




1999.10-2001.10 中山大學數學學院 博士後
1995.3-1999.3  大連理工大學數學系 博士生
1987.9-1990.7  吉林大學數學系 碩士生
1983.9-1987.7  吉林大學數學系 本科腿敬境生
2001.10-2008.12 大連理工大學套用數學系  副教授
2001.7-2001.9  香港理工大學套用科學與紡織學院 訪問學者
2000.3-2000.5  香港理工大學套用科學與紡織學院 訪辣迎問學者
1999.10-2001.10 中山大學數學學院 博士後
1999.8-1999.10 大連理工大學套用數學系   副教授
1993.7-1999.8  大棕己熱微連理工大學套用數學系 堡束厚 講師
1990.7-1993.7 大連理工大學套用數學系 助教



1. 紡織分析中的紋理圖籃踏企像特徵表示研究,國家自然科學基金項目,2009,1-2011.
2. 車型差異設計中的約束變形問題,2008,12-2010,12;
3. 校核風傾衡準穩性計算軟體.
4. 船舶製造三維模型信息格式及接口技術研究,國防科工委“十一五”科研開發項目子課題.
5. 船舶製造過程模擬仿真技術開發,國防科工委“十一五”科研開發項目子課題.
6. 梳棉機梳理過程數學模型的建立.
7. 海洋鑽井平台三維模型信息汽戒慨虹格式及前後接口技術研究.
8. 數字人體及三維服裝中的複雜約束變形問題,國家自然科學基金.
9. 隱式曲面造型的理論和方法研究,國家自然科學基金重點項目.
10. 非凸非光滑最佳化及其在神經網路和圖形圖像中的套用,博士點基金.
11. 柔性物體參數化建模與複雜約束變形方法及其套用,國家自然科學基金.
12. 乳腺X光攝影檢查閥艱肯中的乳房表面受壓變形分析.
13. 火燒驅物理模擬數據採集與圖像處理系統開發研製


1. Hu J. P., Liu X. P., Su Z. X., Shi X. Q., Liu F. S. A spherical parameterization approach based on symmetry analysis of triangular meshes. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. 2009,10(7), 1009-1017.
2. 劉秀平,李寶軍蘇志勛,郁博文,插值細分曲線有理參數點的精確求值,計算數學,2009,Vol.31,No.3,253-260.
3. 李寶軍,劉秀平,蘇志勛,侯淑傑,帶鬆弛參數的Hermite插值細分, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學報,2009,21(5),589-594.
4. Liu X. P., Wen Z. J., Su Z. X., Yi S. G. Automatic Slub Detection Using Gabor Filters. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2008, 20(4): 214-221.
5. Jianping Hu, Xiuping Liu, Zhixun Su, Xiquan Shi, Fengshan Liu. An efficient low stretch spherical parameterization. 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering CSSE 2008,Vol 2,pp830-833.
6. Zhixun Su, Xiaojie Zhou, Guohui Zhao, Xiuping Liu, Ka-Fai Choi, Shrinkage prediction of plain knitted fabric based on deformable curve, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 2008,Vol20,222-230.
7. Liu X. P., Wen Z. J., Su Z. X., Choi Ka-Fai. Slub Extraction in Woven Fabrics Using Gabor Filters. Textile Research Journal, 2008, 78(4): 320-325.
8. Liu Y. Y., Liu X. P., Su Z. X.. A New Fuzzy Approach for Handling Class Labels in Canonical Correlation Analysis. Neurocomputing, 2008, 71: 1735-1740.
9. 劉秀平,胡建平蘇志勛施錫泉,均勻準保角球面參數化, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學報,2008,20(5),618-624.
10. 劉秀平,常先堂,李治隆,一種基於邊緣和區域信息的變分水平集圖像分割方法,大連理工大學學報,vol 48,No.5 2008,p754-758.
11. Xiuping Liu, Bo Li, Zhixun Su, Xiquan Shi, Fengshan Liu, Impulsive noise removal by nonlocal fuzzy diffusion, The 4th International Conference on Image and Graphics, August 22-24, 2007, 155-159,Chengdu, China.
12. Zhixun Su, Baojun Li, Xiuping Liu, Fengmin Wang, Rapid evaluation of regular quad-mesh interpolatory subdivision surfaces based on parametric decomposition, Journal of Software, 2007, 18(Suppl.):18-25.
13. Zhixun Su, Xiaojie Zhou, Xiuping Liu, Fengshan Liu, Xiquan Shi, Point-sampled surface simulation based on mass-spring system, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science 2007, LNCS 4488, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007, pp. 33-40.
14. Zhixun Su, Yanyan Liu, Xiuping Liu and Xiaojie Zhou, Face recognition based on combined sigular values (CSVs), Journal of Information and computational science, 4(1): 257-264. 2007 .
15. Xiuping Liu ,Luyu Guan Z. X .Su, Tao Lin , A Multigrid Based Fast Implicit GVF Method, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 1 (2006) 51-58.
16. Xiuping Liu, Bo Li, Zhixun Su, Image Segmentation Based on an Improved GVF Level Set Method, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2 (2006), 255-260.
17. G.H.Zhao, X. P.liu, Z. X. Su, A dual functional to the univariate B-spline,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 195, Issues 1-2, 15 October 2006, 292-299.
18. Zhixun Su, Xiuping Liu, Xiaojie Zhou, Aihong Shen ,A Shape-preserved Method to Improve the Developability of Mesh, 6th 2005 International Conference on Computers, 219-224, 2005
19. B .Li, X.P.Liu, Z.X,Su, A Novel Nonlinear Method Used for Face Recognition, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 4 (2005) 693-698.
20. Xiong Liu, Xiuping Liu, Zhixun Su, Tao Lin, Image Sequence Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Quadratic Surface Fitting Technique, Journal of Information and Computational Science,2(3), 2005, pp. 529-533.
21. 劉秀平,王中強, 於明言, 蘇志勛,一種基於時域和頻域特徵的圖像拼接算法,高等學校計算數學學報,2005,354-35.
22. X.P. Liu, X.J. Zhou, Zhixun Su and Aihong Shen, A Physically-based Space Deformation Model, Journal of Information & Computational Science 1 (2004),81-86.
23. 韓越興,劉秀平,施錫泉,Loop細分模型的邊界拼接算法,大連理工大學學報,Vol.44,No.1, (2004) 12-16.
3. 李寶軍,劉秀平,蘇志勛,侯淑傑,帶鬆弛參數的Hermite插值細分, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學報,2009,21(5),589-594.
4. Liu X. P., Wen Z. J., Su Z. X., Yi S. G. Automatic Slub Detection Using Gabor Filters. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2008, 20(4): 214-221.
5. Jianping Hu, Xiuping Liu, Zhixun Su, Xiquan Shi, Fengshan Liu. An efficient low stretch spherical parameterization. 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering CSSE 2008,Vol 2,pp830-833.
6. Zhixun Su, Xiaojie Zhou, Guohui Zhao, Xiuping Liu, Ka-Fai Choi, Shrinkage prediction of plain knitted fabric based on deformable curve, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 2008,Vol20,222-230.
7. Liu X. P., Wen Z. J., Su Z. X., Choi Ka-Fai. Slub Extraction in Woven Fabrics Using Gabor Filters. Textile Research Journal, 2008, 78(4): 320-325.
8. Liu Y. Y., Liu X. P., Su Z. X.. A New Fuzzy Approach for Handling Class Labels in Canonical Correlation Analysis. Neurocomputing, 2008, 71: 1735-1740.
9. 劉秀平,胡建平蘇志勛施錫泉,均勻準保角球面參數化, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學報,2008,20(5),618-624.
10. 劉秀平,常先堂,李治隆,一種基於邊緣和區域信息的變分水平集圖像分割方法,大連理工大學學報,vol 48,No.5 2008,p754-758.
11. Xiuping Liu, Bo Li, Zhixun Su, Xiquan Shi, Fengshan Liu, Impulsive noise removal by nonlocal fuzzy diffusion, The 4th International Conference on Image and Graphics, August 22-24, 2007, 155-159,Chengdu, China.
12. Zhixun Su, Baojun Li, Xiuping Liu, Fengmin Wang, Rapid evaluation of regular quad-mesh interpolatory subdivision surfaces based on parametric decomposition, Journal of Software, 2007, 18(Suppl.):18-25.
13. Zhixun Su, Xiaojie Zhou, Xiuping Liu, Fengshan Liu, Xiquan Shi, Point-sampled surface simulation based on mass-spring system, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science 2007, LNCS 4488, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007, pp. 33-40.
14. Zhixun Su, Yanyan Liu, Xiuping Liu and Xiaojie Zhou, Face recognition based on combined sigular values (CSVs), Journal of Information and computational science, 4(1): 257-264. 2007 .
15. Xiuping Liu ,Luyu Guan Z. X .Su, Tao Lin , A Multigrid Based Fast Implicit GVF Method, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 1 (2006) 51-58.
16. Xiuping Liu, Bo Li, Zhixun Su, Image Segmentation Based on an Improved GVF Level Set Method, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2 (2006), 255-260.
17. G.H.Zhao, X. P.liu, Z. X. Su, A dual functional to the univariate B-spline,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 195, Issues 1-2, 15 October 2006, 292-299.
18. Zhixun Su, Xiuping Liu, Xiaojie Zhou, Aihong Shen ,A Shape-preserved Method to Improve the Developability of Mesh, 6th 2005 International Conference on Computers, 219-224, 2005
19. B .Li, X.P.Liu, Z.X,Su, A Novel Nonlinear Method Used for Face Recognition, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 4 (2005) 693-698.
20. Xiong Liu, Xiuping Liu, Zhixun Su, Tao Lin, Image Sequence Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Quadratic Surface Fitting Technique, Journal of Information and Computational Science,2(3), 2005, pp. 529-533.
21. 劉秀平,王中強, 於明言, 蘇志勛,一種基於時域和頻域特徵的圖像拼接算法,高等學校計算數學學報,2005,354-35.
22. X.P. Liu, X.J. Zhou, Zhixun Su and Aihong Shen, A Physically-based Space Deformation Model, Journal of Information & Computational Science 1 (2004),81-86.
23. 韓越興,劉秀平,施錫泉,Loop細分模型的邊界拼接算法,大連理工大學學報,Vol.44,No.1, (2004) 12-16.


