


  • 中文名:劉宗健
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:浙江工業大學


長期從事實驗工作,熟悉許多實驗儀器,例如透視電子顯微鏡(TEM 或HRTEM) 、掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM) 、原子力顯微鏡(AFM) 、X光衍射儀(XRD) 、X光電子能譜儀(XPS) 等等,具有豐富的實踐經驗。在從事實驗的基礎上,本人還進行理論計算,能熟練地用C及Matlab等語言編程,套用分子動力學(MD)以及蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)等方法 ,同時結合量子力學理論或其他經驗(半經驗)勢函式,對實驗結果進行模擬比較,建立理論模型。
科研經歷涉及化學(催化)、材料以及物理三個方向,已在Applied Physics Letters 、Acta Materialia、Journal of Applied Physics、Surface Science、Journal of Materials Research、Thin Solid Films、Catalysis Letters 等國內外雜誌發表論文30多篇,其中29篇SCI收錄。 目前的科研興趣主要包括: 催化材料、納米材料、薄膜材料的製備、結構表征及套用。


1.Y.H. Lu,Z.-J. Liu, Y.G. Shen, Investigation of nanostructure evolution and twinning of nanocrystallite in Ti-Bx-Ny nanocomposite thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering at low temperature by means of HRTEM and Monte Carlo simulation, Acta Materialia 2006, in press. (IF=3.490)
2. K. Chu, Z.-J. Liu, Y.H. Lu, Y.G. Shen, Atomic force microscopy study of growth kinetics: scaling in TiN-TiB2 nanocomposite films on Si(100), Applied Surface Science 2006, in press. (IF=1.497)
3. Z.-J. Liu, P.W. Shum and Y.G. Shen, Surface growth of (Ti,Al)N thin films on smooth and rough substrates, Thin Solid Film 2006, 496(2): 326-332. (IF=1.647)
4. Z.-J. Liu, Y.G. Shen, Effects of Al content on grain growth of solid solution (Ti,Al)N films, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 2006, 24(1): 174-177. (IF=1.557)
5. Z.-J. Liu, Y.H. Lu and Y.G. Shen, Grain growth in nanocomposite Ti-B-N films during deposition: the effect of amorphous phase precipitation, Journal of Materials Research 2006, 21(1): 82-87. (IF = 1.912)
6. Z.-J. Liu and Y.G. Shen, Temperature-dependent Morphology Evolution of the Submonolayer Clusters Grown on Metal (110) Surfaces, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 2005, 23(1): 177-183. (IF = 1.557)
7. Z.-J. Liu, A. Vyas, Y.H. Lu, and Y.G. Shen, Structural Properties of Sputter-deposited CNx/TiN Multilayer Films, Thin Solid Films 2005, 479 (1-2): 31-37. (IF= 1.647)
8. Z.-J. Liu, P.W. Shum, and Y.G. Shen, Linear Surface Smoothening of (TiAl)N Thin Films Grown on Rough Substrates, Applied Physics Letters 2005, 86 (25): 5121-5123. (IF = 4.308)
9. Z.-J. Liu and Y.G. Shen, Temperature Effect on Surface Roughening of Thin Films, Surface Science 2005, 595 (1-3): 20-29. (IF = 2.168)
10. Z.-J. Liu, C.H. Zhang, Y.G. Shen, and Y.-W. Mai, Monte Carlo Simulation of Nanocrystalline TiN/Amorphous SiNx Composite Films, Journal of Applied Physics 2004, 95 (2): 758-760 . (IF = 2.255)
11. C.H. Zhang, Z.-J. Liu, K.Y. Li, and Y.G. Shen, Microstructure, Surface Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline TiN/Amorphous Si3N4 Composite Films Synthesized by Ion Beam Assisted Deposition, Journal of Applied Physics 2004, 95 (3): 1460-1467. (IF = 2.255)
12. Y.G. Shen, Z.-J. Liu, N. Jiang, H.S. Zhang, K.H. Chan, and Z.K. Xu, Effect of Silicon Addition on Surface Morphology and Structural Properties of Titanium Nitride Films Grown by Reactive Unbalanced dc-Magnetron Sputtering, Journal of Materials Research 2004, 19 (2): 523-534. (IF = 1.912)
13. Z.-J. Liu and Y.G. Shen, Effects of Amorphous Matrix on the Grain Growth Kinetics in Two-phase Nanostructured Films: A Monte Carlo Study, ACTA Materialia 2004, 52 (3): 729-736. (IF = 3.490)
14. Z.-J. Liu, Y.G. Shen, L.P. He, and T. Fu, Surface Evolution and Dynamic Scaling of Sputter-deposited Al Thin Films on Ti(100) Substrates, Applied Surface Science 2004, 226 (4): 371-377. (IF = 1.497)
15. Z.-J. Liu and Y.G. Shen, Role of Island Corner Rounding in the Morphology Transition of the Submonolayers Grown on Metal (110) Surfaces, Applied Surface Science 2004, 233 (1-4): 197-203. (IF = 1.497)
16. Z.-J. Liu and Y.G. Shen, Oscillating Growth of Surface Roughness in Multilayer Films, Applied Physics Letters 2004, 84 (25): 5121-5123. (IF = 4.308)
17. Z.-J. Liu, P.W. Shum, and Y.G. Shen, Hardening Mechanisms of Nanocrystalline Ti-Al-N Solid-Solution Films, Thin Solid Films 2004, 468 (1-2): 161-166. (IF = 1.647)
18. Z.-J. Liu, P.W. Shum, K.Y. Li, and Y.G. Shen, Roughening Kinetics of Reactively Sputter-deposited Ti-Al-N Films on Si(100), Philosophical Magazine Letters 2003, 83 (10): 627-634. (IF = 1.626)
19. Z.-J. Liu and Y.G. Shen, Roughening Kinetics of Thin Film in the Presence of both Stress and Ehrlich-Schwobel Barrier, Applied Physics Letters 2003, 83 (26): 5404-5406. (IF = 4.308)
20. Z.-J. Liu, Z. Xu, Z.Y. Yuan, W.X. Chen, W.Z. Zhou, L.M. Peng, A simple method for coating carbon nanotubes with Co-B amorphous alloy, Materials Letters 2003, 57 (7): 1339-1344. (IF = 1.186)
21. Z.-J. Liu, R.C. Che, Z.D. Xu, L.M. Peng, Preparation of Fe-filled carbon nanotubes by catalytic decomposition of cyclohexane, Synthetic Metals 2002, 128 (2): 191-195. (IF = 1.278)
22. Z.-J. Liu, N. Jiang, Y.G. Shen, Y.W. Mai, Atomic force microscopy study of surface roughening of sputter-deposited TiN thin films, Journal of Applied Physics 2002, 992 (7): 3559-3563. (IF = 2.255)
23. Z.-J. Liu, Z.Y. Yuan, W.Z. Zhou, Z.D. Xu, L.M. Peng., Controlled synthesis of carbon-encapsulated Co nanoparticles by CVD, Chemical Vapor Deposition 2001, 7 (6): 248-251. (IF = 2.209)
24. Z.-J. Liu, Z.Y. Yuan, W.Z. Zhou, L.M. Peng, Z.D. Xu., Co/carbon-nanotube monometallic system: the effects of oxidation by nitric acid, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2001, 3 (12): 2518-2521. (IF = 2.076)
25. Z.-J. Liu, Z. Xu, Z.Y. Yuan, D.Y. Lu, W.X. Chen, W.Z. Zhou , Cyclohexanol dehydrogenation over Co/carbon nanotube catalysts and the effect of promoter K on performance, Catalysis Letters 2001, 72 (3-4): 203-206. (IF = 1.904)


