1. Yuanchun Jiang, Jennifer Shang, Chris F. Kemerer, Yezheng Liu, Optimizing E-tailer Profits and Customer Savings: Pricing Multistage Customized Online Bundles, Marketing Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, doi 10.1287/mksc.1100.0631, 2011.08
2. Yuanchun Jiang, Yezheng Liu, Integrating classification capability and reliability in associative classification: A β-stronger model, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(5), pp 3953-3961, 2010/5/1.(SCI,EI,ISTP收錄), 2010.05
3. Yuanchun Jiang, Jennifer Shang, Yezheng Liu, Maximizing customer satisfaction through an online recommendation system: A novel associative classification model, Decision Support Systems, 48(3), pp 470-479, 2010/2/1.(SCI,EI,ISTP收錄), 2010.02
4. Yezheng Liu, Jiekui Zhang, Shanlin Yang, Research on Consumers’ Cross-site Transfer Behavior Based on Complex Network Theory, The Innovative Computing, Information and Control Express Letters, 3(4), pp 1359-1364, 2009/12/1.(EI,ISTP收錄), 2009.12
5. Ye-Zheng Liu, Yuan-Chun Jiang, Xiao Liu, Shan-Lin Yang, CSMC: A combination strategy for multi-class classification based on multiple association rules, Knowledge-Based Systems, 21(8), pp 786-793, 2008/12.(SCI,EI,ISTP收錄), 2008.12
11. Yong Zhao,Yezheng Liu, Modeling knowledge employee’s turnover based on P-SVM, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 121-122 (2010) pp 825-831, 2010.06
12. Yong Zhao,Yezheng Liu, How to Change an Organization to Fit the Dynamic Environment: A Case Study on a Telecom Company of China, International Journal of Business and Management,Vol. 5, No. 5; May 2010
17. Yezheng Liu, Haifeng Ling, Shanlin Yang, A Hybrid Ant Colony Clustering of Web Browsing Patterns for User Navigation Recommendation, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 5(1), pp 62-66, 2008/3/1, 2008.03
21. Haifeng Ling, Shanlin Yang, Yezheng Liu, Ant colony approach for navigation pattern mining, Journal of system science and information, 2007,5(1): 7-13, 2007.01
1. Wen-long LIN, Ye-zheng LIU, A Novel Website Structure Optimization Model for More Effective Web Navigation, First International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp 36-41, 2008/1/23.(EI, ISTP收錄), 2008.01
2. Yuan-Chun Jiang, Ye-Zheng Liu, Xiao Liu Jie-Kui Zhang, Constructing Associative Classifier Using Rough Sets and Evidence Theory, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2007.5:263-271, (2007 Joint Rough Set Symposium MaRS Center, Toronto, Canada,May 14-16, 2007), 2007.05
3. Yezheng LIU, Yuanchun JIANG, Xiao LIU, Shanlin YANG, Acquisition and Combination of Evidence Based on Rough Set Theory, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, 2007/5/30, 2007.05
4. Haifeng Ling, Yezheng Liu, Shanlin Yang, An Ant Colony Model for Dynamic Mining of Users Interest Navigation Patterns, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, pp 281-283, 2007/5/30.(EI,ISTP收錄), 2007.05
5. Yezheng Liu, Yuanchun Jiang, Wenlong Lin, A Rough Set and Evidence Theory Based Method for Fraud Detection, IEEE Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Dalin, China, 2006,6: 1538-1542, 2006.06
6. Yuanchun Jiang, Yezheng Liu, An Attribute Reduction Method Based on Ant Colony Optimization, IEEE Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Dalin, China, 2006,6: 3542-3546, 2006.06
7. Yezheng Liu, Haifeng Ling, Shanlin Yang, An artificial ant colony methodology for users navigation patterns mining, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association, Beijing, China,2005.07: 524-527, 2005.07
8. Haifeng Ling ,Yezheng Liu,Shanlin Yang, An Ant Colony Approach for Discovery of Users Preferred Navigation Paths, Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, China, July 8-11, 2004: 1654-1659, 2004.07
9. Hu Jian, Liu Yezheng, Research on Business Intelligence in the Customer-Centric e-Business Environment, Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on e-commerce engineering, Zhe-Jiang University, International Academic Publishers, World Publishing Corporation , 2003.10: 484-488, 2003.10
10. Liu Yezheng, Yang Shanlin, Discretization Analysis of Continuous Attributes Based on Rough Set, Computer Science and Technology in New Century, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference for Young Computer Scientist, Hangzhou, China, International Academic Publishers/World Publishing Corporation, 2001.10: 1138-1141, 2001.10
11. Yang Shan-Lin, Liu Ye-zheng, An Overview of Data Mining Goals and Methodologies, Proceedings of 2001 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Harbin, China, Harbin Institute of Technology Press,2001.08, 2001.08
12. Liu Yezheng, Zhao yong Organization Change: A case Study on Anhui Telecom Company 2008 International Seminar on Business and Information Management, 2008.12.19, Wuhan, China 2008.12