


  • 中文名:劉莊
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:學者
  • 畢業院校:北京大學、芝加哥大學 




Scholary Articles
1. Reason Writing Reduces Decision Bias: Experimental Evidence from Judges in China. Journal of Legal Studies (forthcoming 2018).
2. Mass Publicity of Chinese Court Decisions: Market-Driven or Authoritarian Transparency? China Review (forthcoming 2018) (with Yingmao Tang).
3. Moral Hazard in Securitization: Between Truth and Illusion. Peking University Law Journal, 5(2) (2017), pp265-284.
Scholary Articles in Chinese
4. 影子銀行的第三類風險,《中外法學》2018年第1期。(Moral Hazard in Shadow Banking. Peking University Law Journal [Chinese], 1 [2018].)
5. 司法信任與經濟發展,《法律和社會科學》2015年第14卷。(Judicial Trustworthiness and Economic Development. Law and Social Sciences, 2 [2015].)
6. 法學教育與法律決策的內在一致性,《法律和社會科學》2013年第12卷。《中國社會科學文摘》2014年第6期轉載。(Legal Education and Internal Consistency in Legal Decision Making. Law and Social Sciences, 3 [2013]. Reprinted by Social Sciences in China Digest, 6 [2014].)
Working Papers
1. Precedent in China (with Lars Klöhn and Holger Spamann).
2. Comparative Legal Reasoning: Experimental Outcome and Click-Stream Data from Argentinian, Chinese, French, German, and U.S. Judges (with Holger Spamann, Lars Klöhn, Christophe Jamin, Alexander Morell, Ivan Reidel).
3. Does Decentralization Always Improve Economic Performance? Evidence from the Micro-lending Sector in China (with Yingmao Tang).
4. Juries, Public Trust in the Judiciary, and Judicial Performance.
5. The Cautionary Effect of Formality: An Experimental Investigation of Chinese Judges.
6. What Make a Judicial Decision Convincing: Experimental Evidence from China.
Work in Progress
1. Procedures that Reduce Context Dependence in Judicial Decision Making (with Adi Leibovitch)
2. No Specific Performance (with Lei Chen)
3. Comparative Trust in the Judiciary (with Xueyao Li)
4. Judicial Favoritism (with T.J. Wong, Yi Yang, Tianyu Zhang).

