1. 教育和工作經歷
2000/09~2004/05 西安建築科技大學,供熱、供燃氣、通風及空調工程 工學博士
1996/09~1999/07 西安建築科技大學,建築技術科學 工學碩士
1989/09~1993/06 西安冶金建築學院,供熱、供燃氣、通風及空調工程 工學學士
2009/01~2009/02 日本
九州大學,人間環境學府 訪問學者
2018/09~至今 西安建築科技大學, 科技處 處長
2017/03~2018/09 西安建築科技大學, 研究生院 常務副院長
2012/08~2017/03 西安建築科技大學,環境與市政工程學院 副院長
2008/11~ 西安建築科技大學,環境與市政工程學院 教授(博導)
2004/11~2008/11 西安建築科技大學,環境與市政工程學院 副教授
1999/11~2004/11 西安建築科技大學,環境與市政工程學院 講師
2007/02~2009/02 西安建築科技大學,建築學院,建築學 博士後
2. 學術兼職
WSSET(World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies)委員
1. Yanfeng Liu*, Sisi Yu, Ying Zhu, Dengjia Wang, Jiaping Liu. Modeling, planning, application & management of energy systems for isolated areas: A Review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 82(P1) (2018) 460-470
2. Liu Yanfeng*, Zhou Xiaojun, Wang Dengjia, Song, Cong, Liu Jiaping. Alternately airtight/ventilated emission method: a universal experimental method for determining the VOC emission characteristic parameters of building materials. Building and Environment.130 (2018) 179-189
3. Yanfeng Liu*, Tao Li, Cong Song, Dengjia Wang, Jiaping Liu. Field study of different thermal requirements based on indoor activities trajectory of rural residents in winter in Northwest China. ASHRAE.(accepted)DOI:10.1080/23744731.2018.1435122
4. Yanfeng Liu, Jing Jiang*, Dengjia Wang, Jiaping Liu. The passive solar heating technologies in rural school buildings in cold climates in China. Journal of Building Physics.DOI:10.1177/1744259117707277
5.Yingying Wang*, Chao Jiang, Yanfeng Liu, Dengjia Wang, Jiaping Liu,The Effect of Heat and Moisture Coupling Migration of Ground Structure without Damp-proof Course on the Indoor Floor Surface
Temperature and Humidity: Experimental Study, EnergyandBuildings. 158 (2018) 580–594
6. Jing Jiang, Dengjia Wang*, Yanfeng, Jiaping Liu. A study on the pupils' learning performance and thermal comfort of primary schools in China Building and Environment.DOI10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.
7. Wang yingying*, Liu Yanfeng, Wang Dengjia, Liu Jiaping. The correction coefficients for the air- conditioning load accounting for the whole building hygrothermal transfer for major cities in China. Indoor and Built Environment. 26 (2016)
8. Yanfeng Liu*,Yu Dong, Cong Song, Yingying Wang, Lulu Liu, Jiaping Liu. A tracked field study of thermal adaptation during a short-term migration between cold and hot-summer and warm-winter areas of China. Building and Environment, 124 (2017) 90-103
9. YanfengLiu*,Yong Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang.Classification of solar radiation zones and general models for estimating the daily global solar radiation on horizontal surfaces in China. Energy Conversion and Management, 154 (2017) 168-179
10. Yanfeng Liu*, Yaowen Chen,Tao Li, Dengjia Wang, Daokun Wang. Investigation on the heat dissipation characteristics of underground household biogas digester using dynamic simulations and experiments. Biosystems Engineering, 163 (2017) 116-133
11. Yanfeng Liu*, Jing Jiang, Dengjia Wang, Jiaping Liu. The indoor thermal environment of rural school classrooms in Northwestern China. Indoor and Built Environment, 26(5) (2017) 662-679
12. Yanfeng Liu*, Tao Li, Yaowen Chen, Dengjia Wang. Optimization of Solar Water Heating System under Time and Spatial Partition Heating in Rural Dwellings. Energies, 1561(10) ( 2017) 1-19
13. Wangbin Zhou, Yanfeng Liu*, Ying Zhu, Yongping Li. Development of a stochastic programming model for design and optimization of activated sludge wastewater treatment system with considering efforts of uncertain factors. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 143(9) (2017) 04017045 (1-9)
14. DengjiaWang*, JingJiang, YanfengLiu, YingyingWang, YanchaoXu, JiapingLiu. Student responsesto classroom thermal environments in rural primary and secondary schools in winter. Building and Environment, 115 (2017) 104-107
15. Dengjia Wang*, Penghao Chen, Yanfeng Liu, Chunjin Wu, Jiaping Liu. Heat transfer characteristics of a novel sleeping bed with an integrated hot water heating system. Applied thermal engineering, 113 (2017) 79-86
16. Dengjia Wang*, Chunjin Wu, Yanfeng Liu, Penghao Chen, Jiaping Liu. Experimental study on the thermal performance of an enhanced-convection overhead radiant floor heating system. Energy and Buildings, 135 (2017) 233-243
17. Li Lan*, Kazuyo Tsuzuki, Yanfeng Liu, Zhiwei Lian. Thermal environment and sleep-A review. Energy and Buildings, 149 (2017) 101-113
18. Lanjing Xu, Zhiwei wang*, Yanfeng Liu. The spatial and temporal variation features of wind-sun complementarity in China. Energy Conversion and Management, 154 (2017) 138-148
19. Cong Song, Yanfeng Liu*, Xiaojun Zhou, Wang Xingwei, Li Jing, Jiaping Liu. Temperature field of bed climate and thermal comfort assessment based on local thermal sensations. Building and Environment, 95(1)(2016) 381-390
20. Xiaojun Zhou,Yanfeng Liu*,Cong Song,Jiaping Liu. A study on the formaldehyde emission parameters of porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory. Building and Environment, 106(9)(2016) 254-264 (1區)
21. Yanfeng Liu*,Cong Song,Xiaojun Zhou,Jiaping Liu,Yingying Wang. Thermal requirements of the sleeping human body in bed warming conditions. Energy and Buildings,130 (2016) 709–720 (1 區)
22. Yanfeng Liu*, Chao Ma, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang, Jiaping Liu. Nonlinear Effect of Moisture Content on Thermal Conductivity of Building Materials with Different Pore Size Distribution. International Journal of Thermo physics. 37(56) (2016) 1-27 (4區)
23. Lijuan Wang*, Hui Yin, Yuhui Di, Yanfeng Liu, Jiaping Liu. Human local and total heat losses in different temperature. Physiology & Behavior, 157(1) (2016) 270-276 (3區)
24. Dengjia Wang*, Yanfeng Liu , Yingying Wang, Jiaping Liu. Design, performance and energy conservation of demonstration house with combined passive and active solar heating in the Qinghai- Tibet Plateau region: A field experiment analysis. Journal of Building Physics, 40(1) (2016)55-76 (3區)
25. Liu Yanfeng*, Zhou Xiaojun, Wang Dengjia, Song, Cong, Liu Jiaping. A prediction model of VOC partition coefficient in porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory. Building and Environment, 93(2) (2015) 221-233
26.YingyingWang, YanfengLiu*, CongSong, JiapingLiu. Appropriate indoor operative temperature and bedding microclimate temperature that satisfies therequirements of sleep thermalcomfort. Building and Environment, 9(2) (2015) 20-29
27. Liu Yanfeng*, Zhou Xiaojun, Wang Dengjia, Song, Cong, Liu Jiaping. A diffusivity model for predicting VOC diffusion in porous building materials based on fractal theory. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 299(15 ) (2015) 685-695
28.Dengjia Wang*,Yanfeng Liu,Yingying Wang,Jiaping Liu.Design,performance and energy conservation of demonstration house with combined passive and active solar heating in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau region: A field experiment analysis. Journal of BuildingPhysics, (2015) 1-22
29. Song Cong, Liu Yanfeng*, Xiaojun Zhou, Xingwei Wang , Jing Li, Liu Jiaping. Temperature field of bed climate and thermal comfort assessment based on local thermal sensations. Building and Environment,95(1) (2016) 381-390
30. Yanfeng Liu, Yang Li. An Exergy-Based Evaluation Model for the Performance of the Fossil Fuel Lifecycle. International Journal of Exergy, 17(1) (2015) 92-109
31. Dengjia Wang, Yanfeng Liu,Yingying Wang, Qun Zhang, Jiaping Liu. Theoretical and experimental research on the additional thermal resistance of a built-in curtain on a glazed window.Energy and Buildings, 88 (2015) 68-77
32. Yanfeng Liu,Yang Li. Energy and exergy utilizations of the Chinese urban residential sector. Energy Conversion and Management, 86 (2014) 634–643
33.Yanfeng Liu*,Cong Song, Yingying Wang. Experimental study and evaluation of the thermal environment for sleeping. Building and Environment, 82(2014) 546-555
34. Dengjia Wang*, Yanfeng Liu, Yingying Wang, Jiaping Liu. Numerical and experimental analysis of floor heat storage and release during an intermittent in-slab floor heating process. Applied Thermal Engineering, 62,2 (2014) 398-406
35. Yingying Wang, Yanfeng Liu*, Jiaping Liu. The effect of the night ventilation rate on the indoor environment and air-conditioning load while considering wall inner surface moisture transfer in a hot- humid climate in China. Energy and Buildings, 80 (2014) 366–374
36. Yanfeng Liu, Lijuan Wang, Yuhui Di, Jiaping Liu , Hao Zhou. The effects of clothing thermal resistance and operative temperature on human skin temperature. Journal of Thermal Biology, 38,5 (2013)
37. Yanfeng Liu, Lijuan Wang. Human behavior in different TDRAs. Physiology & Behavior, 119 (2013) 25-29
38. Yanfeng Liu, Yingying Wang, Dengjia Wang, Jiaping Liu. Effect of moisture transfer on internal surface temperature. Energy and Buildings, 60 (2013) 83-91
39. Yanfeng Liu, Dengjia Wang, Chao Ma, Jiaping Liu. A numerical and experimental analysis of the air vent management and heat storage characteristics of a trombe wall. Solar Energy, 91 (2013) 1-10
40. Yanfeng Liu, Lijuan Wang, Jiaping Liu, Yuhui Di. A Study on human skin and surface temperatures in stable and unstable conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology, 38(7) (2013)440-448
41. Yanfeng Liu, Dengjia Wang, Jiaping Liu. Study on heat transfer process for embed-pipe heated floor. Building and environment,(54) (2012) 77-85
42. Liu Jiaping, Wang Lijuan, Yoshino,Y, Liu Yanfeng .The thermal mechanism of warm in winter and cool in summer in China traditional vernacular dwellings. Building and Environment,46(8) (2011) 1709- 1715
43. 蔣婧*,王登甲,劉艷峰,劉加平. 中國小建築供暖能需與被動太陽能技術匹配分析.太陽能學報. 2017, 38(3) 813-819
44. 王登甲*,陳澎浩,劉艷峰,劉加平. 低溫熱水盤管供暖床系統散熱特性研究. 暖通空調. 47 (10) 114-119
45. 王晗旭,王登甲*,劉艷峰,蔣婧,劉加平. 甘肅鄉域中國小教室冬季熱舒適研究. 暖通空調.2017, 47(4)
46. 劉俊傑,孫婷婷*,劉艷峰.獨立光伏溶液除濕空調系統在極端熱濕島礁的匹配關係研究. 暖通空調.2017, 47912) 112-117
47. 王登甲*,陳澎浩,劉艷峰,劉加平. 低溫熱水盤管供暖床系統散熱特性研究. 暖通空調. 47 (10) 114-119
48. 王婷婷, 劉艷峰*, 王登甲, 馬超. 集熱蓄熱屋頂式太陽房熱過程及最佳化設計.太陽能學報. 2016, 37(6) 2286-2291
49. 陳晨, 劉艷峰*, 王登甲, 劉加平. 集熱蓄熱牆保溫構造形式最佳化及適應性分析, 太陽能學報. 2016,37(11) 2889-2895
50. 劉艷峰*,孫峙峰,王博淵. 藏區、西北及高原地區利用可再生能源採暖空調新技術. 暖通空調, 2016,46 (10) 147-148
51. 王帥,劉艷峰*, 馬超. 土壤源熱泵與太陽能採暖耦合系統土壤熱回響研究. 太陽能學報,2015,36(11)
52. 劉艷峰, 吳學紅.西安地板輻射空調最佳化及室內熱環境研究.太陽能學報.2014.07,25(7): 1164-1168.
53. 王瑩瑩,劉艷峰, 王登甲. 濕傳遞對牆體熱傳遞的影響關係研究.太陽能學報.2014.07,25(7): 1151-1154.
54. 王登甲, 劉艷峰, 劉加平.間歇供暖地板預熱期蓄熱特性研究. 太陽能學報.2014.07,25(7): 1158-1163.
55. 王登甲, 劉艷峰, 劉加平, 王斌, 陳慧玲.青藏高原地區Trombe牆式太陽房供暖性能測試分析.太陽能學報. 2013.10, 34(10): 1823-1828.
56. 劉艷峰, 王登甲, 張薇.民用建築圍護結構負荷與節能朝向修正率, 暖通空調2013.02, 43(2): 80-82.
57. 王登甲, 劉艷峰, 劉加平.間歇供暖地板放熱特性研究.暖通空調. 2013, 43(8):78 -82.
58. 王登甲, 劉艷峰, 高珍, 劉加平. 陽光間對住宅建築熱性能的影響.中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2012.01, 43(1): 1-5.
59. 王登甲, 劉艷峰, 王麗娟.主動太陽能採暖供水管流量規律研究.太陽能學報.2011.09, 32(9): 1387-1391.
60. 朱軼韻, 劉艷峰, 劉加平.基於室內均勻輻射場的西北農村節能建築熱工設計.太陽能學報.2011.07, 32(7): 1034-1039.
1. 太陽能採暖設計原理與技術(專著),中國建築工業出版社,2016,第一著作人;
2. 太陽能利用與建築節能(教材),機械工業出版社,2015,主編;
4. 建築設備施工與預算(教材),
5. 供熱工程(教材),機械工業出版社,2008,參編;
1. 西藏自治區民用建築採暖設計標準,西藏人民出版社,2008,主要起草人;
2. 西藏自治區居住建築節能設計標準,西藏人民出版社,2008,主要起草人;
3. 建築熱環境測試方法標準,中國建築工業出版社,2014,參編;
4. 城市居住區熱環境設計標準,中國建築工業出版社,2013,參編;
1. 一種真空集熱管旋塞限漏裝置,2016.2.10,中國,ZL201410012122.2;
2. 一種高效聚光及被動防護的真空管集熱器,2016.4.6,中國,ZL201410012601.4;
3. 一種真空集熱管損壞限漏裝置,2016.2.10,中國,ZL2014100113045.2;
4. 一種節能窗,2016.4.13,中國,Z201410583242.8;
5. 一種被服熱阻測試裝置,2015.10.21,中國,ZL201310100359.1;
6. 一種用於帳篷內的定向除濕防結露裝置,2014.5.28,中國,ZL201210096046.9;
7. 一種真空管集熱器陣列的自力式保護閥,2014.11.26,中國,ZL201310100698.X;
8. 一種差壓控制的真空管集熱器陣列自力式保護閥組,2014.12.24,中國,ZL20131009
9. 一種自動追蹤式太陽能集熱器底座,2017.06.06,中國,ZL201510289453.5;
10. 一種沼氣池及其換熱管的設定方法,2017.06.16,中國,ZL201510579403.0;
11. 一種列車太陽能集熱系統, 2018.01.12, 中國,ZL201610489073.0;
12. 一種基於晝夜差異熱需求的太陽能採暖床,2017.11.10 ,中國,ZL201610140035.4;
13. 一種沼氣池破殼裝置,2018.02.13,中國,ZL201610585614.X;
主持國家重點研發計畫項目、國家自然科學基金重大項目課題面上項目、陝西省重點科技創新團隊等項目。 主持完成國家自然科學基金面上項目4項,其他科研項目4項。參與完成國家自然科學基金創新群體項目、重 點項目、國家863計畫等科研項目9項。
1.國家重點研發計畫項目,藏區、西北及高原地區利用可再生能源採暖空調新技術, 在研,主持;
4.國家自然科學基金面上項目,基於西北村鎮居民室內活動軌跡的差異化太陽能採暖熱過程及最佳化設計研 究,結題,主持;
7.國家自然科學基金面上項目,周期性雙波動村鎮太陽能採暖建築熱過程 及熱環境調節研究,結題,主持;
研究成果獲得2015年高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎 (科學技術)科技進步獎一等獎(排名第2)、2012年陝西科學技術一等獎(排名第1)、2010年國家科學技術進步獎二等獎(排名第4)等科技獎勵9項。
1. 青藏高原近零能耗建築設計關鍵技術與套用,中華人民共和國教育部,高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎 (科 學技術)科技進步獎,一等獎,2015;
2. 低能耗建築通風設計關鍵技術研究與套用,陝西省人民政府,陝西省科學技術獎,一等獎,2013;
3. 西藏高原低能耗太陽能建築研究與套用,陝西省人民政府,陝西省科學技術獎,一等獎,2012;
4. 建築自然通風設計理論及其工程套用,陝西省教育廳,陝西高等學校科學技術獎,一等獎,2012;
5. 西藏高原低能耗太陽能建築研究與套用,陝西省教育廳,陝西高等學校科學技術獎,一等獎,2011;
6. 西部低能耗建築設計關鍵技術與套用,中人民共和國國務院,國家科學技術進步獎,二等獎,2010;
7. 建築氣候與節能設計基礎及套用研究,華夏建設科學技術獎勵委員會,華夏建設科技進步獎,二等獎, 2009;
8. 建築節能設計的基礎理論與套用研究,陝西省人民政府,陝西省科技進步獎,一等獎,2008;
9. 黃土高原綠色窯洞民居建築研究,華夏建設科學技術獎勵委員會,華夏建設科學技術獎,一等獎,