2003.9-2006.7 上海水產大學捕撈學專業碩士學習
2011.8-2012.2 美國緬因大學訪問學者
2014.5-2016.5 美國緬因大學高級訪問學者
成功開展了基於頭足類耳石的地球微化學研究,研究成果發表在Marine Ecology Progress Series(影響因子2.7)和Marine biology(影響因子2.3)期刊上發表
廣泛開展國際合作,參與了國際上著名頭足類專家Arkhipkin的“Squid fishery review”中國近海頭足類部分的撰寫,與美國史丹福大學William F Gilly教授合作的 “Extreme Plasticity in Life-History Strategy Allows a Migratory Predator (Jumbo Squid) to Cope With a Changing Climate”發表在國際著名雜誌Golobal Change Biolgoy上(影響因子達6.862)
《世界頭足類 》由兩大部分組成。第一部分為總論,內容包括分類系統、形態及分類術語、形態概述、生活習性、生物學特性、地理分布特點、食用和藥用價值、資源開發利用概況和頭足類市場狀況等,特別是在國內首次系統地介紹了頭足類的形態和分類術語。第二部分為頭足類綱的分類系統,按鸚鵡螺亞綱、鞘\亞綱(十腕總目...
陳新軍, 田思泉, 陳勇, 曹傑,馬金, 李思亮,劉必林. 科學出版社. 北京. 2011年8月. 著.
劉必林, 陳新軍, 陸化傑, 馬金. 頭足類耳石. 科學出版社. 北京. 2011年1月. 著.
陳新軍, 劉必林, 王堯耕. 世界頭足類.海洋出版社. 北京.2009年1月. 編著.
陳新軍, 劉必林。常見經濟頭足類彩色圖鑑.海洋出版社. 北京.2009年1月. 編著.
Chen X J, Li J H, Liu B L*, Chen Y, Li G, Fang Zh, Tian S Q. Age, growth and population structure of Jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas off the Costa Rica Dome. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK. 2013, 93(2): 567-573.
Liu Bilin, Chen Xinjuna, ChenYongc, Tian Siquana, Li Jianhua Fang Zhoua Yang Mingxia. Age, maturation and population structure of the Humboldt squid, Dosidicus gigas off Peruvian Exclusive Economic Zones. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Liminology.2013, 31(1): 81-91.
Liu B L, Chen X J. A comparison of fishery biology of the jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas outside EEZ waters in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Liminology.2013, 31(3): 523-533.
Liu B L, Chen X J, Chen Y, Tian S Q. Geographic variation in statolith trace elements of the Humboldt squid, Dosidicus gigas, in high seas of Eastern Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology, 2013,160(11): 2853-2862
Chen X J, Lu H J, Liu B L. Sexual dimorphism of statolith growth for the south Patagonian stock of Illex agrentinus off the exclusive economic zone of Argentinean waters. Bulletin of Marine Science, 2012, 88(2): 353-362
Chen X J, Lu H J, Liu B L, Chen Y, Li S L, Ma jin. Species identification of Ommastrephes bartramii, Dosidicus gigas, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and Illex argentinus(Ommastrephidae) by beak morphological variables. Scientia Marina, 2012, 76(3): 473-481
Liu B L, Chen X J, Chen Y, Lu H J, Qian W G. Trace elements in the statoliths of jumbo flying squid off the Exclusive Economic Zones of Chile and Peru. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011, 429: 93-101. (SCI)
Chen X J, Tian S Q, Liu B L, Chen Y. Modelling of Habitat suitability index of Ommastrephes bartramii during June to July in the central waters of North Pacific Ocean. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2011, 29(3): 493-504. (SCI)
Cao J, Chen X J, Chen Y, Liu B L, Ma J, Li S L. Generalized linear Bayesian models for standardizing CPUE of Ommastrephes bartramii for Chinese squid-jigging fishery in northwest pacific ocean. Scientia Marina, 2011, 75(4): 679-689. (SCI)
Chen X J, Cao J, Chen Y, Liu B L, Tian S Q. Kuroshio and spatial distribution of the western stock of winter-spring cohort of Ommastrephes bartramii in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of Marine Science, 2011, 75(4): 679-689. (SCI)
Liu B L, Chen X J, Lu H J, Chen Y, Qian W G. Fishery biology of the jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas off the Exclusive Economic Zone of Chilean waters. Scientia Marina, 2010, 74(4):687-695.(SCI)
Chen X J, Lu H J, Liu B L, Yong C. Age, growth and population structure of jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas, based on statolith microstructure off the Exclusive Economic Zone of Chilean water. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 2010, 91(1): 229-235. (SCI)
Chen, X.J, Tian, S.Q, Chen Y, Liu, B.L. A habitat suitability modeling approach to identify neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) fishing grounds in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Fishery Bulletin, 2010, 108:1-14. (SCI)
Chen, X.J, Liu, B.L, Chen Y. A review of the development of Chinese distant-water squid jigging fisheries. Fisheries Research. 2008, 89(3): 211-221. (SCI)
Chen, X.J, Chen Y, Tian, S.Q, Liu, B.L. Qian, W.G. An assessment of the west winter–spring cohort of neon flying squid(Ommastrephes bartramii) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research. 2008, 92(2-3):221-230. (SCI)
Chen, X.J, Liu, B.L, Tian, S.Q, Qian, W.G, Zhao, X.H, Fishery biology of purpleback squid, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, in the northwest Indian Ocean. Fisheries Research. 2007, 83(1): 98-104. (SCI)