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劉穎,女,漢族,理學博士,中央民族大學生命與環境科學學院教授,博士生導師, 教育部高等教育司專家庫評審專家,北京市大學生化學實驗競賽組委會評審。


  • 中文名:劉穎
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西南師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:理學
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 職稱:教授
  • 任職院校:中央民族大學






1. 2012年國家自然科學基金
2. 2008年國家自然科學基金
3. 2010年教育部“中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金”
4. 2007年內蒙古自治區自然科學基金資助重點項目
5. 2006年內蒙古自治區高等學校科學研究項目
6. 2008年內蒙古錫盟西烏珠穆沁旗人民政府橫向課題
7. 2008年內蒙古鄂爾多斯市伊金霍洛旗橫向課題
8. 2009年內蒙古烏蘭察布市興和縣橫向課題
9. 2008年中央民族大學本科專業建設項目
10. 2008年中央民族大學教學改革項目
1. Zhou Shanshan, Yuan Haodong, Ma Xiaoling,Liu Ying*.Hair chemical element contents and influence factors of reproductive-age women inthe West Ujimqin Banner, Inner Mongolia, China.Chemosphere, 166: 528-539 (2017). (SCI, IF=4.208, A類)
2. Wang Yirun, Wang Ruming, Fan Liyun, Chen Tiantian, Bai Yahong, Yu Qianru,Liu Ying*. Assessment of multiple exposure to chemical elements and health risks among residents near Huodehong lead-zinc mining area in Yunnan, Southwest China.Chemosphere, 174: 613-627 (2017). (SCI, IF=4.208, A類)
3. Ma Xiaoling, Zuo Hang, Tian Mengjing, Zhang Liyang, Meng Jia, Zhou Xuening, Min Na, Chang Xinyuan,Liu Ying*. Assessment of heavy metals contamination in sediments from three adjacent regions of the Yellow River using metal chemical fractions and multivariate analysis techniques,Chemosphere, 144: 264-272 (2016).(SCI, IF=3.340, A類)
4. Deng Fengyu,Liu Ying*. Study of the interaction between tosufloxacin tosylate and bovine serum albumin by multi-spectroscopic methods.J. Lumin.,132(2): 443-448 (2012). (SCI, IF=2.102, A類)
5. Fang Qing, Xing Mai, Guo Chenhui,Liu Ying*. Probing the interaction of doxycycline to trypsin and bovine hemoglobin by using multi-spectral techniques and molecular docking.J. Mol. Liq.,(242): 497-504 (2017).(SCI,IF=3.648, B類)
6. Fang Qing, Guo Chenhui, Wang Yirun,Liu Ying*.The study on interactions between levofloxacin andmodelproteins by using multi-spectroscopic and molecular docking methods.J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn., 2017,(SCI, IF=3.123, B類)
7. Ma Xiaoling, Zuo Hang, Liu Jingjun,Liu Ying*. Distribution, risk assessment, and statistical source identification of heavy metals in aqueous system from three adjacent regions of the Yellow River.Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.,23: 8963-8975 (2016)(SCI, IF=2.828, B類)
8. Hu Taoying,Liu Ying*, Probing the interaction of cefodizime with human serum albumin using multi-spectroscopic and molecular docking techniques.J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 107, 325-332 (2015). (SCI, IF=2.979, B類)
9. Dong Chengyu, Ma Shuying,Liu Ying*. Studies of the interaction between demeclocycline and human serum albumin by multi-spectroscopic and molecular docking methods.Spectrochim. Acta Part A: Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 103:179-186 (2013). (SCI, IF=2.098, B類)
10. Deng Fengyu, Dong Chengyu,Liu Ying*. Characterization of the interaction between nitrofurazone and human serum albumin by spectroscopic and molecular modeling methods.Mol. BioSyst., 8(5), 1446-1451 (2012). (SCI, IF=3.534, B類)


