
劉東艷,女,研究員,博士生導師。1997年到2004年間, 在中國海洋大學海洋生命學院從事海洋藻類分類與生態學的教學與科研工作。期間,參與並主持過多項國家自然科學基金項目、國家“973” 與“863”課題。


  • 中文名:劉東艷
  • 職業:研究員
  • 主要成就:博士生導師
  • 性別:女


2004-2008年期間,在澳大利亞Wollongong大學從事河口海岸生態學研究,主持並參與新南威爾斯州自然資源部的河口浮游植物多樣性與生態學研究等科研項目。先後發表論文60多篇, 其中SCI文章11篇。參編教材1部。


劉東艷:1994年本科畢業於新疆大學生物系,1997年獲中國海洋大學生命學院海洋生物碩士學位,同年留校任教, 並於2004年獲中國海洋大學海洋化學博士學位。2004-2008年於澳大利亞Wollongong大學地球環境學院研修河口藻類生態學,2008以“百人計畫”研究員聘任於中國科學院煙臺海岸帶研究所。
主要從事海洋藻類生態學研究, 探索全球氣候變化和人類活動壓力下,海洋藻類植物的回響特徵與演替規律、以及對海洋初級生產力和上層食物鏈的影響。工作期間參與並主持過多項國家自然科學基金項目、科學院創新項目以及山東省攻關項目等,與澳大利亞、法國和德國主要海洋機構建立了國際合作研究。目前總計發表論文100多篇,其中SCI文章近40篇。近5年內,相關論文被引用共600多次, hi-index=14。


1. Di B., *Liu D., Wang Y., Dong Z., Li X., Shi Y., 2013. Diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages in modern surface sediments associated with human activity: A case study in Sishili Bay, China. Ecological indicator
2. Liu D., Jiang J., Wang Y., Zhang Y., Di B., 2012. Large scale northward expansion of warm water species Skeletonema tropicum (Bacillariophyceae) in China seas. Chnese Journal of Liminology and Oceanography
3. Dong, Z., *Liu, D., Wang, Y., Di, B., Song, X., Shi, Y., 2012. A report on moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita bloom in Sishili bay, northern Yellow Sea of China in 2009. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
4. Wang Y., *Liu D., Dong Z., Di B., Shen X., 2012. Temporal and spatial distributions of nutrients under the influence of human activities in Sishili Bay, northern Yellow Sea of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin
5. Liu D., Shi Y., Di B., Sun Q., Wang Y., Dong Z., Shao H., 2012. The impact of different pollution sources on modern dinoflagellate cysts in the Sishili Bay, Yellow Sea, China. Marine Micropaleontology 84-85: 1-13. DOI
6. Zhang W., Chen L., Liu D., 2012. Characterization of a marine-isolated mercury-resistant Pseudomonas putida strain SP1 and its potential application in marine mercury reduction. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology
7. Zhang G., *Liu D., Wu H., Chen L., Han Q., 2012. Heavy metal contamination in the marine organisms in Yantai coast, northern Yellow Sea of China. Ecotoxicology
8. Liu D., Morrison R.J., West R., 2012. Phytoplankton assemblages of two intermittently open and closed coastal lakes in SE Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
9. Sun Q., Liu D., Liu T., Di B., Wu F., 2012. Temporal and spatial distribution of trace metals in sediments from the northern Yellow Sea coast, China: implications for regional anthropogenic processes. Environmental Earth Sciences
10. Song X., Morrison R.J., Feng Z., Liu D., Harrison J.J., Yu Z., 2011. Matrix-bound phosphine in sediments from Lake Illawarra, New South Wales, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin
11. Xing Q., Zheng X., Shi P., Hao J., Yu D., Liang S., Liu D., Zhang Y., 2011. Monitoring “Green Tide” in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea Using Multi-Temporal and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
12. Keesing J.K., Liu D., Fearns P., Garcia R., 2011. Inter- and intra-annual patterns of Ulva prolifera green tides in the Yellow Sea during 2007–2009, their origin and relationship to the expansion of coastal seaweed aquaculture in China. Marine Pollution Bulletin
13. Liu, D., Keesing, J.K., Dong, Z., Zhen, Y., Di, B., Shi, Y., Fears, P., Shi, P., 2010. Recurrence of the world’s largest green-tide in 2009 in Yellow Sea, China: Porphyra yezoensis aquaculture rafts confirmed as nursery for macroalgal blooms. Marine Pollution Bulletin
14. Dong, Z., Liu, D.*, Keesing, J.K., 2010. Jellyfish blooms in China: dominant species, causes and consequences. Marine Pollution Bulletin
15. Liu, D., Keesing, J., Xing, Q., Shi, P., 2009. World’s largest macroalgal bloom caused by expansion of seaweed aquaculture in China. Marine Pollution Bulletin
16.Liu D., Sun J., Zhang J., Liu G., 2008. Response of the Diatom Flora in Jiaozhou Bay, China to environmental changes during the last century. Marine Micropaleontology
17. Liu D., Jie Bai, Shuqun Song et al., 2007. The impact of sewage discharge on the macroalgae community in the Yellow Sea coastal area around Qingdao, China. Water, Soil and Air Pollution
18. Liu Z., Wei H., Bai J., Zhang J., Liu D. , Liu S.M., 2007. Nutrients Seasonal Variation and Budget in Jiaozhou Bay, China: A 3-dimensional Physical-biological Coupled Model Study. Water, Soil and Air Pollution
19. Bai J., Li K.R., Liu D., Zhang J., Zhang H.F., Liu G.S., Li J.L., Li Z.Y., Gao D.M., 2007. Seasonal Variation of Inorganic Nutrient Uptake by Heterotrophic Bacterioplankton in Jiaozhou Bay, North China. Water, Soil and Air Pollution
20. Liu D., Sun J., Zou J. Z., Zhang J., 2006. Phytoplankton Succession during a Red Tide of Skeletonema costatum in Jiaozhou Bay of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin




