劉澤婷,女,北京體育大學體育工程學院講師。研究方向為偏微分方程數值解、分數階偏微分方程數值解、譜方法、 奇性問題、逆問題。講授高等數學(本科)課程。
- 中文名:劉澤婷
- 畢業院校:北京航空航天大學、貴州師範大學
- 職業:教師
- 職稱:講師
2011.9 -- 2017.7 北京航空航天大學,套用數學,保研碩博連讀
2017.2 -- 2017.5 澳大利亞昆士蘭科技大學,短期訪學三個月
2009.8 -- 2010.8 廈門大學,計算數學,交換生
2019.11起 北京體育大學體育工程學院
2017.11-- 2019.10 北京理工大學數學與統計學院,博士後
偏微分方程數值解,分數階偏微分方程數值解,譜方法, 奇性問題,逆問題
1. 空間分數階的非線性薛丁格方程的譜元方法研究,5萬,2020.1—2020.12,校自主課題, 主持.
2. 無窮維隨機分數階系統全局動力學行為及其算法研究,82 萬,2017.1—2020.12, 國家自然科學基金,參與.
3. 無窮維隨機系統的全局動力學性態及其算法研究,70 萬,2013.1—2016.12,國家自然科學基金,參與.
- Zeting Liu, Fawang Liu and Fanhai Zeng, An alternating direction implicit spectral method for solving two dimensional multi-term time fractional mixed diffusion and diffusion-wave equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 136, 139--151, 2019.
- Shujuan Lv, Zeting Liu and Zhaosheng Feng, Hermite spectral method for Long Short wave equations,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 24(2), 941--964, 2019.
- Zeting Liu, Shujuan Lv and Fawang Liu, Fully discrete spectral method for Sine-Gordon equation with smooth and non-smooth solutions, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 333, 212--224, 2018. Top
- Zeting Liu and Shujuan Lv, Hermite pesudospectral method and modified Hermite spectral method for long Short wave equations, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 10(4), 1487--1511, 2017.
- Zeting Liu and Shujuan Lv, Chebyshev rational spectral method for Long-Short wave equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 94(12), 2315--2334, 2017.
- Zeting Liu and Shujuan Lv, Hermite pseudospectral method for the time fractional diffusion equation with variable coefficients, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 18(5), 385--393, 2017
- Zeting Liu and Yanfei Shen, A numerical method for solving the time fractional
diffusion equation with variable coefficients on the whole line, The Third International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2020, accepted.
- Zeting Liu and Shujuan Lv, Rational Chebyshev pseudospectral method for Long-Short wave equations, International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics 2017, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 814, 012-016, 2017.
- Zeting Liu, Shujuan Lv and Xiaocui Li, Legendre collocation spectral method for solving space fractional nonlinear Fisher’s equation, Asian Simulation Conference SCS Autumn Simulation Multi-Conference, 2016,Part I, CCIS 643, 1-8.
- Xiaocui Li, Xiaoyuan Yang and Zeting Liu, Finite element methods for semilinear stochastic Volterra equation with multiplicative noise, Asian Simulation Conference SCS Autumn Simulation Multi-Conference,2016, Part III, CCIS 645, 1–11.