2006~2010,長安大學 本科;
2010~2013,長安大學 碩士;
2013~2016,長安大學 博士。
2016.12~2018.11,長安大學 公路學院 道路工程系/道路工程研究所,講師;
2018.11~2021.11,長安大學 公路學院 道路工程系/道路工程研究所,副教授(破格);
2021.01~至今,長安大學 公路學院 道路系,副主任;
2021.11~至今,長安大學 公路學院 道路工程系,教授(破格)。
研究生課程:《科技論文寫作》、《水泥與水泥混凝土》、《路基路面工程先進技術與標準(雙語)》、《Advanced Technologies and Standards of Subgrade & Pavement Engingeering》。
- 主持項目(部分)
- 參與項目(部分)
1. “十二五”國家科技支撐計畫,多年凍土區高速公路高性能路面結構與材料耐久性能研究(No.2014BAG05B04),主研.
- 近期發表論文(Selected)
[1]Zhuangzhuang Liu*, Inge Hoff, Aimin Sha. Effects of the softening point of hydrophobic polymers on the salt-based filler used in antifreeze asphalt concretes[J], Materials & Design, 2021, 204: 109663.
[2]Zhuangzhuang Liu*, Yangsen Cao*, Aimin Sha, et al. Energy harvesting array materials with thin piezoelectric plates for traffic data monitoring[J]. Consctruction and Building Materials. 2021, 302: 124147.
[3]Yangsen Cao, Aimin Sha*, Zhuangzhuang Liu*, et al. Energy output of piezoelectric transducers and pavements under simulated traffic load[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021(279): 123508.
[4]Yangsen Cao, Aimin Sha*, Zhuangzhuang Liu*, et al. Electric energy output model of a piezoelectric transducer for pavement application under vehicle load excitation[J], Energy, 2020, 211: 118595.
[5]Zhuangzhuang Liu*, Baowen Lou, Aimin Sha, et al. Microstructure characterization of Portland cement pastes influenced by lower curing pressures[J]. Building Materials and Construction, 2019, 227:116636.
[6]Zhuangzhuang Liu*, Baowen Lou, Diego M. Barbieri, et al. Effects of pre-curing treatment and chemical accelerators on Portland cement mortars at low temperature(5°C)[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 240:117893.
[7]Zhuangzhuang Liu, Magdalena Balonis*, Jian Huang, et al. The Influence of Composition and Temperature on Hydrated Phase Assemblages in Magnesium Oxychloride Cements[J].Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2017, 100(7): 3246-3241.
[8]Zhuangzhuang Liu, Aimin Sha*, Liqun Hu, et al. Kinetic and thermodynamic modeling of the Portland cement hydration at low temperatures[J]. Chemical Papers, 2017, 71(4):741-751.
[9]Zhuangzhuang Liu, Aimin Sha*, Rui He, et al. Antifreeze Asphalt Mixtures Design and Antifreeze Performances Prediction Based on the Phase Equilibrium of Natural Solution[J].Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2016, 129: 104-113.
[10]Zhuangzhuang Liu, Aimin Sha*, Mingliang Xing, et al. Low temperature property and salt releasing characteristics of antifreeze asphalt concrete under static and dynamic conditions[J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2015, 114: 9-14.
[11]Zhuangzhuang Liu*, Shuanfa Chen, Rui He, et al. Investigation on the Properties of Asphalt Mixtures Containing Antifreeze Fillers[J].Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2015, 27(6).
[12]Zhuangzhuang Liu*, Mingliang Xing, Shuanfa Chen, et al. Influence of the chloride-based anti-freeze filler on the properties of asphalt mixtures [J].Construction and Building Materials, 51, 2013, 133-140.
[13]Zhuangzhuang Liu,Shuai Wang, Jian Huang et al. Experimental investigation on the properties and microstructure of magnesium oxychloride cement prepared with caustic magnesite and dolomite[J].Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 8: 5247-255.
[14]Demei Yu, Bowen Guan, Rui He, Rui Xiong,Zhuangzhuang Liu*. Sulfate Attack of Portland Cement Concrete Under Dynamic Flexural Loading: A Coupling Function[J].Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 85: 247-255.
[15]Rui Xiong, Jianhong Fang, Anhua Xu, Bowen Guan,Zhuangzhuang Liu*. Laboratory investigation on the brucite fiber reinforced asphalt binder and asphalt concrete[J].Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 83, 44-52.
[16]Aimin Sha*,Zhuangzhuang Liu*,Kun Tang,et al. Solar heating reflective coating layer (SHRCL) to cool pavement surface[J]. Construction and building materials. 2017,139:355-364.
- 會議論文/報告
[1]Zhuangzhuang Liu (Invited Talk), Yangsen Cao, Yazhen Hao.Traffic data monitoring based on Vibration and Energy harvesting Array. 3rd VEH, July 9-11, 2021, Xi'an.(Best Presentation)
[2]Zhuangzhuang Liu (Keynote Speaker). Research on De-icing Asphalt Pavements based on Targeted Conductive Concrete. 2nd ICCAUE, August 13-14, 2020, Xi'an.
[3]Zhuangzhuang Liu, Aimin Sha. Engineering Performance of Antifreeze Asphalt Concretes[R]. World Transport Convention (WTC), June 2018, Beijing. (Excellent Paper Award)
[4]Zhuangzhuang Liu, Aimin Sha. Portland Cement Hydration at Low Temperatures: Views from the Calculation and Experimental Study [R]. World Transport Convention (WTC), June 2017, Beijing.
[5]Aimin Sha, Zhuangzhuang Liu, Wanfen Zhao, Liqun Hu, Jie Wang, Zhenqiang Han. Deflections and dynamic responses of asphalt pavement with graded-broken-stone base: an investigation based on heavy vehicle simulator (HVS). Proceedings of BCRRA2017, 2017, June, Athens, Greece.
[6]Zhuangzhuang Liu, Aimin Sha, Liqun Hu, Xiaolong Zou,Initial understanding of the Portland cement hydration under low temperatures[R]. Transportation Research Congress, June 2016, Beijing. (Best Paper Award)
[7]Aimin Sha*, Jiawen Zhou, Liqun Hu, Zhuangzhuang Liu, Xiaolong Zou.Practice of the Geocell Utilized on the Subbase Course in Cold and High Altitude Regions (R). ISSAEST, Alaska USA, 2015.
[1] 《交通運輸領域前沿技術及其展望》,人民交通出版社,2020年12月.
[2] 《中國能源與交通領域戰略研究報告》(教育部科技委),科學出版社,2020年5月.
1.2009年,第十一屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽 三等獎;
2.2011年,第十二屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽 三等獎;
5.2019年,第一屆“交通運輸工程”領域 全國優秀博士論文;
6.2019年,中國公路學會科學技術獎 特等獎;
8.2020年,陝西高校課堂教學創新大賽 二等獎;
9.2020年,陝西省科學技術進步 一等獎;
1.Advances in Civil Engineering (SCI, IF=1.176, JCR Q4), Editorial Board Member
2.Coatings (SCI, IF=2.436,JCR Q2), Guest Editor
3.Journal of Traffic & Transportation (Eng. Ed.) (ESCI/EI), Young Editorial Member
4.Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience (JIPR), Junior Editorial Board Member
5.Journal of Road Engineering (JRE), Contributing Editor
6.ASCE交通基礎設施(Transportation Infrastructure)技術委員會,委員
7.智利國家科學技術委員會(CONICYT-Chile), 通訊評審專家
8.中國國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC) ,通訊評審專家
10.擔任Cement & Concrete Research(CCR), Cold Region Science and Technology(CRST), Structure & Materials,ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering(JMCE), Journal of Transportation Engineering: Pavements;Construction & Building Materials(CBM), Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology(JAST) 等國際主流雜誌審稿專家。擔任多個國際學術會議的學術委員會成員。