3:Hui-Sien Liu,Discussion on “A Simplified Method of Analyzing Suspens ion Bridges”,Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers,1949,75(4): 489~494.
13:Liu Huixian,On the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale,Proceedings of t he 7th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,Istanbul,Turkey,Vol2,198 0:569~567.
14:Liu Huixian,Zhang Zaiyong,Lessons Learned From the 1976 Tangshan Ea rthquake,Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,Ist anbulTurkey,Vol9,1980:453~460.
15:Liu Huixian,Yang Yucheng,Behaviour of Brick Masonry Buildings Durin g Destructive Earthquakes,Proceedings of the International Research Conference on Earthquake Engineering,Yugoslavia,1980:393~403.
17:Liu Huixian,Liu Diankui,Li Yunlin Physical Measure of Earthquake I ntensity Studied by Statistical DiscriminationProceedings of US-PRC Bilateral Workshop on Earthquake Engineering,Harbin,China,Vol2,1982:F-6-1-F-6-17.
18:Huixian Liu,Several Aspects of Earthquake Engineering in China,Proc eedings of International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering to Mark th e Occasio n of Professor K,Kubos Retiremant,Tokyo,Japan,1983:558~566.
19:Huixian Liu,Qihao Zhang,Ground motion Features and Earthquake Destr uctiveness Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,San Francisco,California,USAVol2,1984:881~888.
20:劉恢先、張其浩,地面運動特徵和地震的破壞性,中國地震,1985,1(1): 35~40。
21:Liu Huixian,Some Thoughts on Earthquake Hazard Mitigation in China, Proceedings of PRC-US-Japan Trilateral Symposium/Workshop on Engineering for Mul tiple Natural Hazard Mitigation,Beijing,China,1985:E-3-1-E-3-19.
24:Liu Huixian,The Sole Course of Mitigating Earthquake Risk (Keynote L ecture),Proceedings of 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,Tokyo-Ky oto,Japan,VolⅡ,1988:Ⅱ-21—Ⅱ-28.