近年來,主持國家自然基金面上2項,參與國家自然基金重點項目一項,承擔科技部重大科技攻關項目“中國西北不同生態地域山川秀美試驗示範區建設與重大科技難題研究”子課題、教育部高等學校學科創新引智計畫項目“乾旱半乾旱地區人類活動水文生態效應及水安全問題研究”子課題等研究20餘項。在“Science of the Total Environment”, “Hydrological Journal”, “Catena”、“水科學進展”等期刊發表學術論文70餘篇,獲授權專利5項。
1. Gao W, Zheng C, Liu X*, et al. NDVI-based vegetation dynamics and their responses to climate change and human activities from 1982 to 2020: A case study in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China[J]. Ecological Indicators. 2022,137: 108745. (2022年高被引)
2. He J, He Y, Liu X* et al. Soil depth and agricultural irrigation activities drive variation in microbial abundance and nitrogen cycling[J]. Catena, 2022, 219: 106596.
3. Chen Y, He J, Liu X* et al. Seasonal hydrological traits in Salix psammophila and its responses to soil moisture and meteorological factors in desert areas[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 136:108626.
4. Zheng C, Šimůnek J, Zhao Y, Liu X* et al. Development of the Hydrus-1D Freezing module and its application in simulating the coupled movement of water, vapor, and heat [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 598, 126250.
5. Liu X, Guo C, He S, et al. Divergent gross nitrogen transformation paths in the topsoil and subsoil between abandoned and agricultural cultivation land in irrigated areas [J]. The Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 716(May10):137148.1-137148.14.
6. Zheng C, Lu Y, Liu X*, et al. In-Situ monitoring and characteristic analysis of freezing-thawing cycles in a deep vadose zone[J]. Water, 2020, 12(5), 1261.
7. Zheng C, Šimůnek J, Liu X*, et al. Monitoring and modeling the coupled movement of water, vapor, and energy in arid areas [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 590(4):125528.
8. Liu X, Gao W, Sun S, et al. Responses of soil water dynamic processes and groundwater recharge to irrigation intensity and antecedent moisture in the vadose zone [J]. Hydrological Processes, 2019, 33(5):849-863
9. Hu A, Yu Z, Liu X*, et al. The effects of irrigation and fertilization on the migration and transformation processes of main chemical components in the soil profile [J]. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2019, 41(6):2631-2648.
10. Chen ShuE, Fan ShuangHu, Liu Xiuhua. Holocene climate change inferred from grain‐size analysis in the eastern Alashan Plateau, Inner Mongolia, Northern China, Geological Journal, 2018;53(S1):301–308.
11. Ce Zheng, Yudong Lu, Xiaohua Guo, Huanhuan Li, Jiamei Sai and Xiuhua Liu. Application of HYDRUS-1D Model for Research on Irrigation Infiltration Characteristics in Arid Oasis of Northwest China. Environ Earth Sci, 2017,76:785.
12. Liu, Xiuhua*,He, Baolin,Yi, Xiu,Zhang, Ligong,Han, Fangfang,The soil water dynamics and hydraulic processes of crops with plastic film mulchingin terraced dryland fields on the Loess Plateau,Environmental Earth Sciences,2016,75, 9.
13. Yanhua Wang, Chanjuan Gao, Shengke Yang* Guobin Ji, Xiuhua Liu. Research on Runoff Pollution Characteristics and Countermeasures at Sensitive Highway Sites. Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 2016, Vol. 25, 2,1-9.
14. Liu, Xiuhua*,Simunek, Jirka,Li, Lin,He, Junqi,Identification of sulfate sources in groundwater using isotope analysis and modeling of flood irrigation with waters of different quality in the Jinghuiqu district of China,Environmental Earth Sciences,2013,69, 5, 1589-1600.
15. Liu, Xiuhua*,Li, Lin,Hu, Anyan,Hydrochemical Characterization of a Groundwater Aquifer and its Water Quality in Relation to Irrigation in the Jinghuiqu Irrigation District of China,Water environment research, 2013,85, 3, 245-258.
16. Liu Xiuhua*,Sun Shijun,Ji Peng,Jirka Simunek,Identification of nitrate sources in groundwater and modeling of nitrate transport after flood irrigation using HYDRUS-1D,Hydrological Sciences Journal,2013,01, 198-212.
17. Liu xiuhua*,He Baolin,Li Zaoxia,Zhang Jianglin,Wang Ling,Wang Zhi,Influence of land terracing on agricultural and ecological environment in the loess plateau regions of China. Environmental Earth Sciences,2010,6.
18. 鄭策, 高萬德, 陳雲飛,劉秀花*, 等. 毛烏素沙地凍融期氣態水遷移機理及影響因素[J]. 水科學進展, 2022, 33(2), 227-239.
19. 鄭策,高萬德,陳雲飛,盧玉東,劉秀花*. 季節性凍土區包氣帶水汽熱耦合運移研究進展. 農業工程學報,2023. 02.
20. 賀軍奇, 魏燕, 高萬德, 劉秀花*等. 毛烏素沙地東南緣植被NDVI時空變化及其對氣候因子的回響[J]. 乾旱區地理, 2022, 45(5): 1523-1533.
21. 劉秀花, 盧傑, 齊燕, 等. 水氮耦合對作物氮素吸收利用與遷移轉化的影響[J].灌溉排水學報, 2022, 41(4): 1672-3317.
22. 賀軍奇, 趙同強, 陳雲飛, 劉秀花*等. 毛烏素沙區地下水對植被蓋度空間格局影響分析[J].水土保持學報2023.01.31.
23. 胡安焱, 付穩東, 陳雲飛, 劉秀花*等. 毛烏素沙地不同覆被類型土壤水分動態及其對降水的回響[J].水土保持研究2023.04.
24. 李丙祥, 劉秀花*, 陳雲飛. 毛烏素沙地包氣帶土壤水穩定同位素分布特徵及其來源判別[J]. 乾旱區資源與環境, 2021, 35(9), 110-117.
25. 任濤,賈志峰,王智,盧玉東,劉秀花,鐘哲.毛烏素沙漠地膜-地布覆蓋下土壤溫度變化特徵.乾旱地區農業研究. 2020,38(01).
26. 石輝,劉秀花,陳占飛,蘇泓宇.陝北榆林毛烏素沙地大規模土地整治開發的生態環境問題及其對策.生態學雜誌. 2019,38(07).
27. 劉秀花,王蕊.灌水量對包氣帶水分運移與滯留影響過程研究.乾旱地區農業研究. 2016,34(05).
28. 張艷,徐斌,劉秀花.陝西省涇惠渠灌區地下水污染與人體健康風險評價.吉林大學學報(地球科學版). 2018,48(05).
29. 狄龍,劉秀花,胡安焱,謝蘭寶.劉光輝包氣帶土壤pH對灌溉施肥回響的變異過程.乾旱地區農業研究. 2019,37(02).
30. 劉秀花,王蕊,胡安焱,周培忠.顆粒組成對包氣帶水分運動參數的通徑分析.瀋陽農業大學學報. 2016,47(03).
31. 朱紅艷,賈志峰,李佩成,劉秀花.考慮空氣影響的乾旱區土壤水分運移模式研究.農業機械學報. 2014,45(12).
32. 劉秀花,易秀,李林,紀鵬,張雪珠.涇惠渠灌區地下水硫酸鹽水文地球化學演化過程研究.地球化學. 2012,41(06).