- 中文名:劉洪陽
- 性別:男
- 職稱:副研究員
- 最高學歷:博士研究生
專家類別 碩士生導師
部 門 瀋陽材料科學國家(聯合)實驗室 催化材料研究部
通訊地址 瀋陽材料科學國家(聯合)實驗室 催化材料研究部
1999年9月–2003年7月 大連理工大學化工學院,學士學位
2003年9月–2004年7月 中國科學技術大學,化學物理專業學習
2004年9月–2009年8月 保送至中科院大連化學物理研究所,催化基礎國家重點實驗室,理學博士,導師包信和院士
2005年8月–2005年9月 被邀參加德國巴斯夫化學品公司(BASF)舉辦的“110屆暑期夏令營活動”德國。
2009年8月–2011年9月 美國密蘇里州立大學聖路易斯分校,納米研究中心,博士後研究,美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室高溫材料實驗室合作研究。
2011年10月-今 中科院金屬研究所,瀋陽材料科學國家(聯合)實驗室,催化材料研究部,所“優秀學者”引進人才,“千人計畫”研究團隊成員,副研究員.
國際雜誌 Chemical Communication,Journal of Material Chemistry A, Applied Catalysis A:General, 國內雜誌 Journal of energy chemistry, Chinese Journal of catalysis, Chinese Journal of metal Research 等審稿人。
2004 榮獲中國科學院優秀研究生獎學金
2006 榮獲中國科學院優秀學生幹部
2007 榮獲中國科學院三好學生
2009 榮獲中國科學院三好學生標兵
2010 2010 NanoFrontiers Symposium, 3rd Place Poster Award, USA.
1, Hua Yuan, Hongyang Liu, DangSheng Su, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, published on line.
2, Binwei Zhong, Hongyang Liu and Dangsheng Su, ChemCatChem, 2014, published on line.
3, Hua Yuan, Zhenhua Sun, Hongyang Liu and DangSheng Su, ChemCatChem
4, Hua Yuan, Hongyang Liu and DangSheng Su, New Carbon Materials
5,Qiang Fu, Yunxi Yao, Xiaoguang Guo, Mingming Wei, Hongyang Liu and Xinhe Bao, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys
6, Mingshang Jin, Hongyang Liu, Jingyue Liu and Younan Xia, Nanoresearch,. (The first two author contributed equally to this work)
7, Yiqun Zheng, Jin Tao, Hongyang. Liu, Jingyue Liu, and Younan. Xia, Small
8, Hui Zhang, Mingshang Jin, Hongyang Liu, Jingyue Liu ,and Younan Xia. ACS Nano (The first two authors contributed equally to this work).
9, Qiang Fu, Wei-Xue Li, Yunxi Yao, Hongyang Liu, Hai-Yan Su, Ding Ma, Xiang-Kui Gu, Limin Chen, Zhen Wang, Hui Zhang, Bing Wang, Xinhe Bao. Science. (The first two author contributed equally to this work Contributed to this work, figure 3 and figure S8-15).
10, Hongyang Liu and Jingyue Liu, Microscopy and Microanalysis
11, Hongyang Liu, Dinghao Tang and Jingyue Liu, Microscopy and Microanalysis
12, Hongyang Liu, Ding Ma and Xinhe Bao. Dalton Transactions
13, Rentao Mu, Qiang Fu, Hongyang Liu and Xinhe Bao. Applied Surface Science
14, Teng Ma, Qiang Fu, Haiyan Shu, Hongyang Liu and Xinhe Bao. ChemPhysChem
15, Hongyang Liu, Ding Ma and Xinhe Bao. Chemical Communication
16, Yangying Chen, Chuang Wang, Hongyang Liu, Jieshan Qiu and Xinhe Bao, Chemical Communication,
1, Silica supported Bimetallic catalyst for CO selective oxidation. Hongyang Liu, DingMa, Xinhe Bao. Oral Presentation, US-China Partnership-Workshop on Heterogeneous Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Dalian, China. 2007.
2, Mono-dispersed bimetallic Pt-Fe catalyst supported over nano-sized silica spheres for PROX at room temperature. Hongyang Liu, Ding Ma, Chunlei Wang, Xinghe Bao. Oral Presentation Invited, 14th International Congress on Catalyst, Korea, 2008.
3, Gold Catalyzed Growth of Three-dimensional Hierarchical ZnO Nanobelts. Hongyang Liu, Dinghao Tang and Jingyue Liu, Oral Presentation, Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting, Portland, USA, 2010.
4, Size Effect of Cubic Palladium Nanoparticles on the Oxidation of CO. Hongyang Liu, Mingshang Jin, Younan Xia and Jingyue Liu. Oral Presentation, 22nd North American Catalysis Conference, Detroit, USA, 2011.
5, ZnO nanowire supported Pd catalyst for the Methanol Steam Reforming. Hongyang Liu, Lawrence F. Allard and Jingyue Liu. Oral Presentation, 22nd North American Catalysis Conference, Detroit, USA, 2011.
6, NanoCarbon materials catalytic oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons in the presence of N2O and CO2. Hongyang Liu, jiangyong Diao, Dangsheng Su, Oral Presentation, 5th International Carbon Catalysis Conference, Italy, June, 2012.