- 中文名:劉曉兵
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:美國西北大學地球與星球科學學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 性別:男
- Xiaobing Liu*(通訊作者), Y.Y. Chang, S.N. Tkachev, and S.D. Jacobsen, “Hardness and elastic properties of boron-doped diamond”,Sci. Rep.,7, 42921, (2017).
- Xiaobing Liu*(通訊作者), X. Jia, C. Fang and H.A Ma, “Diamond crystallization and growth in N-H riched environment under HPHT conditions”,CrystEngComm,18, 8506-8515, (2016).
- Xiaobing Liu*(通訊作者), X. Chen, H.A. Ma, X. Jia, J. Wu, T. Yu, Y. Wang, J. Guo, S. Petitgirard, C.R. Bina and S.D. Jacobsen, “Ultrahard stitching of nanotwinned diamond and cubic boron nitride in C2-BN composite”,Sci. Rep.,6, 30518, (2016).
- Xiaobing Liu*(通訊作者), X. Jia, M. Zhao and H.A Ma, “Diamond crystallization with carbonyl nickel catalyst under high-pressure and high-temperatures”,CrystEngComm,18, 1924-1932, (2016).
- C. Fang, X. Jia, N. Chen, Y. Li, L. Guo, L. Chen, H.A. Ma* andXiaobing Liu*(通訊作者).“HPHT synthesis of N-H co-doped diamond single crystals-BN”,J. Cryst. Growth,436, 34-39, (2016).
- Z. Zhang, X. Jia, S. Sun,Xiaobing Liu, Y. Li, B. Yan and H.A. Ma*. “Effects of hydrogen impurity on diamond crystal growth process”,Inter. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mater.,38, 111-117, (2013).
- Xiaobing Liu, X. Jia, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, M. Hu, Z. Zhou and H.A Ma*,“Crystal growth and characterization of diamond from carbonyl iron catalyst under high pressure and high temperature conditions”,Cryst. Growth Des.,11, 3844-3849 (2011).
- Xiaobing Liu, X. Jia, Z. Zhang, M. Zhao, W. Guo, G. Huang, and H.A Ma*,“Synthesis and characterization of new “BCN” diamond under high pressure and high temperature conditions”,Cryst. Growth Des.,11, 1006-1014 (2011).
- Xiaobing Liu, H.A Ma, Z. Zhang, M. Zhao, W. Guo, M. Hu, Y. Li and X. Jia*,“Effects of zinc additive on theHPHTsynthesis of diamond in Fe-Ni-C and Fe-C Systems”,Diamond Relat. Mater.,20, 468-474 (2011).
- Xiaobing Liu, X. Jia, X. Guo, Z. Zhang and H.A. Ma*, “Experimental evidences for nucleation and growth mechanism of diamond by seed-assisted method at high pressure and high temperature”,Cryst. Growth Des.,10, 2895-2900 (2010).