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  • 中文名:劉秋雲
  • 畢業院校:美國Dartmouth College
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物技術等
  • 任職院校:中山大學


Molecular Genetics分子遺傳
Chemical perspective of disease mechanisms疾病機理的化學觀點
Earthquake mechanism and earthquake prediction using anomaly of animal behavior地震機理與地震預報


1984/09—1991/06美國Dartmouth College,生化系,博士,博士導師Jay C. Dunlap(現任美國科學院院士,其以通訊作者發表過17篇CNS研究論文,其中兆設戲6次CNS封面文章(一次NATURE,3次SCIENCE,2次CELL封面))。從事粗糙脈孢霉(紅色麵包霉)的生物鐘基因克隆研究。


主持了國家自然科學基金等多個科研課題。建立了熱聚合抗菌肽的合成方法。提出了過濾掉非特異動物行為比如雞飛犬鳴、蟾蜍上路、動物不進圈等常見現象,並使用特異動物行為如拒食和痙攣或無法站立連她享或易被捕捉或水禽拒絕下水或海鳥向大陸群飛等多起同時發生的異常現象預報地震的方法;或利用應力向上分量抵消重力導致地震而致臨震時微小的地面上移抬升的預報地震的方法。VDAC3通道具有兩個鹼性胺基酸多態性的家鼠比具有一個多態性的大動物對於預感地震具有更高的敏感性。結合過濾和事件(或零件或系統)的冗餘性可以大大提高預報準確性以及產品的可靠性。地震是由於日月引力和地球重力的引力三人舞,而日月引力並非只是地震發生的最後一根稻草。地球自轉是相對於日月引力場而言,我們感受不到自轉。日月引力和重力的精確性產生了同樣震級地震在同一地區發生的精確周期性。提出了在日月引力的加減速作用下,由於慣性作用,大質量(如青藏高原)減速慢、小質量府轎章蜜(如墨西哥西海岸或南美西海岸的太平洋)加速快,日積月累的撞擊四川或墨西哥以及南美導致地震的理鴉鞏棗論。由於地球近似圓形,指向前方遠處(東面,自轉方向)的力產生向上分量,長期積累至完全抵消重力時發生地震。例如,受日月引力的加速後青藏高原質量大因而減速慢,撞擊四川的力產生向上分量,當重力被完全抵消時四川某地就發生地震,向上擠出的地殼部分在地下產生空間糠遷因而大大減小了地殼內從西面指向東面的應力。海嘯是體現地震時應力向上分量的一個典型例子。美洲西海岸沿著自轉方向存在美洲大陸的緩慢減速和輕的水下的太平洋板塊的快速加速,當前者超過後者產生火山,反之發生地震,二者相近時既有地震又有火山。震源越深地震越少,因為較小的日月引力產生的力的向上分量舉起沉重的地塊需要時間。地震時的燈具等搖晃猶如汽車的加減速導致人的搖晃。地震前大氣熱能的產生是由於應力向上分量與重力的擠壓而使地殼部分高速電子運動受阻,產生熱能,產生的壓電現象也會導致無線電異常或在汶川地震觀察到的指南針指向異常。恆星強大的重力亦使高速電子運動受阻而產熱,因而呈熔融狀態,並非由於核聚變。提出了由於板塊漂移地殼出現微裂縫。高山或高原西面的海拔偏低地區質量小向東漂移慢而出現火山、沙漠、石油、沙塵暴、溫泉等。並提出太陽黑子是因為受到大行星木星移向近日點時對太陽引力增強的影響,其基於引力加減速的原理與火山、地震有一定相似性;進而提出恆星黑子可以用來尋找系外行星。由於恆星丟失大量光子等質量,地球等行星體逐漸遠離太陽,累積起來的表現形式就是宇宙在加速膨脹。因為太陽丟失光子以及慣性作用,行星出現繞日公轉近日點進動。在溫室氣體CO2捕獲應對全球變暖研究方面取得重要進展。提出了氫鍵供體和受體盼雅跨與鹼性胺基酸共同局部積累HCl導致癌變的假說,解釋了醋廠癌症罕見(弱酸對抗強酸)、雲南無海岸線鼻咽癌低發(低濕度氫鍵少)、紅肉有一定致癌性和鈣片防癌(中和強酸)的現象。鼻咽癌多出現於又濕又熱的地方,溫度高血液循環好,而血紅蛋白具有約16%鹼性胺基酸,因此鼻咽癌與血癌具有一些共同的風險因子。提出了利用稀釋的弱有機酸如乙酸、乳酸強力鍵諒懂臭預防和治療癌症的觀點。醋廠廠區周邊居民患癌率也降低,醋廠的個別患癌病人腫瘤不惡性。癌細胞通過過量產生草酸以對抗局部鹽酸,草酸擴散並對正常細胞產生壓力和草酸鈣導致死亡。提出了草酸鈣是老年性疾病的主要致病因子,解釋了適量飲酒延壽(類似物抑制),過量飲酒有致癌風險的現象(乙醇羥基能形成氫鍵)。提出了不溶性鈣鹽是老年痴呆和心臟病的致病因子。水產品擁有的蛋白質含有較多氫鍵,可幫助溶解不溶性鈣鹽。朊蛋白含有約20%的甘氨酸,其羰基鍵長很長,導致羰基氧對二價陽離子有強親和力,容易形成不溶性且堅硬鈣鹽,因此瘋牛病患病動物排泄物堅硬為一特徵。提出了必需胺基酸是進化的產物。提出了幾種必需胺基酸及鹼性胺基酸在多種病毒的毒力形成中的作用,例如SARS病毒(毒力蛋白16%異亮氨酸,異亮氨酸里的超共軛和范德華相互作用導致羰基氧高度親質子)、狂犬病毒、塞卡病毒。提出了疾病的化學統一理論。在Science線上發表了154篇eletters(均為唯一通訊作者,Science eletters總數位列世界前列,Science eletters總數可能排名首位。其中51篇與地震機理與預報、地球物理和天體物理等相關)。在Science封面(影響因子32點,第二作者)、Genetics(影響因子4點,第一作者)、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (影響因子3.154,農林科學1區、農業綜合1區,共同通訊作者)、European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (影響因子 5.64,共39篇,醫學二區,均為唯一通訊作者)、Scientific Reports (IF4.1,共同通訊作者)、Chronobiology International (影響因子4點)、Am J Epidemiol (醫學二區、影響因子4.473點,唯一通訊作者)、Brain Research Reviews (影響因子10.3點)、European Journal of Cancer Prevention (影響因子 2.33, 醫學三區,3篇,均為唯一通訊作者)、Medical Hypotheses(4篇,均為通訊作者)、MethodsX(通訊作者)、Biochemistry Insights(3篇,唯一通訊作者)等國際刊物已發表SCI論文與SCI收錄文章70篇(其中62篇為通訊作者或共同通訊作者。66篇SCIE和4篇ESCI),國內論文30餘篇,申請專利10餘個,已獲得授權10個(其中9個排名第一)。
近期部分SCI,SCIE, ESCI以及部分eletters(*通訊作者)(More complete lists can be found at PubMed: Qiuyun Liu; or Google: Qiuyun Liu Science eletter; Web of Science 核心合集:Liu Qiuyun & Sun Yat-sen University、Liu Qiuyun & Zhongshan University和Liu Qiu-yun & Sun Yat-sen University):
1. Yulin Wan, Shanshan An, Yanchao Zhou, Man Tang, Qiuyun Liu*. A solo dance or a tango? Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12:1-2.
2. Shanshan An, Jiaming Zhang, Yuchuan Wang, Ying Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*. The roles of N6-Methyladenosine in human diseases. Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12:1178626419883248.
3. Yulin Wan, Jiaming Zhang, Xiaoxia Li, Yuchuan Wang, Qiuyun Liu*. Cellular states and secondary chemical bonding: a biochemical view of major human diseases. Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12: 12:1178626419877846.
4. Lan Ouyang, Jinhuan Qi, Wanquan Liu, Qiuyun Liu*. Cycles of accelerations by gravitational pulls. Science, 2019.
5. Yuchuan Wang, Zhixue Wang, Liang Cui, Sirui Yan, Qiuyun Liu*. Why some circulating DNA methylation markers can be used for diagnosis and prognosis of cancers. Science, 2018,
6. Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*. The use of search engines in earthquake predictions. Science, 2018,
7. Yanchao Zhou, Lan Ouyang, Xiao Yi, Tao Gan, Jinhuan Qi, Yulin Wan, Yuchuan Wang, Shanshan An, Yunfan Shi, Wei Yang, Wenze Chen, Zhiyao Luo, Jing Li, Jun Luo, Xiren Nuertai, Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Beibei Zhao, Weiwei Zhang, Zi-Wei Ye, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Shaoping Weng, Qiuyun Liu, Weiguo Cao, Jianguo He. Microbial Cells Harboring a Mitochondrial Gene Are Capable of CO2 Capture. BioRxiv. 2018.9.7. doi:
8. Yulin Wan, Ling Wen, Qiuyun Liu*. Who will benefit from colorectal cancer prevention measures? European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2019 Sep;28(5):459-460.
9. Yulin Wan, Xiaoyi Hu, Qiuyun Liu*. Protection of Cancer in Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2019 Sep;28(5):459.
10. Shanshan An, Yulin Wan, Yunfan Shi, Fan Yang, Qiuyun Liu*. How to choose medicinally more valuable yogurt products for the prevention of heart disease and colorectal cancer. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018, 25(18):2013–2014.
11. Yunfan Shi, Shanshan An, Yulin Wan, Fan Yang, Qiuyun Liu*. How to best use acetic acid for the prevention of heart disease and cancer. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.2019, 26(4): 437–438.
12. Yue Du, Min Fu, Jingli Peng, Shanshan An, Qiuyun Liu*. How to alleviate cancer-caused secondary heart disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(15):1675.
13. Sirui Yan, Jing Li, Qiuyun Liu*. Earthquakes-an intricate trio dance of gravitation. Science, 2018,
14. Shanshan An, Xiaoyi Hu, Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*. The origin of the sand-dust storms. Science, 2018,
15. Hongyu Zhong, Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Qiuyun Liu*. The inner workings of the Sun and stars. Science, 2017;
16. Yiqi Li, Xiaoyi Hu, Juntong Zou, Qiuyun Liu*, The loss of star matters and accelerated cosmic expansion, Science, 2017;
17. Yulin Wan, Li Xu, Jinhuan Qi, Tao Gan, and Qiuyun Liu. Shared preventive strategies between cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(8):881-882.
18. Jing Li, Zijin Li, Fan Feng, Yunfan Shi and Qiuyun Liu*, Calcium supplement is a major concern for patients with cardiovascular diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(6): 641.
19. Meng Xing, Yunfan Shi, Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Qiuyun Liu*. How aspirin prevents cardiovascular diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(6):640.
20. Juntong Zou, Yulin Wan, Zhenxiao Zhuang, Han Wan and Qiuyun Liu*. Re: "Active and Passive Smoking and Risk of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Population-Based Case-Control Study in Southern China". American Journal of Epidemiology. 2018;187(2):398.
21. Man Tang, Yanchao Zhou, Jiayang Gao, Jingli Peng, Yuan Wang, Qirui Zhao, Lihao Liao, Kai Wang, Mengjia Pan, Meng Xing, Wen Pan, Danling Dai, Min Fu, Li Yu, Chuqing Zhang, Yuchuan Wang, Ying Zhang, Li Xu, Jing Li, Xiao Bao, Wenxian Piao, Shihong Lin, Kaibei Lu, Xuelan Zhang, Weiguo Cao, Kai Yang, Zhumei He, Shaoping Weng, Qiuyun Liu*, Jianguo He*. Heat conjugation of antibacterial agents from amino acids and plant oil. Scientific Reports. 2017. 7(1): 10852.
22. Yulin Wan, Juntong Zou, Yunfan Shi, Ying Zhang and Qiuyun Liu*. How to avoid cardiac sudden death. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(16): 1790.
23. Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Kai Wang, Ying Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*. Can acetic acid substitute ethanol for the reduction of cardiovascular disease risks? European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(17): 1889–1890.
24. Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Yuchuan Wang, Kai Wang, Qiuyun Liu*. Mechanism underlying gender difference in heart disease risks and corresponding preventive measures. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017. 24(17):1807–1808.
25. Yanchao Zhou, Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Zi-Wei Ye, Qiuyun Liu*. Why the Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of heart disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(16): 1788–1789.
26. Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Yanchao Zhou, Zi-Wei Ye, Qiuyun Liu*. Why various wines reduce the risks of heart diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017. 24(15): 1646-1647.
27. Yanchao Zhou, Yulin Wan, Zi-Wei Ye, Zhumei He, Qiuyun Liu*, Yunfan Shi*, How Hepatitis B virus causes cirrhosis and liver cancer, Medical Hypotheses. 2017, 108:52-53
28. Hongyu Zhong, Kai Wang, Yunfan Shi, Xiren Nuertai, Qiuyun Liu*. Tsunamis is a prime example of the vertical component of the forces during earthquakes. Science, 2017;
29. Xi Luo, Xiaoyi Hu, Qiuyun Liu*. A day-by-day, region-by-region comparisons using 60-minute time window can pinpoint pre-quake minute rise. Science, 2017;
30. Fan Feng, Hongyu Zhong, Qiuyun Liu*. Matters squeezing upward make room at the horizontal level. Science, 2017;
31. Hongyu Zhong, Min Fu, Wanquan Liu, Qiuyun Liu*. Integrated system for earthquake predictions. Science, 2017;
32. Yan Cao, Hongyu Zhong, Ying Zhang, Xiang Zhu, Qiuyun Liu*. Why waterfowls usually don’t get avian flu? Science, 2017;
33. Jing Li, Bo Yu, Qiuyun Liu*. Accelerations and decelerations and tidal waves. Science, 2017;
34. Hongyu Zhong, Jing Li, Yan Huang, Xiaoxuan Wu, Bo Yu, Qiuyun Liu*. The secret of longevity. Science, 2017;
35. Yuchuan Wang, Xiaoyi Hu, Jiaming Zhang, Ye Gao, Yan Huang, Qiuyun Liu*. Furthering our understandings on coding SNPs: β-branched amino acids in diseases. Science, 2017;
36. Shuying He, Wenwen Yu, Qiuyun Liu*. Large or small earthquakes: defying gravity. Science, 2017;
37. Ran He, Shuying He, Xiren Nuertai, Jieyu Wu, Qiuyun Liu*. The faster acceleration of smaller masses in the west of Americas. Science, 2017;
38. Yue Du, Xiaoyi Hu, Zhining Li, Qiuyun Liu*. How pre-earthquake atmospheric thermal energy is generated? Science, 2017;
39. Xiaoqian Ma, Zhenlang Chen, Fan Feng, Qiuyun Liu*. RE: East or west: regional effect in earthquake premonition. Science, 2017;
40. Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Zijin Li, Qiuyun Liu*, Why the Indian subcontinent drifts toward Eurasia. Science, 2017;
41. Vito De Pinto, Simona Reina, Yulin Wan, Qiuyun Liu*, Why burrowing animals are highly sensitive toward impending earthquakes? Science, 2017;
42. Yunfan Shi, Ying Zhang, Ling Wen, Qiuyun Liu*, Why some flu strains become deadly? Science, 2017;
43. Yulin Wan, Yunfan Shi, Zhining Li, Kai Wang, Qiuyun Liu*, How focal depth is generated? Science, 2017;
44. Yulin Wan, Jieyu Wu, Sheng Li, Wanquan Liu, Shuli Wang, Qiuyun Liu*, Landslides and anomaly of animal behavior. Science, 2017;
45. Yulin Wan, Li Chen, Wanquan Liu, Ye Gao, Qiuyun Liu*, Why rats are more sensitive than numerous other types of animals in earthquake premonition? Science, 2017;
46. Yulin Wan, Guangchuang Yu, Juntong Zou, Wanquan Liu, Qiuyun Liu*, Why animals have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami? Science, 2017;
47. Jianguo He,Shaoping Weng,Xiaoxia Li, Xiren Nuertai, Qiuyun Liu*, Why is lung cancer so prevalent? Science, 2017;
48. Jiaming Zhang, Man Tang, Yunfan Shi,Yulin Wan, Xiaoyi Hu, Qiuyun Liu*, Appearance of somatic mutations can be subjected to the influences of inherited factors, Science, 2017;
49. Kai Wang, Xinming Yang, Wenwen Yu, Zhining Li, Yujuan Liang, Qiuyun Liu*, A chemical perspective for DNA methylation, Science, 2017;
50. Man Tang, Shaoping Weng, Guangchuang Yu, Kai Yang, Mengjia Pan, Shuying He, Qiuyun Liu*, RE: Sequence features of the virulence protein VP24 of Ebola virus, Science, 2017;
51. Jianguo He, Jun Luo, Zhiwu Xu, Fan Feng, Wenwen Yu, Beibei Zhao, Qiuyun Liu*, High isoleucine content in the ORF6 peptide of SARS virus may contribute to virulence, Science, 2017;
52. Jianguo He, Yongsheng Liu, Zhicheng Lyu, Lan Ouyang, Xiao Yi, Min Fu, Qiuyun Liu*, What accounts for the near full fatalities of rabies virus infections, Science, 2017;
53. Shaoping Weng, Simona Reina, Kai Wang, Bang Xu, Zi-Wei Ye, Xuelan Zhang, Zhining Li, Qiuyun Liu*, Supplement to earthquake prediction based on Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels, Science, 2017;
54. Qiuyun Liu*, Jiayang Gao, Wen Pan, Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Weiguo Cao, Differentia in decelerations of masses: when the Earth meets lunar and solar pulls, Science, 2017;
55. Yanchao Zhou, Tao Gan, Jinhuan Qi, Jianguo He, Weiguo Cao, Qiuyun Liu*, CO2 hydration-led proton generation and hyper-osmolarity, Science, 2017;
56. Jianguo He, Shaoping Weng, Ying Zhang, Jing Li, Jingli Peng, Li Xu, Qiuyun Liu*, High leucine content in the polyprotein of Zika virus may contribute to neurotropism, Science, 2017;
57. Yue Du, Jianguo He, Vito De Pinto, Shaoping Weng, Ye Gao, Juntong Zou, Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*, Earthquake prediction based on Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels, Science, 2017;
58. Qing-Qing Zhi, Jie-Ying Li, Qiu-Yun Liu*, Zhu-Mei He*, A Cytosine Methyltransferase Ortholog dmtA Is Involved in the Sensitivity of Aspergillus flavus to Environmental Stresses. Fungal Biology, 2017, 121( 5):501–514
59. Man Tang, Xiaoxia Li, Qizhang Li, Yanchao Zhou, Wen Pan, Jiayang Gao, Ziwei Ye, Shaoping Weng, Qiuyun Liu*, Jianguo He*, Zhumei He*, Conditional potency is a hallmark of viral protein-derived toxic peptides, Medical Hypotheses, 2017,100:2-3
60. Chen Yu, Li Xu, Wenxian Piao, Xiao Bao, Hairong Wang, Meng Xing, Jieyu Wu, Bang Xu, Penghui Yuan, Yangxiu Wu, Wangyun He, Jinhuan Qi, Ying Zhang, Xiaoqian Ma, Qiuyun Liu*, Ligation Based Assembly and PCR-based Assembly for Extraordinary Adenine/Thymine Rich DNA, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. . 2018. 88(3):1063.
61. Man Tang, Yanchao Zhou, Yiqi Li, Juntong Zou, Beicheng Yang, Li Cai, Xuelan Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*, Hydrogen donors and acceptors and basic amino acids jointly contribute to carcinogenesis, Medical Hypotheses, 2017, 98:42–44.
62. Yue Xiao, Qiongsi Zhang, Yiquan Luo, Ying Zhang, Xi Luo, Yuchuan Wang, Weiguo Cao, Vito De Pinto, Qiuyun Liu*, and Gang Li*, Neurospora crassa tox-1 Gene Encodes a pH- and Temperature-Tolerant Mini-Cellulase, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2016, 64 (23):4751–4757. (SCI農林科學大類一區,農業綜合小類一區)
63. Xu Z, Wu J, Feng F, Zhang X, Ma X, Tang M, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Cao Y, Cao W, He R, Gao Y, Liu Q*. Isolation of novel sequences targeting highly variable viral protein hemagglutinin. MethodsX. 2015;2:64-71.
64. Shengchun Guo*, Ying Lv, Yuxiang Lin, Kaixuan Lin, Peng Peng, Yangxiu Wu, Jingli Peng, Shaoyun Song, Zhining Li*, Qiuyun Liu*. CRISPR/Cas9 Systems - The Next Generation Gene Targeted Editing Tool, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. 2015, 85(2):377–387
65. Ran He, Liang Cui, Yan Cao, Zhixue Wang, Kai Wang, Min Fu, Shaoyun Song, Chuanfu Dong, Xiaoxuan Wu, Ye Gao, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Fan Feng, Xiaoqian Ma, Qiuyun Liu*, A combinatorial yeast overlay method for the isolation of antibacterial oligopeptides, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2014, 84(4):1069–1075
66. Wenwen Yu, Xinming Yang, Ye Gao, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Ran He, Xiaoqian Ma, Miao Lv, Rongfeng Cui, Shuli Wang, Yongchang Cao, Shaoping Xie, Wei Shi, Zhixue Wang, Liang Cui, Yan Cao, Ying Zhang, Yuan Wang, Fan Feng, Weiguo Cao And Qiuyun Liu*, Batch isolation of novel sequences targeting regions of rapid viral variations, The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82 (7): 665–670 and online supplement: 1-38. 2012
67. Kai-Sheng Liu, Hui Liu, Jinhuan Qi, Qiuyun Liu, Zhong Liu, Min Xia, Guo-Wen Xing, Shao-Xiang Wang, Yi-Fei Wang*. SNX-2112, an Hsp90 inhibitor, induces apoptosis and autophagy via degradation of Hsp90 client proteins in human melanoma A375 cells. Cancer letters, 318: 180-188. 2012
68. Pregueiro AM, Liu Q, Baker, C. L., Dunlap*, J. C. & Loros*, J. L. The Neurospora Checkpoint Kinase 2: A Regulatory Link Between the Circadian and Cell Cycles,Science. 313(5787):644-649. (封面文章,影響因子30.9點,第二作者,第三單位,Aug. 4, 2006). 2006
近期部分SCI,SCIE, ESCI以及部分eletters(*通訊作者)(More complete lists can be found at PubMed: Qiuyun Liu; or Google: Qiuyun Liu Science eletter; Web of Science 核心合集:Liu Qiuyun & Sun Yat-sen University、Liu Qiuyun & Zhongshan University和Liu Qiu-yun & Sun Yat-sen University):
1. Yulin Wan, Shanshan An, Yanchao Zhou, Man Tang, Qiuyun Liu*. A solo dance or a tango? Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12:1-2.
2. Shanshan An, Jiaming Zhang, Yuchuan Wang, Ying Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*. The roles of N6-Methyladenosine in human diseases. Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12:1178626419883248.
3. Yulin Wan, Jiaming Zhang, Xiaoxia Li, Yuchuan Wang, Qiuyun Liu*. Cellular states and secondary chemical bonding: a biochemical view of major human diseases. Biochemistry Insights. 2019. 12: 12:1178626419877846.
4. Lan Ouyang, Jinhuan Qi, Wanquan Liu, Qiuyun Liu*. Cycles of accelerations by gravitational pulls. Science, 2019.
5. Yuchuan Wang, Zhixue Wang, Liang Cui, Sirui Yan, Qiuyun Liu*. Why some circulating DNA methylation markers can be used for diagnosis and prognosis of cancers. Science, 2018,
6. Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*. The use of search engines in earthquake predictions. Science, 2018,
7. Yanchao Zhou, Lan Ouyang, Xiao Yi, Tao Gan, Jinhuan Qi, Yulin Wan, Yuchuan Wang, Shanshan An, Yunfan Shi, Wei Yang, Wenze Chen, Zhiyao Luo, Jing Li, Jun Luo, Xiren Nuertai, Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Beibei Zhao, Weiwei Zhang, Zi-Wei Ye, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Shaoping Weng, Qiuyun Liu, Weiguo Cao, Jianguo He. Microbial Cells Harboring a Mitochondrial Gene Are Capable of CO2 Capture. BioRxiv. 2018.9.7. doi:
8. Yulin Wan, Ling Wen, Qiuyun Liu*. Who will benefit from colorectal cancer prevention measures? European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2019 Sep;28(5):459-460.
9. Yulin Wan, Xiaoyi Hu, Qiuyun Liu*. Protection of Cancer in Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2019 Sep;28(5):459.
10. Shanshan An, Yulin Wan, Yunfan Shi, Fan Yang, Qiuyun Liu*. How to choose medicinally more valuable yogurt products for the prevention of heart disease and colorectal cancer. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018, 25(18):2013–2014.
11. Yunfan Shi, Shanshan An, Yulin Wan, Fan Yang, Qiuyun Liu*. How to best use acetic acid for the prevention of heart disease and cancer. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.2019, 26(4): 437–438.
12. Yue Du, Min Fu, Jingli Peng, Shanshan An, Qiuyun Liu*. How to alleviate cancer-caused secondary heart disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(15):1675.
13. Sirui Yan, Jing Li, Qiuyun Liu*. Earthquakes-an intricate trio dance of gravitation. Science, 2018,
14. Shanshan An, Xiaoyi Hu, Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*. The origin of the sand-dust storms. Science, 2018,
15. Hongyu Zhong, Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Qiuyun Liu*. The inner workings of the Sun and stars. Science, 2017;
16. Yiqi Li, Xiaoyi Hu, Juntong Zou, Qiuyun Liu*, The loss of star matters and accelerated cosmic expansion, Science, 2017;
17. Yulin Wan, Li Xu, Jinhuan Qi, Tao Gan, and Qiuyun Liu. Shared preventive strategies between cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(8):881-882.
18. Jing Li, Zijin Li, Fan Feng, Yunfan Shi and Qiuyun Liu*, Calcium supplement is a major concern for patients with cardiovascular diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(6): 641.
19. Meng Xing, Yunfan Shi, Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Qiuyun Liu*. How aspirin prevents cardiovascular diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2018. 25(6):640.
20. Juntong Zou, Yulin Wan, Zhenxiao Zhuang, Han Wan and Qiuyun Liu*. Re: "Active and Passive Smoking and Risk of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Population-Based Case-Control Study in Southern China". American Journal of Epidemiology. 2018;187(2):398.
21. Man Tang, Yanchao Zhou, Jiayang Gao, Jingli Peng, Yuan Wang, Qirui Zhao, Lihao Liao, Kai Wang, Mengjia Pan, Meng Xing, Wen Pan, Danling Dai, Min Fu, Li Yu, Chuqing Zhang, Yuchuan Wang, Ying Zhang, Li Xu, Jing Li, Xiao Bao, Wenxian Piao, Shihong Lin, Kaibei Lu, Xuelan Zhang, Weiguo Cao, Kai Yang, Zhumei He, Shaoping Weng, Qiuyun Liu*, Jianguo He*. Heat conjugation of antibacterial agents from amino acids and plant oil. Scientific Reports. 2017. 7(1): 10852.
22. Yulin Wan, Juntong Zou, Yunfan Shi, Ying Zhang and Qiuyun Liu*. How to avoid cardiac sudden death. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(16): 1790.
23. Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Kai Wang, Ying Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*. Can acetic acid substitute ethanol for the reduction of cardiovascular disease risks? European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(17): 1889–1890.
24. Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Yuchuan Wang, Kai Wang, Qiuyun Liu*. Mechanism underlying gender difference in heart disease risks and corresponding preventive measures. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017. 24(17):1807–1808.
25. Yanchao Zhou, Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Zi-Wei Ye, Qiuyun Liu*. Why the Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of heart disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017, 24(16): 1788–1789.
26. Yunfan Shi, Yulin Wan, Yanchao Zhou, Zi-Wei Ye, Qiuyun Liu*. Why various wines reduce the risks of heart diseases. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2017. 24(15): 1646-1647.
27. Yanchao Zhou, Yulin Wan, Zi-Wei Ye, Zhumei He, Qiuyun Liu*, Yunfan Shi*, How Hepatitis B virus causes cirrhosis and liver cancer, Medical Hypotheses. 2017, 108:52-53
28. Hongyu Zhong, Kai Wang, Yunfan Shi, Xiren Nuertai, Qiuyun Liu*. Tsunamis is a prime example of the vertical component of the forces during earthquakes. Science, 2017;
29. Xi Luo, Xiaoyi Hu, Qiuyun Liu*. A day-by-day, region-by-region comparisons using 60-minute time window can pinpoint pre-quake minute rise. Science, 2017;
30. Fan Feng, Hongyu Zhong, Qiuyun Liu*. Matters squeezing upward make room at the horizontal level. Science, 2017;
31. Hongyu Zhong, Min Fu, Wanquan Liu, Qiuyun Liu*. Integrated system for earthquake predictions. Science, 2017;
32. Yan Cao, Hongyu Zhong, Ying Zhang, Xiang Zhu, Qiuyun Liu*. Why waterfowls usually don’t get avian flu? Science, 2017;
33. Jing Li, Bo Yu, Qiuyun Liu*. Accelerations and decelerations and tidal waves. Science, 2017;
34. Hongyu Zhong, Jing Li, Yan Huang, Xiaoxuan Wu, Bo Yu, Qiuyun Liu*. The secret of longevity. Science, 2017;
35. Yuchuan Wang, Xiaoyi Hu, Jiaming Zhang, Ye Gao, Yan Huang, Qiuyun Liu*. Furthering our understandings on coding SNPs: β-branched amino acids in diseases. Science, 2017;
36. Shuying He, Wenwen Yu, Qiuyun Liu*. Large or small earthquakes: defying gravity. Science, 2017;
37. Ran He, Shuying He, Xiren Nuertai, Jieyu Wu, Qiuyun Liu*. The faster acceleration of smaller masses in the west of Americas. Science, 2017;
38. Yue Du, Xiaoyi Hu, Zhining Li, Qiuyun Liu*. How pre-earthquake atmospheric thermal energy is generated? Science, 2017;
39. Xiaoqian Ma, Zhenlang Chen, Fan Feng, Qiuyun Liu*. RE: East or west: regional effect in earthquake premonition. Science, 2017;
40. Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Zijin Li, Qiuyun Liu*, Why the Indian subcontinent drifts toward Eurasia. Science, 2017;
41. Vito De Pinto, Simona Reina, Yulin Wan, Qiuyun Liu*, Why burrowing animals are highly sensitive toward impending earthquakes? Science, 2017;
42. Yunfan Shi, Ying Zhang, Ling Wen, Qiuyun Liu*, Why some flu strains become deadly? Science, 2017;
43. Yulin Wan, Yunfan Shi, Zhining Li, Kai Wang, Qiuyun Liu*, How focal depth is generated? Science, 2017;
44. Yulin Wan, Jieyu Wu, Sheng Li, Wanquan Liu, Shuli Wang, Qiuyun Liu*, Landslides and anomaly of animal behavior. Science, 2017;
45. Yulin Wan, Li Chen, Wanquan Liu, Ye Gao, Qiuyun Liu*, Why rats are more sensitive than numerous other types of animals in earthquake premonition? Science, 2017;
46. Yulin Wan, Guangchuang Yu, Juntong Zou, Wanquan Liu, Qiuyun Liu*, Why animals have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami? Science, 2017;
47. Jianguo He,Shaoping Weng,Xiaoxia Li, Xiren Nuertai, Qiuyun Liu*, Why is lung cancer so prevalent? Science, 2017;
48. Jiaming Zhang, Man Tang, Yunfan Shi,Yulin Wan, Xiaoyi Hu, Qiuyun Liu*, Appearance of somatic mutations can be subjected to the influences of inherited factors, Science, 2017;
49. Kai Wang, Xinming Yang, Wenwen Yu, Zhining Li, Yujuan Liang, Qiuyun Liu*, A chemical perspective for DNA methylation, Science, 2017;
50. Man Tang, Shaoping Weng, Guangchuang Yu, Kai Yang, Mengjia Pan, Shuying He, Qiuyun Liu*, RE: Sequence features of the virulence protein VP24 of Ebola virus, Science, 2017;
51. Jianguo He, Jun Luo, Zhiwu Xu, Fan Feng, Wenwen Yu, Beibei Zhao, Qiuyun Liu*, High isoleucine content in the ORF6 peptide of SARS virus may contribute to virulence, Science, 2017;
52. Jianguo He, Yongsheng Liu, Zhicheng Lyu, Lan Ouyang, Xiao Yi, Min Fu, Qiuyun Liu*, What accounts for the near full fatalities of rabies virus infections, Science, 2017;
53. Shaoping Weng, Simona Reina, Kai Wang, Bang Xu, Zi-Wei Ye, Xuelan Zhang, Zhining Li, Qiuyun Liu*, Supplement to earthquake prediction based on Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels, Science, 2017;
54. Qiuyun Liu*, Jiayang Gao, Wen Pan, Xiang Zhu, Fan Yang, Weiguo Cao, Differentia in decelerations of masses: when the Earth meets lunar and solar pulls, Science, 2017;
55. Yanchao Zhou, Tao Gan, Jinhuan Qi, Jianguo He, Weiguo Cao, Qiuyun Liu*, CO2 hydration-led proton generation and hyper-osmolarity, Science, 2017;
56. Jianguo He, Shaoping Weng, Ying Zhang, Jing Li, Jingli Peng, Li Xu, Qiuyun Liu*, High leucine content in the polyprotein of Zika virus may contribute to neurotropism, Science, 2017;
57. Yue Du, Jianguo He, Vito De Pinto, Shaoping Weng, Ye Gao, Juntong Zou, Li Chen, Qiuyun Liu*, Earthquake prediction based on Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels, Science, 2017;
58. Qing-Qing Zhi, Jie-Ying Li, Qiu-Yun Liu*, Zhu-Mei He*, A Cytosine Methyltransferase Ortholog dmtA Is Involved in the Sensitivity of Aspergillus flavus to Environmental Stresses. Fungal Biology, 2017, 121( 5):501–514
59. Man Tang, Xiaoxia Li, Qizhang Li, Yanchao Zhou, Wen Pan, Jiayang Gao, Ziwei Ye, Shaoping Weng, Qiuyun Liu*, Jianguo He*, Zhumei He*, Conditional potency is a hallmark of viral protein-derived toxic peptides, Medical Hypotheses, 2017,100:2-3
60. Chen Yu, Li Xu, Wenxian Piao, Xiao Bao, Hairong Wang, Meng Xing, Jieyu Wu, Bang Xu, Penghui Yuan, Yangxiu Wu, Wangyun He, Jinhuan Qi, Ying Zhang, Xiaoqian Ma, Qiuyun Liu*, Ligation Based Assembly and PCR-based Assembly for Extraordinary Adenine/Thymine Rich DNA, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. . 2018. 88(3):1063.
61. Man Tang, Yanchao Zhou, Yiqi Li, Juntong Zou, Beicheng Yang, Li Cai, Xuelan Zhang, Qiuyun Liu*, Hydrogen donors and acceptors and basic amino acids jointly contribute to carcinogenesis, Medical Hypotheses, 2017, 98:42–44.
62. Yue Xiao, Qiongsi Zhang, Yiquan Luo, Ying Zhang, Xi Luo, Yuchuan Wang, Weiguo Cao, Vito De Pinto, Qiuyun Liu*, and Gang Li*, Neurospora crassa tox-1 Gene Encodes a pH- and Temperature-Tolerant Mini-Cellulase, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2016, 64 (23):4751–4757. (SCI農林科學大類一區,農業綜合小類一區)
63. Xu Z, Wu J, Feng F, Zhang X, Ma X, Tang M, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Cao Y, Cao W, He R, Gao Y, Liu Q*. Isolation of novel sequences targeting highly variable viral protein hemagglutinin. MethodsX. 2015;2:64-71.
64. Shengchun Guo*, Ying Lv, Yuxiang Lin, Kaixuan Lin, Peng Peng, Yangxiu Wu, Jingli Peng, Shaoyun Song, Zhining Li*, Qiuyun Liu*. CRISPR/Cas9 Systems - The Next Generation Gene Targeted Editing Tool, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. 2015, 85(2):377–387
65. Ran He, Liang Cui, Yan Cao, Zhixue Wang, Kai Wang, Min Fu, Shaoyun Song, Chuanfu Dong, Xiaoxuan Wu, Ye Gao, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Fan Feng, Xiaoqian Ma, Qiuyun Liu*, A combinatorial yeast overlay method for the isolation of antibacterial oligopeptides, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2014, 84(4):1069–1075
66. Wenwen Yu, Xinming Yang, Ye Gao, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Ran He, Xiaoqian Ma, Miao Lv, Rongfeng Cui, Shuli Wang, Yongchang Cao, Shaoping Xie, Wei Shi, Zhixue Wang, Liang Cui, Yan Cao, Ying Zhang, Yuan Wang, Fan Feng, Weiguo Cao And Qiuyun Liu*, Batch isolation of novel sequences targeting regions of rapid viral variations, The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82 (7): 665–670 and online supplement: 1-38. 2012
67. Kai-Sheng Liu, Hui Liu, Jinhuan Qi, Qiuyun Liu, Zhong Liu, Min Xia, Guo-Wen Xing, Shao-Xiang Wang, Yi-Fei Wang*. SNX-2112, an Hsp90 inhibitor, induces apoptosis and autophagy via degradation of Hsp90 client proteins in human melanoma A375 cells. Cancer letters, 318: 180-188. 2012
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