目前主持國家自然科學基金、浙江省傑出青年基金、國家科技支撐子課題、省創新團隊項目、浙江大學青年教師交叉研究種子基金等項目,作為國家奶牛產業技術體系崗位科學家團隊主要成員,協助崗位科學家負責營養與飼料研究室泌乳生理與調控崗位的具體工作。已主持完成浙江省科技廳重大專項(優先主題)農業項目、中國博士後科學基金、International foundation for science、浙江省教育廳科研項目、浙江大學青年科研創新專項、浙江大學優秀青年教師資助計畫等項目;做為主要執行人,負責了農業部公益性行業科研專項和中德國際科技合作項目各1項。在國內外學術刊物發表論文60餘篇,其中Journal of Nutrition、BMC Genomics、PLoS ONE、Journal of Dairy Science 等SCI收錄論文30餘篇,授權發明專利4項,申請發明專利2項。現為中國畜牧獸醫學會養牛學分會理事、杭州市奶協秘書長、《Journal of Dairy Science》、《Journal of Functional Food》等16個SCI收錄雜誌和《中國農業科學》等6箇中文刊物審稿人,國家自然科學基金、北京市自然科學基金等項目評審專家,參編《動物營養檢測技術及其套用》、高等農業院校教材《養牛學》及其實驗指導各1部。
| 2011.3-至今
| 浙江大學
| 副教授
| 博士生導師
| 2010.12-2011.2 | 浙江大學 | 副教授 | 碩士生導師 |
| 2008.09-2010.11
| 浙江大學
| 講師
| 2006.07-2008.08
| 浙江大學
| 師資博士後
| 其中
| 2011-至今
| 美國康奈爾大學
| 訪問學者
| 2010.07
| 美國佛蒙特大學
| 交流訪問
| 2008.08
| 德國霍漢哈姆大學
| 合作研究
| 2001.09-2006.06
| 浙江大學
| 碩博連讀
| 1997.09-2001.06
| 山東農業大學
| 攻讀學士學位
中國畜牧獸醫學會養牛學分會理事 杭州市奶業協會秘書長
美國奶業協會會員 美國食品科學技術學會會員 中國細胞生物學學會會員 中國畜牧獸醫學會動物營養學分會會員 中國畜牧獸醫學會動物生理生化分會會員 Agricultural Sciences in China審稿人 Animal審稿人 Animal Feed Science and Technology審稿人 Animal Production Science 審稿人 Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 審稿人 Canadian Journal of Animal Science 審稿人 Czech Journal of Animal Science 審稿人 Food Science and Biotechnology審稿人 Livestock Science 審稿人 Journal of Agricultural Science審稿人 Journal of Dairy Science 審稿人 Journal of Functional Food 審稿人 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 審稿人 Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture審稿人 Journal of Zhejiang University Science-B Molecular Biology Reports審稿人 畜牧獸醫學報審稿人 中國農業科學審稿人 農業生物技術學報審稿人 遺傳審稿人 國家自然科學基金項目評審專家 北京市自然科學基金項目評審專家
| 項目性質及來源
| 本人 排序
| 起止年月
| 浙江省傑出青年科學基金
| 1
| 2016.1-2019.12
| 浙江大學農業生命環境學部優秀人才培育計畫
| 1
| 2015.1-2018.12
| 國家自然科學基金面上項目
| 1
| 2014.1-2017.12
| 浙江省科技廳飼料研發與安全科技創新團隊項目
| 1
| 2013.1-2014.12
| 浙江大學青年教師交叉研究種子基金項目
| 1
| 2014.1-2015.12
| 十二五國家科技支撐計畫子課題
| 1
| 2012.1-2016.12
| 國家青年自然科學基金
| 1
| 2010.01-2012.12
| 浙江省科技廳重大項目
| 1
| 2008.07-2011.12
Molecular and cellular mechanisms for regulation of milk composition by glucose in mammary epithelial cells
| International foundation for science
| 1
| 2008.04-2010.12
| 浙江大學青年科研創新專項
| 1
| 2010.01-2010.12
| 博士後科研基金
| 1
| 2006.10-2008.06
| 浙江大學優秀青年教師資助計畫
| 1
| 2007.10-2009.10
| 浙江省教育廳科研項目
| 1
| 2007.12-2009.12
| 企事業單位委託科技項目
| 1
| 2008.06-2011.12
| 農業部
| 3
| 2011.01-2015.12
| 企事業單位委託科技項目
| 2
| 2011.09-2013.08
| 企業委託
| 2
| 2009.09-2011.08
| 國家自然科學基金
| 2
| 2008.01-2010.12
| 農業部公益性行業基金項目
| 2
| 2007.01-2010.12
| 國際合作項目
| 3
| 2009.01-2011.12
| 國家自然科學基金
| 3
| 2005.01-2007.12
| 國家科技支撐計畫
| 4
| 2006.01-2010.12
| 國家科技支撐計畫
| 7
| 2006.01-2010.12
已發表學術論文60餘篇,其中Journal of Nutrition, BMC Genomics, PLoS ONE, Journal of Dairy Science 等SCI收錄論文40餘篇。以第一/通訊作者發表SCI收錄論文19篇,總IF5年=40,其中標註為通訊作者。
2 Jin XL, Wang K,Liu HY, Hu FL, Zhao FQ, Liu JX. Protection of bovine mammary epithelial cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative cell damage by resveratrol. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Accepted. (IF5年=3.783)
2 Zhang B, Wang C, Wei ZH, Sun HZ, Xu GZ, Liu J, Liu HY. The effects of dietary phosphorus on the growth performance and phosphorus excretion of dairy heifers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. Accepted. (IF5年=0.757)
2 Yang JX, Wang CH, Xu QB, Zhao FQ, Liu JX, Liu HY.Methionyl-methionine promotes α-s1 casein synthesis in bovine mammary gland explants by enhanceing intracellular substrate availability and activating JAK2-STAT5 and mTOR mediated signaling pathways. Journal of Nutrition. 2015 145: 1748-1753 (IF5年=4.693)
2 Liu HY, Zhu WZ, Lu BY, Wei ZH, Ren DX. Effect of feed selenium supplementation on milk selenium distribution and mozzarella quality. Journal of Dairy Science. 2015, 98 1-9 (IF5年=3.080)
2 Jin XL, Wei ZH, Liu L,Liu HY, Liu JX. Comparative studies of two methods for miRNA isolation from milk whey.Journal of Zhejiang University Science-B. 2015, 16: 533-540 (IF5年=1.390)
2 Zhou MM, Wu YM, LiuHY, Liu JX. Effects of phenylalanine and threonine oligopeptideson milk protein synthesis in cultured bovine mammary epithelial cells.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 2014, 8: 1-6 (IF5年=1.417)
2 Zhao K, Liu HY, Zhou MM, Zhao FQ, Liu JX. Protein kinase C regulates glucose uptake and mRNA expression of GLUT1 and GLUT8 in lactating bovine mammary epithelial cells. Journal of Dairy Science. 2014,97:4329-4332 (IF5年=3.080)
2 Zhao K, Liu HY, Zhou MM, Zhao FQ, Liu JX. Insulin stimulates glucose uptake via a phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase-linked signaling pathway in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Journal of Dairy Science. 2014,97:3660-3665 (IF5年=3.080)
2 Wang HF, Liu HY, Liu JX, Zhao K, Wang C, Wang WR. High-level exogenous trans10, cis12 Conjugated linoleic acid plays an anti-lipogenesis role in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Animal Science Journal. 2014,85: 744-750 (IF5年=0.993)
2 Liu HY, Zhao K, Liu JX.Effects of glucose availability on expression of key genes involved in synthesis of milk fat, lactose and glucose metabolism in bovine mammary epithelial cells. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8: e66092 (IF5年=4.015)
2 Liu HY, Zhao K, Zhou MM, Wang C, Ye JA, Liu JX. Cytoprotection of vitamin E on hyperthermia-induced damage in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2010, 35:250-253 (IF5年=1.678)
2 Liu HY, Zeng WD, Cao AL, ZhangCQ. Follicle-stimulating hormone promotes proliferation of cultured chicken ovarian germ cells through protein kinase A and C activation. Journal of Zhejiang University Science-B. 2010, 11: 952-957 (IF5年=1.390)
2 Zhao K, Liu HY, Zhou MM, Liu JX. Establishment and characterization of lactating bovine mammary epithelial cell model for milk synthesis study. Cell Biology International. 2010, 34, 717-721 (IF5年=1.543)
2 Liu HY, Zhang CQ. Effects of daidzein on mRNA expression of gonadotropin receptors and P450 aromatase in chicken ovarian follicles. Poultry Science. 2008,87:541-545 (IF5年=1.936)
2 Liu HY, Yang JY, Wu HH, Wu YM, Liu JX. Effects of methionine and its ratio to lysine on expression of casein αs1 in cultured bovine mammary epithelial cells. 2007. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 2007, 16 (Suppl.): 330-334 (IF5年=0.694)
2 Liu HY,Zhang CQ, Ge CT, Liu JX. Effects of daidzein on mRNA expression of gonadotropin receptors and P450 aromatase in ovarian follicles of white silky fowls. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2007, 20: 1827-1831 (IF5年=0.757)
2 Liu HY, Zhang CQ, Zeng WD. Estrogenic and antioxidant effects of a phytoestrogen daidzein on ovarian germ cells in embryonic chickens. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 2006, 31: 258–268 (IF5年=2.150)
2 Liu HY, Zhang CQ. Ginsenosides promote proliferation of cultured ovarian germ cells involving protein kinase C-mediated system in embryonic chickens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 2006, 19: 958-963 (IF5年=0.757)
2 Liu HY, Zhang CQ, Tang XY, Zeng WD, Mi YL. Stimulating effects of androgen on proliferation of cultured ovarian germ cells through androgenic and estrogenic actions in embryonic chickens. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 2005, 28: 451- 462 (IF5年=2.150)
2 Chacher B, Liu JX, Liu HY, Marghazani IB. Development of simple and precise method of arginine determination in rumen fluid by spectrophotometer. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan. 2015., 37: 426-430 (IF5年=0.374)
2 Wang DM, Chacher B, Liu HY, Wang JK, Lin J, Liu JX. Effects ofγ- aminobutyric acid on feed intake, growth performance and expression of related genes in growing lambs. Animal. 2015, 9: 445-448 (IF5年=2.040)
2 Sun HZ, Wang DM, Wang B, Wang JK, Liu HY, Guan LL, Liu JX. Metabolomics of Four Biofluids from Dairy Cows: Potential Biomarkers for Milk Production and Quality. Journal of Proteome Research. 2015, 14 (2): 1287–1298 (IF5年=4.481)
2 Xu QB, Wu YM, Liu HY, Xie YM, Huang XB, Liu JX. Establishment and characterization of an omasal epithelial cell model derived from dairy calves for the study of small peptide absorption. PLoS ONE. 2014, 9: e88993 (IF5年=4.015)
2 Wang C, Liu Z, Wang DM, Liu JX, Liu HY, Wu ZG. Effect of dietary phosphorus content on milk production and phosphorus excretion in dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2014, 5:23-28 (IF=1.681)
2 Chacher, B, Liu HY, Wang DM, Liu JX. Potential role of N-carbamoyl glutamate in biosynthesis of arginine and its significance in production of ruminant animals.Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2013, 4:16-22 (IF=1.681)
2 Wang DM, Liu HY, Wang C, Liu JX. Effect of rumen-protected gamma-aminobutyric acid on feed intake, performance and antioxidative status in transition cows. Livestock Science. 2013, 153: 66-72 (IF=1.620)
2 Wang DM, Wang C,Liu HY, Liu JX, Ferguson JD.Effects of rumen-protectedγ-aminobutyric acid on feed intake, lactation performance and antioxidant status in early lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 2013, 96: 1-6 (IF5年=3.080)
2 SikalidisAK,MazorKM, Kang M, Liu HY, StipanukMH. Total 4EBP1 Is Elevated in Liver of Rats in Response to Low Sulfur Amino Acid Intake. Journal of Amino Acids. 2013:864757, DOI:10.1155/2013/864757
2 Li Z, Liu HY, Jin XL, Lo LJ, Liu JX. Expression profiles of microRNAs from lactating and non-lactating bovine mammary glands and identification of miRNA related to lactation. BMC Genomics. 2012, 13: 731-746 (IF5年=4.360)
2 Zhao K, Liu HY, Wang HF, Zhou MM, Liu JX. Hexokinase 2 involves in the glucose uptake regulated by glucose availability in bovine mammary epithelium. Animal. 2012,6:488-493 (IF5年=2.040)
2 Zhao K, Liu HY, Zhou MM, Liu JX.Lactogenic hormones regulation of glucose transporters gene expression in bovine mammary epithelial cell. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2012,24:626-630 (IF5年=0.293)
2 Chacher B, Wang DM, Liu HY, Liu JX. Degradation of L-arginine and N-carbamoyl glutamate and their effect on rumen fermentation in vitro. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 2012, 11: 374-377 (IF5年=0.641)
2 Zhou MM, Wu YM, Liu HY, Zhao K, Liu JX. Effects of tripeptides and lactogenic hormones on oligopeptide transporter 2 in bovine mammary gland. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition.2011, 95: 781-789 (IF5年=1.417)
2 Wang HF, Chen Y, Zhao YN, Liu HY, Liu JX, Makkar HPS, Becker K. Effects of replacing soybean meal by detoxified Jatrophacurcas kernel meal in the diet of growing pigs on their growth, serum biochemical parameters and visceral organs. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2011, 170: 141-146 (IF5年=2.109)
2 Wang C, Liu HY, Wang YM, Yang ZQ, Liu JX, Wu YM, Yan TH, Ye HW. Effects of dietary supplementation of methionine and lysine on milk production and nitrogen utilization in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 2010, 93(8):3661-3670 (IF5年=3.080)
2 Ye JA, Wang C, Wang HF, Liu HY, Wang YM, Chen B, Liu JX. Effects of pelletizing and supplementary methionine, lysine, and choline on the performance of periparturient dairy cows. Acta Agricultrae Scandinavica, Section A-Animal Science. 2010, 60: 230-238 (IF5年=0.603)
2 Ye JA, Wang C, Wang HF, Ye HW, Wang BX, Liu HY, Wang YM, Yang ZQ, Liu JX. Milk production and fatty acid profile of dairy cows supplemented with flaxseed oil, soybean oil, or extruded soybeans. Acta Agricultrae Scandinavica, Section A-Animal Science. 2009, 59(2):121-129 (IF5年=0.603)
2 Wu HH, Yang JY, Zhao K, Liu HY, Wu YM, Liu JX. Effects of methionine-containing dipeptides on casein αs1 expression in bovine mammary epithelial cell. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 2007, 16 (Suppl.): 325-329 (IF5年=0.694)
2 Mi YL, Zhang CQ, Zeng WD, Liu JX, Liu HY. The Isoflavonoiddaidzein attenuated the oxidative damage induced by polychlorinated biphenyls on cultured chicken testicular cells. Poultry Science. 2007, 86: 2008-2012 (IF5年=1.936)
2 Tang XY, Zhang CQ, Zeng WD, Mi YL, Liu HY. Proliferating effects of flavonoids daidzein and quercetin on cultured chicken primordial germ cells through antioxidant action. Cell Biology International. 2006, 30: 445-451 (IF5年=1.543)
2 Tong FD,Liu HY, Wang Q. Molecular cloning of insulin-like growth factor-Ⅰfrom triangular bream (Megalobramaterminalis). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry,2003, 29: 91- 95 (IF5年=1.791)
2 張彬,楊金勇,韋子海,劉建新, 劉紅雲. 後備奶牛磷減排的營養措施研究. .動物營養學報. 2014, 26( 8) :2046-2050
2 劉建新,李珊珊,張彬,劉紅雲. 改善奶牛氮磷利用率的營養策略. 動物營養學報, 2014, 26(10):3129-3134
2 楊建香, 金曉露, 魏寧波, 劉紅雲劉建新. 小肽轉運載體2 的轉運機制及功能研究.動物營養學報. 2013, 25( 6) :1174-1179
2 魏寧波,
汪海峰, 任大喜,
王翀. 固醇調控元件結合蛋白在膽固醇代謝中作用機制的研究進展. 中國畜牧雜誌. 2013, 49(5): 80-84
2 李真, 金曉露,
劉建新. 哺乳動物中MicroRNA檢測方法研究進展. 中國畜牧雜誌. 2013,49(11): 88-92
2 金曉露,
劉建新. 乳腺發育及泌乳相關miRNA研究進展. 遺傳. 2013,35(6): 695-702
2 劉建新, 劉紅雲, 朱雯, 金曉露. 穩定和提高牛奶蛋白質含量的營養策略. 飼料工業.2013 , 34(4): 1-10
2 王紅芳, 劉紅雲, 楊維仁, 劉建新, 楊在賓. 外源反-10,順-12 共軛亞油酸對體外培養牛乳腺上皮細胞SREBP-1 基因表達和蛋白質合成的影響. 中國農業科學. 2011,44(23):4892-4901
2 周苗苗,劉紅雲,趙珂,吳躍明,劉建新. 泌乳反芻動物乳腺中小肽的攝取、利用及影響因素. 動物營養學報. 2011, 23( 3): 376-380
2 王翀, 劉紅雲, 劉凌. 過瘤胃保護膽鹼在奶牛上的套用研究進展. 飼料工業.2011, 10: 11-15
2 周苗苗, 吳躍明, 劉紅雲, 趙珂, 劉建新. 小肽轉運載體2 在奶牛乳腺小肽攝取中的作用研究. 動物營養學報. 2011, 23(8): 1303-1308
2 王翀, 陳偉健, 王婷, 周圻, 汪海峰, 趙阿勇, 劉紅雲. 抗應激劑在奶牛生產中的研究進展. 中國草食動物. 2011, 31(5): 50-53
2 劉紅雲,
劉建新, 王迪銘. 功能性胺基酸在反芻動物營養中的研究進展. 飼料營養研究進展. 2010: 181-189
2 劉紅雲, 周彩琴, 曾衛東, 張才喬. 大豆黃酮對伊莎雞卵泡發育及其P450arom 基因表達的影響. 2010, 46 (17): 22-24
2 王迪銘,劉紅雲,王翀,劉建新. 過瘤胃保護性γ- 氨基丁酸的調製與穩定性研究. 動物營養學報. 2010, 22( 5) : 1451- 1456
2 趙珂, 劉紅雲, 劉建新. 泌乳奶牛乳腺葡萄糖吸收、代謝及其調控研究進展. 中國奶牛.2009, 8: 26-29
2 劉紅雲, 張才喬. 禽類下丘腦-垂體-性腺軸的內分泌調節. 中國獸醫雜誌. 2006 , 42 (9 ): 41-43
2 劉紅雲, 曾衛東, 張才喬. 雄激素對培養的雞胚卵巢生殖細胞增殖的影響. 中國獸醫學報. 2006, 26 (1): 101-103
2 劉紅雲, 張才喬. 細胞微囊化免疫隔離技術在移植醫學中的套用. 細胞生物學雜誌. 2004, 26: 455-458
2 童富淡, 劉紅雲. 三角魴IGF-I 基因的分子克隆及其序列分析. 中國農業科學. 2004,37(10):1564-1570
2 劉紅雲, 童富淡, 李宜梅, 王群, 胡福良. 貯存溫度、時間對蜂王漿水溶性蛋白的影響. 食品與發酵工業. 2003, 29(6): 1-4
專利類 型
| 專利名稱
| 專利申請號或專利號
| 設計人
| 反芻動物乳腺上皮細胞的分離純化法和保存方法
| ZL200810162422.3
| 劉建新,劉紅雲,趙珂
| 反芻動物乳腺上皮細胞的保存方法
| ZL 201010162042.7
| 劉紅雲,劉建新,趙珂
| 過瘤胃GABA奶牛精料
| ZL201110189305.8
| 劉紅雲,劉建新,王迪明
| 提高奶牛氮利用率和奶牛生產性能的飼料
| CN 201310281749.3
| 劉紅雲,劉建新,巴哈拉姆·查特
| 奶牛瓣胃上皮細胞體外分離、培養以及保存和復甦方法
| CN201310263564.X.
| 許慶彪, 解瑩明, 劉紅雲, 吳躍明, 劉建新
2 《動物營養檢測技術及其套用》(參編)
2 高等農業院校教材《養牛學》及其實驗指導(參編)