- 中文名:劉海濤
- 職位: 南開大學現代光學研究所教授.
- 研究方向:納米光子學
- 主持項目:教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫
2000-2005 清華大學光學工程博士;
2005-2006 南開大學現代光學研究所講師; 2007-2008 南開大學現代光學研究所副教授;
2006-2008 法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)光學研究所國家公派博士後;
2009- 南開大學現代光學研究所教授、博士生導師。

在Nature(2篇,影響因子36.280)、Physical Review Letters(2篇,影響因子7.370)、Surface Science Reports(影響因子11.696)、Physical Review B、美國光學學會刊物(包括1篇2010 年11 月Spotlight)、美國電機電子工程學會刊物等發表SCI收錄論文20餘篇,單篇SCI他引最高190次,編寫了Springer 出版英文專著1 章。
1.以下期刊的審稿人:美國光學學會期刊(Optics Letters、Optics Express、JOSA A/B、Applied Optics)、IEEE JSTQE、歐洲期刊(Optics Communications、Journal of Modern Optics、JEOS)、國內期刊(Chinese Physics Letters、Chinese Optics Letters、物理學報、光學學報、中國雷射、雷射與光電子學進展、光電子.雷射)。
●Haitao Liu, Philippe Lalanne. Microscopic theory of the extraordinary optical transmission. Nature, 2008, Vol. 452 (No. 7188), pp. 728-731. (SCI IDS: 285QY, 2011 Impact Factor 36.280, SCI他引190次)
●Frerik van Beijnum, Chris Retif, Chris B. Smiet, Haitao Liu, Philippe Lalanne, Martin P. van Exter. Quasi-cylindrical wave contribution in experiments on extraordinary optical transmission. Nature, 2012, Vol. 492, pp. 411-414. (2011 Impact Factor 36.280)
●X. Y. Yang, Haitao Liu, and P. Lalanne. Cross conversion between surface plasmon polaritons and quasicylindrical waves. Physical Review Letters, 2009, Vol. 102, 153903. (SCI IDS: 434PD, 2011 Impact Factor 7.370)
●J. Yang, C. Sauvan, Haitao Liu, P. Lalanne. Theory of fishnet negative-index optical metamaterials. Physical Review Letters, 2011, Vol. 107, 043903. (SCI IDS: 794CI, 2011 Impact Factor 7.370)
●Zhiwen Zeng, Haitao Liu*. Electromagnetic enhancement by a T-shaped metallic nanogroove: impact of surface plasmon polaritons and other surface waves. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2012, Vol. 18 (No. 6), 1669-1675. (SCI IDS: 004FD, 2011 Impact Factor 3.780, EI accession number: 20123815453807)
●Xin Zhang, Haitao Liu*, Ying Zhong. Compensation of propagation loss of surface plasmon polaritons with a finite-thickness dielectric gain layer. Journal of Optics, 2012, Vol. 14, 125003. (2011 Impact Factor 1.573)
●Zeng Zhi-Wen, Liu Hai-Tao*, Zhang Si-Wen. Design of extraordinary-optical-transimission refractive-index sensor of subwavelength metallic slit array based on a Fabry-Perot model. Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, Vol. 61 (No. 20), 200701. (2011 Impact Factor 1.027)
●Siwen Zhang, Haitao Liu, Guoguang Mu. Analysis of electromagnetic enhancement by a groove doublet in gold substrate. Optics Letters, 2012, Vol. 37 (No. 23), 4898-4900. (2011 Impact Factor 3.399)
●Philippe Lalanne, Haitao Liu. A new look at grating theories through the extraordinary optical transmission phenomenon. S. Enoch and N. Bonod eds., Plasmonics, Springer Series in Optical Sciences 167, 2012, Chapter 3, pp. 85-103.
●Haitao Liu*, Philippe Lalanne. Light scattering by metallic surfaces with subwavelength patterns. Physical Review B, 2010, Vol. 82 (No. 11), 115418. (SCI IDS: 648VS, 2011 Impact Factor 3.691)
●Haitao Liu*, Philippe Lalanne. Comprehensive microscopic model of the extraordinary optical transmission. Journal of the Optical Society of America A (Spotlight), 2010, Vol. 27 (No. 12), pp. 2542-2550. (SCI IDS: 699QF, 2011 Impact Factor 1.562)
●Haitao Liu*. Symmetry in the elementary scattering of surface plasmon polaritons and a generalized symmetry principle. Optics Letters, 2010, Vol. 35 (No. 17), pp. 2876-2878. (SCI IDS: 646FI, 2011 Impact Factor 3.399)
●Siwen Zhang, Haitao Liu*, Guoguang Mu. Electromagnetic enhancement by a periodic array of nanogrooves in a metallic substrate. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2011, Vol. 28 (No. 5), pp. 879-886. (SCI IDS: 756PD, 2011 Impact Factor 1.562)
●Siwen Zhang, Haitao Liu*, Guoguang Mu. Electromagnetic enhancement by a single nano-groove in metallic substrate. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2010, Vol. 27 (No. 7), pp. 1555-1560. (SCI IDS: 619KS, 2011 Impact Factor 1.562)
●P. Lalanne, J. P. Hugonin, H. T. Liu, B. Wang. A microscopic view of the electromagnetic properties of sub-lambda metallic surfaces. Surface Science Reports, 2009, Vol. 64 (No. 10), pp. 453-469. (SCI IDS: 512VQ, 2011 Impact Factor 11.696)
●Haitao Liu, Philippe Lalanne, Xiaoyan Yang, and Jean-Paul Hugonin. Surface plasmon generation by subwavelength isolated objects. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2008, Vol. 14 (No. 6), pp. 1522-1529. (SCI IDS: 391FZ, 2011 Impact Factor 3.780)
●Haitao Liu*, Guoguang Mu, and Lie Lin. Propagation theories of arbitrary-order correlations of partially coherent electromagnetic fields based on separated-coordinate mode decomposition. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2007, Vol. 24 (No. 2), pp. 368-378. (SCI IDS: 126MS, 2011 Impact Factor 1.562, EI accession
●Haitao Liu*, Guoguang Mu, and Lie Lin. Propagation theories of partially coherent electromagnetic fields based on coherent or separated-coordinate mode decomposition. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2006, Vol. 23 (No. 9), pp. 2208-2218. (SCI IDS: 078AZ, 2009 Impact Factor 1.670, EI accession
●Haitao Liu*, Yingbai Yan, and Guofan Jin. Design theories and performance limits of diffractive superresolution elements with the highest sidelobe suppressed. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2005, Vol. 22 (No. 5), pp. 828-838. (SCI IDS: 921CW, 2009 Impact Factor 1.670,
●Haitao Liu*, Yingbai Yan, and Guofan Jin. Fundamental constraint on the maximum Strehl ratio of bifocal intraocular lenses. Journal of Modern Optics, 2005, Vol. 52 (No. 1), pp. 73-95.
●Haitao Liu*, Yingbai Yan, Deer Yi and Guofan Jin. Design of three-dimensional superresolution filters and limits of axial optical superresolution. Applied Optics, 2003, Vol. 42 (No. 8), pp. 1463-1476.
●Haitao Liu*, Yingbai Yan, Qiaofeng Tan, and Guofan Jin. Theories for the design of diffractive superresolution elements and limits of optical superresolution. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2002, Vol. 19 (No. 11), pp. 2185-2193. (SCI IDS: 606QY, 2009 Impact Factor 1.670.
2004 中國光學學會“王大珩光學獎”(高校學生獎);
2005 清華大學優秀博士學位論文;
2008 法中科學及套用基金會吉爾-卡恩獎;
2009 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”;
2009 中國儀器儀表學會獎學金-金國藩青年學子獎學金;
2010 中國光學學會“王大珩光學獎”(中青年科技人員光學獎);
2012 天津市“131”創新型人才培養工程第一層次人選。