AtheneNoctua) in the Desert Habitats of Northwestern China. Journal of Raptor Research 42(1):61–64(SCI).
Wu Yi-Qun, Ma Ming, Xu Feng, Dimitar Ragyovd, Jevgeni Shergaline, Liu Nai-Fa*, and Andrew Dixong. 2008. Breeding Biology and Diet of the Long-leggedbuzzard(Buteo rufinus) in the Eastern Junggar Basin of Northwestern China. Journal of Raptor Research 42(4):273–280(SCI).
Yuan-Ting Jin, Nai-Fa Liu*. 2008. Ecological genetics of Phrynocephalus vlangalii on the North Tibetan (Qinghai) Plateau: Correlation between environmental factors and population genetic variability. Biochem. Genet 46(9-10):598-604(SCI).
包新康, 劉迺發* 2008. 雞形目鳥類系統發生研究現狀. 動物分類學報 33(4):720-732.
穆紅燕,劉迺發*,楊萌 2008. 青藏高原赭紅尾鴝的繁殖. 動物學報 54(2):201-208.
金園庭,劉迺發* 2008. 青海高原兩種沙蜥的漸滲雜交. 動物學報 54(1):111-121.
Cao L, Pan YL, Liu NF*, 2007. Waterbirds of the Xisha Archipelago, South China Sea. Waterbirds 30(3): 296-300(SCI).
Shao M, Hounsome T, Liu N*, 2007. The summer diet of the little owl (Athene noctua) in the desert of north-west China. Journal of Arid Environments 68: 683-687(SCI).
Yang ZS, Hu JC, Liu NF*, 2007. The influence of dispersal on the metapopulation viability of Giant Panda (Aliuropoda melanoleuca) in the Minshan mountains. Acta Zoologica Acadomiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63(2): 169-184(SCI).
Zuhao Huang, Naifa Liu*, Shuixiang Luo, Jin Long, 2007. Phylogeography of rusty-necklaced partridge (Alectoris magna) in northwestern China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 379-385(SCI).
J. Liao, Z. Zhang and N. Liu*, 2007. Effects of altitudinal change on the auditory bulla in Ochotona daurica (Mammalia, Lagomorpha). J Zool Syst Evol Res 45(2): 151-154(SCI).
Yuanting Jin, Naifa Liu* and Jinlu Li, 2007. Elevational variation in body size of Phrynocephalus vlangalii in the North Tibet Plateau. Belg. J. Zool. 137(2):197-202(SCI).
Zuhao Huang, Naifa Liu*, Shuixiang Luo, Jin Long and Yi’an Xiao , 2007. Ecological Genetic of Rusty-Necklaced Partridge (Alectoris magna): Environmental Factors and Population Genetic Variability correlations. Korean J. Genetics 137(2): 115-120(SCI).
Wan Lixia, Sun Shihong, Jin Yuanting, Yan Yongfeng, Liu Naifa*, 2007. Molecular phylogeography of the Chinese lacertids of the genus Eremias (Lacertidae) Based on 16S rRNA mitochondrial DNA sequences. Amphibia-Reptilia 28: 33-41(SCI).
Yuan-Ting Jin, Nai-Fa Liu*, 2007. Altitudinal Variation in reproductive strategy of the toad-headed lizard, Phrynocephalus vlangalii in North Tibet Plateau (Qinghai) Amphibia-Reptilia 28: 509-515(SCI).
Zuhao Huang, Naifa Liu*, Shuixiang Luo, Jin Long, 2007. Phylogeography of rusty-necklaced partridge (Alectoris magna) in northwestern China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43:379-385(SCI).
吳逸群, 馬鳴, 劉迺發*, 徐峰, 田磊磊, 梅宇, 2007. 新疆準噶爾盆地東緣獵隼的繁殖生態. 動物學研究 28(4): 362-366.
邵明勤, 陶繼新, 孫式洪, 劉迺發*, 張繼增, 2007. 甘肅興隆山麻家寺保護站鳥類多樣性研究. 蘭州大學學報43(4): 56-59.
於曉平, 路寶忠, 盧西榮, 劉迺發*, 2007. 年齡對朱䴉繁殖成功率的影響. 動物學報 53(5): 812-818.
趙偉, 宋森, 邵明勤, 劉迺發*, 2007.甘肅民勤治沙站縱紋腹小鴞食性的季節變化. 動物學報 53(6): 953-958.
廖繼承, 肖振龍, 董媛, 張知彬, 劉迺發*,李金鋼, 2007. 甘肅倉鼠的分類地位. 動物學報53(1): 44-53.
劉迺發,黃族豪, 中國石雞生物學,中國科學技術出版社,2007年,北京。
Chen YK, Zhao ZL and Liu NF* 2006 Genetic Structure of Przewalski’s Rock Partridge (Alectoris magna) Populations in the Longzhong Loess Plateau, China. Biochemical Genetic 44 5/6:209—221(SCI).
Ruan L.Z., Zhang LX, Sun QW and Liu NF* 2006 Genetic structure of Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis) populations in China. Biochemical Genetic 44(9,10):457-463(SCI).
Liao JC, Zhang ZB, Liu NF*. 2006 Altitudinal variation of skull size in daurian pika (Ochotona daurica Pallas,1868). Acto zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53(3):319—329(SCI).
Shao MQ, Liu NF* 2006 The diet of the Long-eared owls, Asiootus in the desert of northwest China. Journal of Arid Environments 65(2006):673—676(SCI).
劉迺發,楊增武主編 甘肅安西極旱荒漠國家級自然保護區二期綜合科學考察,蘭州大學出版社,2006年,蘭州。


