



通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區林萃路16號院中國科學院心理所


2001.9-2005.7 遼寧師範大學教育學院心理系 學士學位
2005.9-2009.6 中國科學院心理所 碩博連讀 博士學位
2009.7-2014.2 中國科學院心理所 助理研究員
2011.6-今 碩士生導師
2014.3-今 中國科學院心理所副研究員


1) 人類自我調控行為的認知神經機制
2) 精神/情緒障礙兒童青少年的自我調控
3) 智力和創造力的本質


1) Liu T., Xiao T., Shi J. Response inhibition, preattentive processing, and sex difference in young children: an event-related potential study. NeuroReport
2) Liu T., Xiao T., Shi J. Neural correlates of conflict control on facial expressions with a flanker paradigm. PLoS ONE
3) Liu T., Xiao T., Shi J., Zhao D., Liu J. Conflict control of children with different intellectual levels: an ERP study. Neuroscience Letters
4) Liu T., Xiao T., Shi J., Zhao D. Response preparation and cognitive control of highly intelligent children: a Go-Nogo event-related study. Neuroscience
5) Liu T., Xiao T., Shi J., Zhao L. Sensory gating, inhibition control and child intelligence: an event-related potentials study. Neuroscience
6) Liu T., Shi J. Event-related potentials during pre-attentional processing of color stimuli. NeuroReport,
7) Liu T., Shi J, Zhao D, Yang J. The event-related low frequency activity of highly and average intelligent children. High Ability Studies
8) Liu T., Shi J., Zhao D., Yang J. The relationship between EEG band power, cognitive processing and intelligence in school-age children. Psychology Science Quarterly
9) Liu T., Shi J, Zhang Q, Zhao D, Yang J. Neural mechanisms of auditory sensory processing in children with high intelligence. NeuroReport


1) 國家自然科學基金(面上項目):自我調控的認知神經機制
2) 國家自然科學基金(青年基金項目):不同智力水平兒童基於面孔表情的情緒調控


