






相關科研方向在Intetnational Journal of Mechanical Science, International Journal of Fatigue, International Journal of Solids and Structures,European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 等固體力學權威期刊發表SCI論文20餘篇,主持國家自然科學基金等縱向科研項目4項。


  • 中文名:劉文城
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:侗族
  • 出生地:貴州省凱里市
  • 出生日期:1993年2月
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:先進航空輕合金、複合材料複合受載靜動態力學,多尺度力學理論,先進力學測試技術與裝備的研究等
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學



2011.09-2015.07 本科,材料科學與工程學院,北京航空航天大學
2015.10-2019.03 博士,機械與航天工程學院,澳大利亞莫納什大學


2019.03-2019.07 博士後研究員,澳大利亞莫納什大學
2019.08-2021.9 講師,上海理工大學
2021.10-至今 副教授,西北工業大學


國際學術期刊《International Journal of Mechanical Science》審稿人




[1]. W. Liu, J. Huang, Y. Pang, K. Zhu, S. Li, J. Ma* (2023) Multi-scale modelling of evolving plastic anisotropy during Al-alloy sheet forming, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 108168.
[2]. W. Liu, J. Huang, J. Liu, X. Wu, K. Zhang*, A. Huang (2021) Experimental and crystal plasticity modelling study on the crack initiation in micro-texture regions of Ti-6Al-4V during high cycle fatigue tests, International Journal of Fatigue, 106203.
[3]. W. Liu, Y. Pang* (2021) A multi-scale modelling framework for anisotropy prediction in aluminium alloy sheet and its application in the optimisation of the deep-drawing process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 114: 3401-3417.
[4]. W. Liu, B.K. Chen, Y. Pang*, A. Najafzadeh (2020) A 3D phenomenological yield function with both in and out-of-plane mechanical anisotropy using full-field crystal plasticity spectral method for modelling sheet metal forming of strong textured aluminum alloy. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 193: 117-133.
[5]. W. Liu, B.K. Chen, Y. Pang* (2019) Numerical investigation of evolution of earing, anisotropic yield and plastic potentials in cold rolled FCC aluminium alloy based on the crystallographic texture measurements, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 75: 41-45.
[6]. W. Liu*, B.K. Chen (2018) Sheet metal anisotropy and optimal non-round blank design in high-speed multi-step forming of AA3104-H19 aluminium alloy can body, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 95(9-12): 4265-4277.
[7]. W. Liu*, B.K. Chen, Y. Pang (2018) A new temperature-dependent anisotropic constitutive model for predicting deformation and spring-back in warm deep drawing of automotive AA5086-H111 aluminium alloy sheet, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 97(9-12): 3407-3421.
[8]. Y. Pang, N. Grilli, H. Su, W. Liu*, J. Ma, S. F. Yu** (2022) Experimental investigation on microstructures and mechanical properties of PG4 flash-butt rail welds, Engineering Failure Analysis, 141: p.106650.
[9]. J. Huang, C. Li, W. Liu* (2020) Investigation of internal friction and fracture fatigue entropy of CFRP laminates with various stacking sequences subjected to fatigue loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 155: 106978.
[10]. Y. Pang*, B.K. Chen, W. Liu, S.F. Yu, S.N. Lingamanaik (2020) Development of a non-contact and non-destructive laser speckle imaging system for remote sensing of anisotropic deformation around fastener holes. NDT and E International, 111: p.102219.
[11]. Y. Pang, B.K. Chen, W. Liu* (2019) An investigation of plastic behaviour in cold-rolled aluminium alloy AA2024-T3 using laser speckle imaging sensor, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 103(5): 2707-2724.
[12]. F. Sun, P. Liu, W. Liu* (2021). Multi-level deep drawing simulations of AA3104 aluminium alloy using crystal plasticity finite element modelling and phenomenological yield function. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 13(3): 1-19.
[13]. J. Huang, H. Yang, W. Liu, K. Zhang*, A. Huang (2022) Confidence level and reliability analysis of the fatigue life of CFRP laminates predicted based on fracture fatigue entropy, International Journal of Fatigue, 156: p.106659.
[14]. C. Yang , K. Zhu, Y. Liu , Y. Cai , W. Liu , K. Zhang, J. Huang* (2021) A Comparative Study of Fatigue Energy Dissipation of Additive Manufactured and Cast AlSi10Mg Alloy. Metals, 11(8):1274.


