- 科研綜述
- 學術論文
據2024年1月哈姆丹·本·拉希德·阿勒馬克圖姆醫學和教育科學基金會網站數據,劉富友已發表學術論文196篇,受邀評論文章65篇,編著出版《Vaccination Strategies of Tropical Diseases》《Chemical Immunology: Immunology of Intracellular Parasitism》等專著2部。
刊發時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2009年 | Autoimmune disease: rheumatoid arthritis. Animal models of rheumatoid arthritis | 《European Journal of Immunology》 |
Galectin-3 Deficiency Reduces the Severity of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis | 《Journal of Immunology》 | |
TLR9-independent effects of inhibitory oligonucleotides on macrophage responses to S | 《typhimurium.Immunology and Cell Biology》 | |
Prostaglandin mediates IL-23/IL-17-induced neutrophil migration in inflammation by inhibiting IL-12 and IFNγ production | 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》 | |
A TLR2 ligand suppresses inflammation by modulation of chemokine receptors and redirection of leukocyte migration | 《Blood》 | |
The cytokine interleukin-33 mediates anaphylactic shock | 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》 | |
Animal models of rheumatoid arthritis | 《European Journal of Immunology》 | |
IL-33 Amplifies the Polarization of Alternatively Activated Macrophages That Contribute to Airway Inflammation | 《Journal of Immunology》 | |
2010年 | Role of interleukin 33 in human immunopathology | 《Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases》 |
nterleukin-33 attenuates sepsis by enhancing neutrophil influx to the site of infection | 《Nature Medicine》 | |
Disease-associated functions of IL-33: the new kid in the IL-1 family | 《Nature Reviews Immunology》 | |
Apolipoprotein E-deficient mice are resistant to the development of collagen-induced arthritis | 《Arthritis and Rheumatism》 | |
IL-33 exacerbates autoantibody-induced arthritis | 《Journal of Immunology》 | |
IL-33 Reduces Macrophage Foam Cell Formation | 《Journal of Immunology》 | |
IL-33 induces neutrophil migration in rheumatoid arthritis and is a target of anti-TNF therapy | 《Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases》 | |
Interleukin-33 induces protective effects in adipose tissue inflammation during obesity in mice | 《Circulation Research》 | |
IL-33 Exacerbates Eosinophil-Mediated Airway Inflammation | 《Journal of Immunology》 | |
2011年 | Collagen-induced arthritis is not impaired in mast cell-deficient mice | 《Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases》 |
IL-33 activates B1 cells and exacerbates contact sensitivity | 《Journal of Immunology》 | |
Host-response: understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of host-microbial interactions - consensus of the Seventh European Workshop on Periodontology | 《Journal of Clinical Periodontology》 | |
What can the periodontal community learn from the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis? | 《Journal of Clinical Periodontology》 | |
Regulation of type 17 helper T-cell function by nitric oxide during inflammation | 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》 | |
IL-33 Shifts the Balance from Osteoclast to Alternatively Activated Macrophage Differentiation and Protects from TNF-α–Mediated Bone Loss | 《Journal of Immunology》 | |
MicroRNA-155 as a proinflammatory regulator in clinical and experimental arthritis | 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》 | |
The IL-33/ST2 pathway — A new therapeutic target in cardiovascular disease | 《Pharmacology and Therapeutics》 | |
IL-33 induces skin inflammation with mast cell and neutrophil activation | 《European Journal of Immunology》 | |
IL-33 expands suppressive CD11b+ Gr-1int and regulatory T cells, including ST2L+ Foxp3+ cells, and mediates regulatory T cell-dependent promotion of cardiac allograft survival | 《Journal of Immunology》 | |
2012年 | Interleukin-33 and the function of innate lymphoid cells | 《Trends in Immunology》 |
IL-33: a Janus cytokine | 《Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases》 | |
IL-33 attenuates EAE by suppressing IL-17 and IFN-γ production and inducing alternatively activated macrophages | 《European Journal of Immunology》 | |
Interleukin-33 amplifies IgE synthesis and triggers mast cell degranulation via interleukin-4 in naïve mice | 《Allergy》 | |
IL-33 induces innate lymphoid cell–mediated airway inflammation by activating mammalian target of rapamycin | 《Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology》 | |
2013年 | Nitric oxide-induced regulatory T cells inhibit Th17 but not Th1 cell differentiation and function | 《Journal of Immunology》 |
Novel allergic asthma model demonstrates ST2-dependent dendritic cell targeting by cypress pollen | 《Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology》 | |
2014年 | Type 2 innate lymphoid cells drive CD4+ Th2 cell responses | 《Journal of Immunology》 |
- 平台建設
- 科研項目
時間 | 項目名稱 | 項目來源 |
2000年—2006年 | Dissection of the Cellular and Molecular Basis of Immunoregulation in Vivo | MRC |
2002年—2005年 | Does subversion of Toll-like receptors signalling play a role in directing TH2 responses by the filarial nematode secreted product ES-62? | BBSRC |
The role of CD4 CD25+ immunoregulatory T cells in reversible chronic airways disease | MRC | |
Experimental and clinical dissection of innate immunity against intracellular pathogens | European Commission | |
2002年—2006年 | Mechanism of Chronicity and Resolution of Inflammatory Diseases | Wellcome Trust |
2003年—2006年 | Glasgow Biomedical Research Centre | |
The role of St2 in Th1/Th2 immune modulation | ||
2004年—2008年 | High Fidelity Phenotyping combined with genomics, proteomics and metabonomics close to the patient | British Heart Foundation |
2004年—2009年 | Toll-like receptors on T cells | MRC |
2004年—2013年 | Elucidating immune mechanisms in inflammatory arthritis | The Nuffield Foundation |
2005年—2007年 | The role of interleukin-27 in asthma | Scottish Executive Health Department |
2005年—2008年 | The role of a novel cytokine (EB13-IL12p35) in asthma | MRC |
Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Clinical and Experimental Mycebacterial Infection in Neonants and Infants NEOTIM | European Commission | |
2007年—2011年 | The role of the 1L-33 in the innate and adaptive immune responses in asthma | MRC |
2007年—2012年 | The ST2 Receptor System in Health and Disease | Wellcome Trust |
2008年—2011年 | Toll like receptors and chemokine receptors - 2 interconnected arms of the innate immune response | MRC |
Host and Mycobacterial Molecular Dissection of Immunity and Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis (HOMITB) | European Commission | |
2008年—2013年 | Interleukin-33: A Novel Cytokine in the Inflammation of Atherosclerosis and Obesity | British Heart Foundation |
2009年—2012年 | The role of IL-35 in infection and inflammation | MRC |
2009年—2014年 | MicroRNA in monocytes: its contribution to the pathogenesis of arthritis and cardiovascular co-morbidity | Arthritis Research UK |
2010年—2013年 | The role of nitric oxide-induced regulatory T cells in inflammation | MRC |
- 寄語學子
2019年4月19日,劉富友在蘇州大學基礎醫學與生物科學學院學術講座中給予青年科研人員的建議,鼓勵青年學者要在“Bright,Drive and Organize”成才三要素方面多加打磨。對青年學生,劉富友強調要重視在“Perfect your English;Facts vs thoughts;Leaning vs questioning;Communication skill;Life beyond science”幾方面進行努力,提高自身基本能力,滿足未來更好的從事科研研究工作的需要。最後,劉富友送給在座師生們24字箴言“博學多聞、學貫中西、引經據典、創新立異、禮義廉恥、任重道遠”與大家共勉。
- 指導學生
時間 | 榮譽表彰 | 授予單位 |
1995年 | 愛丁堡皇家學會院士 | |
1999年 | 英國醫學科學院院士 | |
2012年4月 | 英國皇家學會院士 | |
- | 哈姆丹國際醫學科學獎(The Hamdan Award for Medical Research Excellence) | 哈姆丹·本·拉希德·阿勒馬克圖姆醫學和教育科學基金會 |
時間 | 擔任職務 |
2006年—2009年 | 歐洲免疫學會主席 |
2014年12月 | 安徽理工大學名譽教授 |
2017年 | 哈爾濱醫科大學榮譽教授 |
- | 英國醫學研究委員會委員 |
德國科學會委員 | |
香港研究資助局評審委員會主席 | |
香港科學會委員 | |
歐洲免疫學年會主席 | |
《歐洲免疫學雜誌》主編 |
“當選為英國皇家學會院士是任何科學家學術生涯的巔峰,劉富友是生物醫學科學領域最重要的人物之一,當選院士證明了他在該領域工作的深度和廣度是當之無愧的(Being elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society is the pinnacle of the academic career for any scientist; Professor Liew is one of the foremost figures in his field and this accolade is a testament to the depth and breadth of his work in biomedical sciences and richly deserved)。”(時任英國格拉斯哥大學醫學與生命科學學院院長Anna Dominiczak教授評)
“劉富友不僅在格拉斯哥大學,而且在整個蘇格蘭地區的免疫學研究中發揮了重要作用。正是他在這一領域所做出的突出工作,使格拉斯哥感染、免疫和炎症研究所可以躋身英國領先的研究機構之列(I would like to congratulate Professor Liew on this prestigious award. Over his time at Glasgow he has played a significant role in shaping Immunology research, not only in the University, but throughout Scotland. It is because of his work in this field that Glasgow’s Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation can now count itself among the UK’s leading research institutions)。”(時任時任英國格拉斯哥大學校長Anton Muscatelli教授評)
“劉富友在理解免疫反應研究方面做出了傑出貢獻(he is truly worthy of being awarded, for his outstanding contributions to the understanding of the fundamental aspects of the immune response, the Hamdan Award for Medical Research Excellence)。”(“哈姆丹國際醫學科學獎”評獎委員會評)