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  • 中文名:劉建忠
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:微生物代謝工程與合成生物學
  • 任職院校:中山大學








中山大學生命科學學院合成生物學研究所所長、生物醫學中心副主任,中國生物工程學會合成生物學專業委員會(籌)和胺基酸專業委員會委員、中國微生物學會分子微生物與生物工程專業委員會委員,中國生物發酵產業協會微生物育種分會理事、廣東省遺傳學會監事長、廣東省微生態製劑工程中心學術委員會主席。長期從事高附加值天然產物的代謝工程與合成生物學的研究,建立了國際先進的微生物分子育種技術平台,利用代謝工程、合成生物學與組學相結合技術,構建了多個達國際領先技術水平的產萜類、胺基酸生物鹼的微生物細胞工廠。在Metabolic Engineering, Biotechnology for Biofuels, Frontiers Microbiology, Microbial Cell Factories等國際一流刊物上發表SCI收錄論文60多篇。H指數22,SCI收錄論文被他人引用1500多次;參編專著3部;獲國家自然科學二等獎1項、省部級科技獎一、二等獎5項。Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (合成生物學)編委(Review Editor), Current Biotechnology顧問委員會委員(Advisory Board Membership),Edorium Journal of Biotechnology和Biotechnology Frontier雜誌編委。並多次受邀為Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Communication,Metabolic Engineering,ACS Synthetic Biology,Frontiers in Microbiology,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Scientific Reports, Applied Microbiology &Biotechnology,Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology等十餘個國際刊物審稿。教育部科技獎和科研項目評審專家。




  1. Shen YP, Fong LS, Yan ZB, Liu JZ*:Combining directed evolution of pathway enzymes and dynamic pathway regulation using a quorum‑sensing circuit to improve the production of 4‑hydroxyphenylacetic acid inEscherichia coli.Biotechnology for Biofuels2019,12:94. (2019.4)
  2. Niu FX, He X, Wu YQ, Liu JZ*:Enhancing production of pinene inEscherichia coliby using a combination of tolerance, evolution, and modular co-culture engineering.Frontiers in Microbiology2018,9:1623 (2018.7).
  3. Li Z, Shen YP, Jiang XL, Feng LS, Liu JZ*:Metabolic evolution and a comparative omics analysis ofCorynebacterium glutamicumfor putrescine production.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology2018,45:123-139. (2018.2)
  4. Li Z, Liu JZ*:Transcriptomic changes in response to putrescine production in metabolically engineeredCorynebacterium glutamicum.Frontiers in Microbiology2017,8: 1987. (2017.10)
  5. Lu Q, Bu YF, Liu JZ*:Metabolic engineering ofEscherichia colifor producing astaxanthin as the predominant carotenoid.Marine Drugs2017,15: 296. (2017.10)
  6. Niu FX, Lu Q, Bu YF, Liu JZ*:Metabolic engineering for the microbial production of isoprenoids: Carotenoids and isoprenoid-based biofuels.Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology2017,2:167-175.(2017.9)
  7. Shen HJ, Cheng BY, Zhang YM, Tang L, Li Z, Bu YF, Li XR, Tian GQ, Liu JZ*:Dynamic control of the mevalonate pathway expression for improved zeaxanthin production inEscherichia coliand comparative proteome analysis.Metabolic Engineering2016,38:180-190. (2016.11)
  8. Wei T, Cheng BY, Liu JZ*:Genome engineeringEscherichia colifor L-DOPA overproduction from glucose.Scientific Reports2016,6: 30080. (2016.7.15)
  9. Huang KY, Hu HY, Tang YL, Xia FG, Luo XQ, Liu JZ*:High-level expression, purification and large-scale production of l-methionine gamma-lyase from Idiomarina as a novel anti-leukemic drug.Marine Drugs2015,13:5492-5507. (2015.8)
  10. Shen HJ, Hu JJ, Li XR, Liu JZ*:Engineering ofEscherichia colifor lycopene production through promoter engineering.Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology2015,16:1094-1103.
  11. Zhang YY, Bu YF, Liu JZ*:Production of L-ornithine from sucrose and molasses by recombinantCorynebacterium glutamicum.Folia Microbiologica2015,60:393-398. (2015.9)
  12. Li XR, Tian GQ, Shen HJ, Liu JZ*:Metabolic engineering ofEscherichia colito produce zeaxanthin.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology2015,42:627-636. (2015.4)
  13. Huang MT, Chen YY, Liu JZ*:Chromosomal engineering ofEscherichia colifor efficient production of Coenzyme Q(10).Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering2014,22:559-569. (2014.5)
  14. Cui YY, Ling C, Zhang YY, Huang J, Liu JZ*:Production of shikimic acid fromEscherichia colithrough chemically inducible chromosomal evolution and cofactor metabolic engineering.Microbial Cell Factories2014,13: 21. (2014.2.10)
  15. Jiang LY, Zhang YY, Li Z, Liu JZ:*Metabolic engineering ofCorynebacterium glutamicumfor increasing the production of L-ornithine by increasing NADPH availability.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology2013,40:1143-1151. (2013.10)
  16. Jiang LY, Chen SG, Zhang YY, Liu JZ*:Metabolic evolution ofCorynebacterium glutamicumfor increased production of L-ornithine.Bmc Biotechnology2013,13: 47 (2013. 6.1)
  17. Chen YY, Shen HJ, Cui YY, Chen SG, Weng ZM, Zhao M, Liu JZ*:Chromosomal evolution ofEscherichia colifor the efficient production of lycopene.BMC Biotechnology2013,13:6 (2013.1.28)
  18. Lu DM, Liu JZ*, Mao ZW:Engineering ofCorynebacterium glutamicumto enhance l-ornithine production by gene knockout and comparative proteomic analysis.Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering2012,20:731-739. (2012.8)
  19. Lu DM, Jiang LY, Chen LA, Liu JZ*, Mao ZW:Optimization of fermentation conditions of the engineeredCorynebacterium glutamicumto enhance L-ornithine production by response surface methodology.Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials, 2011,1:116. doi:10.4172/2155-952X.1000116
  20. Huang MT, Wang Y, Liu JZ*, Mao ZW:Multiple strategies for metabolic engineering ofEscherichia colifor efficient production of Coenzyme Q(10).Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering2011,19:316-326. (2011.4)
  21. Zhang Y, Liu JZ*, Huang JS, Mao ZW:Genome shuffling ofPropionibacterium shermaniifor improving vitamin B12 production and comparative proteome analysis.Journal of Biotechnology2010,148:139-143. (2010. 7.20)


