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  • 中文名:劉瑾
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境工程
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


2014-2016,Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,SPARC,Visiting Scientist
2012-2013,Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,SPARC,Joint Ph.D.





1. 土壤-作物系統中有機結合態磷肥的高效機理研究 (主持). 國家自然科學基金項目(青年基金,41601313). 2017-2019.
2. 農田土壤“遺留磷”的分子形態轉化機制 (主持). 中國博士後科學基金 (2017M611067). 2017-2018.


1.Liu, J., Hu Y.F., Yang J.J., Abdi D., Cade-Menun B.J. (2015)Investigation of Soil Legacy Phosphorus Transformation in Long-Term Agricultural Fields Using Sequential Fractionation, P K-edge XANES and Solution P NMR Spectroscopy.Environmental Science & Technology.49(1): 168-176.(IF 6.653)
2.Liu, J., Yang J.J., Cade-Menun B.J., Hu Y.F., Li J.M., Peng C., Ma Y.B. (2017) Molecular speciation and transformation of soil legacy phosphorus with and without long-term phosphorus fertilization: Insights from bulk and microprobe spectroscopy.Scientific Reports. 7(1): 15354. (IF 4.122)
3.Liu, J., Yang J.J., Zeng X.B., Wang J., Donald S. (2017) Fe(III)-induced Sequestration of Citric Acid on Kaolinite Surface Probed by STXM-NEXAFS Spectroscopy.Acta Chimica Sinica. 75: 617-620.(IF 2.735)
4.Liu, J., Yang J.J., Cade-Menun B.J., Liang X.Q., Hu Y.F., Liu C.W., Zhao Y., Li L., Shi J.Y. (2013)Complementary phosphorus speciation in agricultural soils by sequential fractionation, solution 31P NMR, and P K-edge XANES spectroscopy.Journal of Environmental Quality. 42(6): 1763-1770.(IF 2.405)
5.Liu, J., Yang J.J., Cade-Menun B.J., Liang X.Q., Hu Y.F., Zhao Y. (2013)Molecular speciation of phosphorus present in readily dispersible colloids from agricultural soils.Soil Science Society of America Journal.78: 47-53.(IF 1.920)
6.Liu, J., Liang X.Q., Yang J.J.,Ye Y.S., Su M.M., Nie Z.Y., Chen Y.X. (2011). Size distribution and composition of phosphorus in the East Tiao River, China: The significant role of colloids.Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 13:2844-2850.(IF 2.179)
7.Liu, J., Yang J.J., Hu Y.F.,Li J.M., Zhang X., Ma, Y.B.(2018) Molecular Speciation of Phosphorus in an Organically Bound Phosphorus Fertilizer with High Phytoavailability Characterized by Multiple Spectroscopy.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 38(3): 958-962.(IF 0.326)
8.劉瑾、楊建軍、梁新強、胡永峰、施積炎、陳英旭. (2011)同步輻射X射線吸收近邊結構光譜技術在磷素固相形態研究中的套用,套用生態學報, 22(10):2757-2764.
9.Yang J.J.,Liu J., Hu Y.F., Bolan N.S., Rumpel C. andDonald S.(2017) Molecular-level understanding of malic acid retention mechanisms in ternary kaolinite-Fe(III)-malic acid systems: The importance of Fe speciation.Chemical Geology. 464, 69-75(IF 3.570)
10.Li L., Liang X.Q., Li H., Ji Y.J.,Liu J., Ye Y.S., Tian G.M., Chen Y.X., Luo Y.M. (2015)Phosphomonoesterase activities, kinetics and thermodynamics in a paddy soil after receiving swine manure for six years.Pedosphere.25(2): 294-306.(IF2.430)
11.Liang, X.Q. ,Liu, J., Chen, Y.X., Li, H., Ye, Y.S., Nie, Z.Y., Su, M.M., Xu, Z.H. (2010) Effect of pH on the release of soil colloidal phosphorus.Journal of Soils and Sediments. 10: 1548-1556.(IF 2.627)
12.Ye Y.S., Liang X.Q., Chen Y.X.,Liu J., Gu J.T., Guo R., Li L. (2013)Alternate wetting and drying irrigation and controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer in late-season rice. Effects on dry matter accumulation, yield, water and nitrogen use.Field Crops Research. 144: 212-224.(IF 3.127)
13.Liang X.Q., Li L., Chen Y.X., Li H.,Liu J., He M.M., Ye Y.S., Tian G.M., lundy Mark. (2013) Dissolved phosphorus losses by lateral seepage from swine manure amendments for organic rice production.Soil Science Society of America Journal. 77: 765-773.(IF1.920)
14.Liang X.Q., Chen Y.X., Nie Z.Y., Ye Y.S.,Liu J., Tian G.M., Wang G.H., Tuong T.P. (2013)Mitigation of nutrient losses via surface runoff from rice cropping systems with alternate wetting and drying irrigation and site specific nutrient management practices.Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 20:6980-6991.(IF 2.800)
15.Liang X.Q., Xu L., Li H., He M. M., Qian Y.C.,Liu J., Nie Z.Y., Ye Y.S.,Chen Y.X.(2011)Influence of N fertilization rates, rainfall, and temperature on nitrate leaching from a rained winter wheat field in Taihu watershed.Physics and Chemistry of the Earth.36(9-11): 395-400.(IF 1.923)


