



  • 中文名:劉建寶
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:福建大田
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員


姓 名:劉建寶
性 別:男
學 位:理學博士
職 稱:教授、博導








中國科學院大學博導,中國科學院青藏高原地球科學卓越創新中心研究員,蘭州大學兼職教授,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres、Quaternary Science Reviews、The Holocene等國際知名SCI刊物審稿人(2014年至今);國家自然科學基金項目通訊評審人(2015年至今);教育部學位論文通訊評審人(2016年至今);American Geophysical Union美國地球物理學會會員(2016年至今);International Paleolimnology Association國際古湖沼學會會員(2015年至今)。


近5年來在 Nature Climate Change、PNAS、Earth-Science Reviews等重要雜誌上發表文章30餘篇,其中 3篇入選ESI前1%高被引論文,被Nature、Nature Climate Change、Nature Geoscience、PNAS等SCI 雜誌廣泛引用,相關成果被Nature Climate Change專題報導。


  1. Liu, J. B, Rühland, K. M., Chen, J. H., Xu, Y. Y., Chen, S. Q., Chen, Q. M., Huang, W., Xu, Q. H., Chen, F. H*., Smol, J. P*, 2017. Aerosol-weakened summer monsoons decrease lake fertilization in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Nature Climate Change, 7, 190–194.
  2. Liu, J. B., Chen, S. Q., Chen, J. H., Zhang, Z. P., Chen, F. H*., 2017. Chinese cave δO records do not represent northern East Asian summer monsoon rainfall. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1703471114.
  3. Liu, J. B., Chen, J. H*., Zhang, X. J., Li, Y., Rao, Z. G., Chen, F. H*., 2015. Holocene East Asian summer monsoon records in northern China and their inconsistency with Chinese stalagmite δO records. Earth-Science Reviews, 148, 194–208.
  4. Yang, X. L.,Liu, J. B*., Liang, F. Y., Yuan, D. X., Yang, Y., Chen, F. H., 2014. Holocene stalagmite δO records in the East Asian monsoon region and their correlation with those in the Indian monsoon region. The Holocene, 24(12), 1657-1664.
  5. Liu, J. B., Chen, F. H*., Chen, J. H., Zhang, X. J., Liu, J., Bloemendal, J., 2014. Weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon at 1000–1100 A.D. within the Medieval Climate Anomaly: Possible linkage to changes in the Indian Ocean-western Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 119(5), 2209–2219.
  6. Liu, J. B., Chen, J. H*., Selvaraj, K., Xu, Q. H., Wang, Z. L., Chen, F. H., 2014. Chemical weathering over the last 1200 years recorded in the sediments of Gonghai Lake, Lvliang Mountains, North China: a high-resolution proxy of past climate. Boreas, 43(4), 914-923.
  7. Chen, F. H.,Liu, J. B., Xu, Q. H., Li, Y. C., Chen, J. H., Wei, H. T., Liu, Q. S., Wang, Z. L., Cao, X. Y., Zhang, S. R., 2013, Environmental magnetic studies of sediment cores from Gonghai Lake: implications for monsoon evolution in North China during the late glacial and Holocene. Journal of Paleolimnology, 49 (3), 447–464.
  8. Liu, J. B., Chen, F. H*., Chen, J. H., Xia, D. S., Xu, Q. H., Wang, Z. L., Li, Y., 2011. Humid Medieval Warm Period recorded by magnetic characteristics of sediments from Gonghai Lake, Shanxi, North China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(23), 2464-2474.
  9. Liu, J. B., Chen, J. H., Selvaraj, K*., Chen, S, Q*., Xie, C. L., Chen, Q. M., Lin, B. Z., Yu, K. F., Xu, Q. H., Velasco, V. M., Chen, F. H., 2017. A 14.7 Ka Record of Earth’s Surface Processes from the Arid-Monsoon Transitional China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(3), 723–734.
  10. Chen, S.Q.,Liu, J.B*., Xie, C.L., Chen, J.H., Wang, H.P., Wang, Z.L., Rao, Z.G., Xu, Q.H., Chen, F.H., 2018. Evolution of integrated lake status since the last deglaciation: A high-resolution sedimentary record from Lake Gonghai, Shanxi, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 496, 175–182.


