


  • 中文名:劉忠方
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:海氣相互作用、同位素水文古氣候、氣候遙相關


2014.07-現在: 同濟大學,教授


  1. 海氣相互作用
  2. 同位素水文古氣候
  3. 氣候遙相關


  1. 國家自然科學基金項目,基於氫氧穩定同位素的海河流域水文過程與水量平衡研究(41171022),2012.01-2015.12,負責人
  2. 日本JSPS研究基金,Integrating water isotopes and GCM modelingfor understanding Pacific-North American pattern influence on hydroclimate in North America (P11369),2011/11-2013/10,負責人


  1. Liu, Z., Tang, Y., Jian, Z., Poulsen, C. J., Welker, J. M., & Bowen, G. J. (2017). Pacific NorthAmerican circulation pattern links external forcing and North American hydroclimatic change over the past millennium.PNAS, 114(13): 3340~3345
  2. Liu, Z., Yoshimura, K., Bowen, G. J., Buenning, N. H., Risi, C., Welker, J. M., & Yuan, F. (2014). Paired oxygen isotope records reveal modern North American atmospheric dynamics during the Holocene.Nature communications,5, 3701.
  3. Liu, Z., Yoshimura, K., Buenning, N. H., Jian, Z., & Zhao, L. (2017). The response of winter Pacific North American pattern to strong volcanic eruptions.Climate Dynamics,48(11-12), 3599-3614.
  4. Liu, Z., Jian, Z., Yoshimura, K., Buenning, N. H., Poulsen, C. J., & Bowen, G. J. (2015). Recent contrasting winter temperature changes over North America linked to enhanced positive Pacific-North American pattern.Geophysical Research Letters,42(18), 7750-7757.
  5. Liu, Z., Yoshmura, K., Bowen, G. J., & Welker, J. M. (2014). Pacific–North American teleconnection controls on precipitation isotopes (d18O) across the contiguous United States and adjacent regions: A GCM-based analysis.Journal of Climate,27(3), 1046-1061.
  6. Liu, Z., Bowen, G. J., Welker, J. M., & Yoshimura, K. (2013). Winter precipitation isotope slopes of the contiguous USA and their relationship to the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern.Climate dynamics,41(2), 403-420.
  7. Liu, Z., Yoshimura, K., Buenning, N. H., & He, X. (2014). Solar cycle modulation of the Pacific–North American teleconnection influence on North American winter climate.Environmental Research Letters,9(2), 024004.
  8. Liu, Z., Kennedy, C. D., & Bowen, G. J. (2011). Pacific/North American teleconnection controls on precipitation isotope ratios across the contiguous United States.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,310(3-4), 319-326.
  9. Liu, Z., Bowen, G. J., & Welker, J. M. (2010). Atmospheric circulation is reflected in precipitation isotope gradients over the conterminous United States.Journal of Geophysical Research,115(D22).
  10. Liu, Z., Tian, L., Chai, X., & Yao, T. (2008). A model-based determination of spatial variation of precipitation δ18O over China.Chemical Geology,249(1-2), 203-212.
  11. Liu, Z., Tian, L., Yao, T., & Yu, W. (2010). Characterization of precipitation δ 18 O variation in Nagqu, central Tibetan Plateau and its climatic controls.Theoretical and applied climatology,99(1-2), 95-104.
  12. Liu, Z., Tian, L., Yao, T., & Yu, W. (2008). Seasonal deuterium excess in Nagqu precipitation: influence of moisture transport and recycling in the middle of Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Geology,55(7), 1501-1506.
  13. Liu, Z., Yoshimura, K., Kennedy, C. D., Wang, X., & Pang, S. (2014). Water vapor δD dynamics over China derived from SCIAMACHY satellite measurements.Science China Earth Sciences,57(4), 813-823.
  14. Liu, Z., Tian, L., Yao, T., Gong, T., Yin, C., & Yu, W. (2007). Temporal and spatial variations of δ 18 O in precipitation of the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin.Journal of Geographical Sciences,17(3), 317-326.
  15. Liu, Z., Tian, L., Yao, T., Gong, T., & Yin, C. (2008). Influence of moisture transport on stable isotope in precipitation in Yarlungzangbo River basin.Frontiers of Earth Science in China,2(1), 49-57.
  16. Huo, X., Liu, Z., Duan, Q., Hao, P., Zhang, Y., Hao, Y., & Zhan, H. (2016). Linkages between large-scale climate patterns and karst spring discharge in Northern China.Journal of Hydrometeorology,17(2), 713-724.
  17. Xing, B., Liu, Z., Liu, G., & Zhang, J. (2015). Determination of runoff components using path analysis and isotopic measurements in a glacier‐covered alpine catchment (upper Hailuogou Valley) in southwest China.Hydrological Processes,29(14), 3065-3073.
  18. Bowen, G. J., Liu, Z., Vander Zanden, H. B., Zhao, L., & Takahashi, G. (2014). Geographic assignment with stable isotopes in IsoMAP.Methods in Ecology and Evolution,5(3), 201-206.
  19. Tian, L., Liu, Z., Gong, T., Yin, C., Yu, W., & Yao, T. (2008). Isotopic variation in the lake water balance at the Yamdruk‐tso basin, southern Tibetan Plateau.Hydrological Processes,22(17), 3386-3392.
  20. Wei, Z., Lee, X., Liu, Z., Seeboonruang, U., Koike, M., & Yoshimura, K. (2018). Influences of large-scale convection and moisture source on monthly precipitation isotope ratios observed in Thailand, Southeast Asia.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,488, 181-192.
  21. Huo, X., Lei, L., Liu, Z., Hao, Y., Hu, B. X., & Zhan, H. (2016). Application of Wavelet Coherence Method to Investigate Karst Spring Discharge Response to Climate Teleconnection Patterns.JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association,52(6), 1281-1296.
  22. Kennedy, C. D., Bataille, C., Liu, Z., Ale, S., VanDeVelde, J., Roswell, C. R., ... & Bowen, G. J. (2012). Dynamics of nitrate and chloride during storm events in agricultural catchments with different subsurface drainage intensity (Indiana, USA).Journal of Hydrology,466, 1-10.
  23. Bowen, G. J., Kennedy, C. D., Liu, Z., & Stalker, J. (2011). Water balance model for mean annual hydrogen and oxygen isotope distributions in surface waters of the contiguous United States.Journal of Geophysical Research,116(G4).
  24. Zhao, L., Zhu, Y., Liu, H., Liu, Z., Liu, Y., Li, X., & Chen, Z. (2016). A stable snow–atmosphere coupled mode.Climate dynamics,47(7-8), 2085-2104.
  25. Xing, B., Gan, R., Liu, G., Liu, Z., Zhang, J., & Ren, Y. (2015). Monthly mean streamflow prediction based on bat algorithm-support vector machine.Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,21(2), 04015057.
  26. Wen, R., Tian, L., Weng, Y., Liu, Z., & Zhao, Z. (2012). The altitude effect of δ 18 O in precipitation and river water in the Southern Himalayas.Chinese science bulletin,57(14), 1693-1698.
  27. Tian, L., Ma, L., Yu, W., Liu, Z., Yin, C., Zhao, Z., ... & Wang, Y. (2008). Seasonal variations of stable isotope in precipitation and moisture transport at Yushu, eastern Tibetan Plateau.Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,51(8), 1121-1128.
  28. Wei, Z., Yoshimura, K., Okazaki, A., Kim, W., Liu, Z., & Yokoi, M. (2015). Partitioning of evapotranspiration using high‐frequency water vapor isotopic measurement over a rice paddy field.Water Resources Research,51(5), 3716-3729.
  29. Li, C., Yang, S., Lian, E., Yang, C., Deng, K., & Liu, Z. (2016). Damming effect on the Changjiang (Yangtze River) river water cycle based on stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic records.Journal of Geochemical Exploration,165, 125-133.
  30. Zhang, J., Hao, Y., Hu, B. X., Huo, X., Hao, P., & Liu, Z. (2017). The effects of monsoons and climate teleconnections on the Niangziguan Karst Spring discharge in North China.Climate dynamics,48(1-2), 53-70.






011年8月JSPS Fellowship


2017年10月-現在 中國生態學會穩定同位素生態學專業委員會委員


