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  • 中文名:劉明
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:講師 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 專業方向:人工智慧與教育
  • 職稱:講師
劉明:男 學歷:博士 職稱:講師部門: 西南大學計算機與信息科學學院講師 研究方向:人工智慧與教育、自然語言處理、數據挖掘
劉明,男,西南大學計算機與信息科學學院講師,澳大利亞悉尼大學工程學博士,澳大利亞塔斯馬尼亞大學信息技術碩士和計算機科學學士。在悉尼大學進行了博士後研究,主要研究領域為人工智慧與教育、高級學習技術、自然語言處理和數據挖掘。作為團隊核心成員,參與了澳大利亞科學理事會探索項目1項(“智慧型化寫作反饋系統的研究”)、澳大利亞教育部項目1項(“基於學習分析方法的學生寫作行為分析”)、澳大利亞研究合作中心項目1項(“智慧型化反饋系統的研究”)、谷歌全球科研項目1項(“基於雲平台的寫作行為分析”)。已在國內外主要學術期刊(如 Journal of Educational Technology & Society, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies) 和會議(如IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System)上發表論文共14篇,其中SSCI期刊1篇,SCI期刊3篇, 澳大利亞評定的高級國際會議 ERA A 3篇,EI收錄論文8篇。此外,受多個國際會議(如International Conference on Educational Data Mining)邀請為程式委員,並任多本國際期刊(如IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies)的審稿員。
2014:智慧型輔導系統(雙語), 研究生, 西南大學
2014:數據挖掘(雙語), 本科, 西南大學
2014:高級Web套用開發與框架(雙語), 本科, 西南大學
2013: Model-based Software Engineering, undergraduate, The Univeristy of Sydney
2013: Object-oriented Application Framework, undergraduate, The Univeristy of Sydney 科研情況
(1) Liu, Ming, Calvo, Rafael. A., and Vasile Rus. “Automatic Generation and Ranking of Questions for Critical Review.” Journal of Educational Technology & Society. 17. 2 (2014): 333-46.
(2) Liu, Ming, Calvo, Rafael A., and Pardo, Abelardo, Tracer: “A tool to measure student engagement in writing activities”, 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Beijing, pp: 421-425, July 15-18, 2013
(3)Liu, Ming, Calvo, Rafael. A., and Rus, Vasile, “Hybrid Question Generation Approach for Critical Writing Support”, the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education, Singapore 2013.
(4)Liu, Ming, Calvo, Rafael. A., and Pardo, Abelardo, “Visualizing the effect of actions in personal informatics systems”, Workshop on Personal Informatics. CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts, April 27 – May 2, 2013, Paris, France.
(5)Liu, Li, Chen, Xiwei, Luo, Dashi, Lu, Yanggang, Xu, Guandong, Liu, Ming (2013) “HSC: A SPECTRAL CLUSTERING ALGORITHM COMBINED WITH HIERARCHICAL METHOD”,Neural Network World,vol.23, no. 6, pp. 499-521.
(6) Liu, Ming, Calvo, Rafeal A., Aditomo, Anindito, and Luiz Augusto Pizzato. “Using Wikipedia and Conceptual Graph Structures to Generate Questions for Academic Writing Support.” IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 5. 3 (2012): 251-63.
(7) Liu, Ming, Calvo, Rafeal A, and Rus Vasile. “G-Asks: An Intelligent Automatic Question Generation System for Academic Writing Support”, Journal of Dialogue and Discourse. 3. 2 (2012):101-24.
(8) Liu, Ming, Calvo, Rafeal A. and Rus Vasile, “Using Information Extraction to Generate Trigger Question for Academic Writing Support”, 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Crete, Greece, pp.360-369, June 14-18, 2012.
(9) Liu, Li, Zhou, Yuan, Liu, Ming, Xu, Guandong, Chen, Xiwei, Fan, Dangping and Wang, Qianru, “Preemptive Hadoop Jobs Scheduling under a Deadline”, The 8th International Conference on Semantics Knowledge and Grid, pp. 72-79, Beijing, Oct 22-24, 2012.
(10) Liu, Li, Fan, Dangping, Liu, Ming, Xu, Guandong, Chen, Shiping , Zhou, Yuan, “A MapReduce-Based Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Large Protein-Protein Interaction Networks”, the 8th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Nanjing, pp. 138-148, Dec 15-18, 2012.
(11) Liu, Ming and Calvo, Rafeal A., “Question Taxonomy and Implications for Automatic Question Generation”, 15th international conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.504-506, June 28- July 2, 2011.
(12) Liu, Ming, Calvo, Rafeal A. and Rus Vasile, “Automatic Question Generation Approach for Literature Review Writing Support”, Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Pittsburgh, p.45-54, June 14-18, 2010.
(13) Liu, Ming and Calvo, Rafeal A. (2009). “An Automatic Question Generation Tool for Supporting Sourcing and Integration in Students’ Essays”, 14th Australasian Document Computing Symposium in Sydney. 2009.


