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劉士永,台灣“中央”研究院台灣史研究所專職研究員兼副所長。獲美國匹茲堡大學博士 ,研究方向:戰後經濟史、醫學史


  • 中文名:劉士永
  • 畢業院校:美國匹茲堡大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:台灣“中央”研究院台灣史研究所專職研究員兼副所長
  • 美國匹茲堡大學博士
  • 戰後經濟史、醫學史
Liu, Shi-yung. 2000, "Medical Reform in Colonial Taiwan," University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. Dissertation.
Michael Shi-Yung Liu, 2009, Prescribing Colonization: the Role of Medical Practice and Policy in Japan-Ruled Taiwan, 430 pages, Ann Arbor, Michigan: AAS.
Liu Shiyung, 2008, “The ripples of rivalry: The spread of modern medicine from Japan to its colonies”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal, 2, 47-71. (TSSCI)
Stephan Morgan, Liu Shiyung, 2007, “Was Japanese Colonialism good for the welfare of Taiwanese? Stature and the standard of living.”, China Quarterly, 192: 990-1017. (SSCI)
劉士永, 2004, “Differential Mortality in Colonial Taiwan”, ANNALES DE D. MOGRAPHIE HISTORIQUE, (1), 229-247.
劉士永,2004,〈“Building a Strong and Healthy Empire: The critical period of building Japanese colonial medicine in Taiwan,”〉,《Japanese Studies》,23(4): 301-313。
劉士永,2003,〈橫川吸蟲症(Metagonimus yokogawai)與台灣的殖民醫學〉,《科學人雜誌》7月號,頁28-29。
Liu, Shih-Yung and Liu Ts’ui-Jung, 2000, “Nature Conservation in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule”, 台灣史研究, 6(1), 1-34.
劉士永,2013,〈公共衛生(Public Health):近代華人社會裡的新興西方觀念〉,祝平一編,《健康與社會:華人衛生新史》,頁9-40,台北:聯經出版社。
Liu Shiyung, 2011, “An overview of public health development in Japan-ruled Taiwan”, editor(s): Theo Engelen, John, R. Shepherd & Yang Wen-shan, Death at the Opposite Ends of the Eurasian Continent, pp. 165-182, Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers.
Liu Shiyung, 2011, “From Japanese Colonial Medicine to American-Standard Medicine in Taiwan – a Case Study of the Transition in the Medical Profession and Practices in East Asia”, editor(s): Liping Bu, Darwin Stapleton, Ka-che Yip, Science and Public Health in Modern Asia, pp. 162-176, London: Routledge.
Michael Shiyung Liu, 2011, “From Japanese Colonial Medicine to American-Standard Medicine in Taiwan – A Case Study of the Transition in the Medical Profession and Practices in East Asia ”, editor(s): Yip Ka-che and Liping Bu, Science, Public Health and the State in Modern Asia, pp. 162-176, London, New York: Routledge.
Shih-Yung Liu, Lin Yi-Ping, 2010, “A forgotten war: anti-malarial campaigns in Taiwan”, editor(s): Angela Ki Che Leung,Charlotte Furth, Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth Century, pp. 183-208, Durham: Duke University Press.
Liu Shi-yung, 2009, “Malariology in colonial Taiwan”, editor(s): Yip Ka-chi ed, Disease, Colonialism, and the State: Malaria in Modern East Asian History, pp. 49-60, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
劉士永 Shiyung Liu, 2008, “대만 : 식민지배가 갈라놓은 의학계(Polarization: A key tone of Japanese colonial medicine in Taiwan)”, editor(s): 판매중 / 판매지수, 동아시아 서양 의학을 만나다 大韓醫院200周年暨濟生院220年紀念論文集, pp. 291-319, 首爾: 國立首爾大學.
Liu Shih-Yung, 2002, “Disease and Mortality in the History of Taiwan”, editor(s): Liu Ts’ui-Jung,James Lee, Asian Population History, pp. 248-269, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
劉士永, 2001, “Public Health Investigation and Statistics in Colonial Taiwan”, editor(s): 近現代資料刊行會, 殖民地社會事業關係資料集˙台灣篇 別冊 解說, pp. 1-21, 東京: 近現代資料刊行會.
劉士永, 2001, “台灣における植民地醫學の形成とその特質”, editor(s): 市雅俊,齋藤修,脇村孝平,飯島涉編, 疾病˙開發˙帝國醫療, pp. 237-268, 東京: 東京大學出版會.
Michael Shiyung Liu, 2012, “Epidemics, natural disasters, and medical salvation in Sino- Japanese war China ”, paper presented at the 6th Conference for the Asian Society for the History of Medicine, 橫濱、日本: Asian Society for the History of Medicine, 2012-12-13 ~ 2012-12-15.
劉士永,2012,〈對於台灣醫界人物口訪的心得與感想〉,發表於眾聲平等:華人社會口述歷史的理論與實務學術研討會,澳門理工學院:澳門理工學院,2012-10-15 ~ 2012-10-18。
Liu Shiyung, 2010, “From Japanese Colonial Medicine to American-standard Medicine in Taiwan”, paper presented at Taiwan History Reconsidered:1949-1975, London University: SOAS London University, 2010-09-25 ~ 2010-09-26.
Liu Shiyung,2010,〈A Preliminary Study on the new Medical Professionalism in Post-war Taiwan〉,發表於「Taiwan History Reconsidered: 1949-1975」工作坊,中研院台史所:中研院台史所,2010-08-24。
Liu Shiyung, 2010, “Parasite as an Index of Environmental changes: A theoretical probing”, paper presented at 東亞環境史研究研討會, 上海交通大學: 上海交通大學, 2010-03-13 ~ 2010-03-14.
Michael Shi-Yung Liu, 2009, “From Japanese colonial medicine to American standard medicine: Transitions in the Medical Profession in Post-war Taiwan”, paper presented at Workshop on “Medical Culture in 19th- and 20th- Century Chinese East Asia_Comparative colonial medicine and beyond”, 香港中文大學: 香港中文大學比較及公眾歷史研究中心、中國文化研究所當代中國文化研究中心、中研院人社中心, 2009-06-13 ~ 2009-06-14.
劉士永,2008,〈管窺日據時期台灣公共衛生的發展與研究特徵〉,發表於近代華人社會公衛史研討會,中研院人社中心第一會議室:中研院人社中心 衛生史計畫,2008-12-26 ~ 2008-12-27。
Shih-Yung Liu, 2007, “The Ripple of Rivalry: The spread of modern medicine from Japan to its colonies”, paper presented at Medicine and Modernity International Symposium, South Korea: Yonsei University, Seoul Korea, 2007-08-15 ~ 2007-08-17.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2007, “The ripple of feud: the spread of Japanese modern medicine to its colonies”, paper presented at Transcontinental Workshop, Chicago University: University of Chicago, 2007-04-26.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2006, “Filaria and Malaria: the epidemiologocal changes in western Taiwan”, paper presented at the XIV International Economic History Congress, Helsinki, Finland: International Economic History Congress, 2006-08-21 ~ 2006-08-25.
劉士永,2006,〈生命統計與疾病史研究初探:以日據時期台灣為例〉,發表於中國歷史視野下的醫療與社會,天津:天津南開大學,2006-08-11 ~ 2006-08-13。
劉士永, 2006, “Malaria and Filariasis: The epidemiological changes in western Taiwan”, paper presented at 第十四屆International Economic History Congress, Helsinki,Finland: 第十四屆International Economic History Congress, 2006-08-21 ~ 2006-08-25.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2005, “"Culture Matters: From Pharmaceutical Clinics to Scientific Chinese Medicine"”, paper presented at International Conference on Pharmaceutical Innovation, 台北市: International Conference on Pharmaceutical Innovation, 2005-05-26 ~ 2005-05-27.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2005, “"Unbalanced Professions: The separation of prescribing and dispensing in Taiwan"”, paper presented at The XXth Nordic Medical History Congress, Reykjavík, Iceland: The XXth Nordic Medical History Congress, 2005-08-10 ~ 2005-08-13.
劉士永,2005,〈從血絲蟲到瘧原蟲:從風土病類型移轉看台灣西部平原之開發〉,發表於中國歷史上的環境與社會國際學術研討會,天津:南開大學歷史學院,2005-08-17 ~ 2005-08-19。
Shih-Yung Liu, 2004, “"Grafting Modern Public Health Measures in Colonial Taiwan -- A Case Study of an Anti-Malaria Program"”, paper presented at 18th IAHA annual meeting, 台北市: 中央研究院, 2004-12-06 ~ 2004-12-10.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2004, “"Overview of the writing of colonial medicine in Taiwanese context"”, paper presented at Workshop “Discovering Epidemics in Modern East Asian History, Yokohama, Japan: Workshop “Discovering Epidemics in Modern East Asian History, 2004-02-07 ~ 2004-02-08.
劉士永,2004,〈Grafting Modern Public Health Measures in Colonial Taiwan-A Case Study of Anti-Malaria Program〉,發表於明清至近代漢人社會的衛生觀念、組織與實踐國際研討會,中研院人社中心第一會議室:中研院人社中心 衛生史計畫,2004-11-22 ~ 2004-11-24。
Shih-Yung Liu and Stephen Morgan, 2003, “"Was Japanese Colonialism Good for the Taiwanese? Stature and the Standard of Living in Taiwan, 1895-1945"”, paper presented at annual conference of Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand: annual conference of Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2003.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2003, “"The Construction of Modern Public Health Concepts in Taiwan: A Case Study of Malaria"”, paper presented at Foreign Fevers and Colonial Cures: Disease and Medicine in the British, French and Japanese Empires, Nova Scotia, Canada: Acadia University, 2003.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2003, “"A Case of Scientific Colonialism: Public Health Investigation in Colonial Taiwan"”, paper presented at Race, Science, and Culture in 20th Century East Asia and America, Cambridge, MA., USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2003, “"Writing the Medical Past in Taiwan"”, paper presented at 亞洲醫學史學會第一屆年會, 台北市: 中央研究院歷史語言研究所, 2003-02-07 ~ 2003-02-08.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2002, “"Health, nutrition and economic development in Taiwan under Japanese colonialism, 1895-1945"”, paper presented at The First International Conference on Economics and Human Biology, Tübingen, Germany: The First International Conference on Economics and Human Biology, 2002-07-11 ~ 2002-07-14.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2002, “"Changes of Life Expectancy in Colonial Taiwan"”, paper presented at The XIII the Economic History Congress, Buenos Aires: The XIII the Economic History Congress, 2002.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2002, “"Health, nutrition and economic development in Taiwan under Japanese colonialism, 1895-1945"”, paper presented at The XIII the Economic History Congress, Buenos Aires: The XIII the Economic History Congress, 2002.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2001, “"GIS, Malaria and Highland Environment in Colonial Taiwan"”, paper presented at International Workshop on Colonial Medicine, 台北市: 中央研究院台灣史研究所, 2001.
Shih-Yung Liu, 2000, “"Differential Mortality in Colonial Taiwan (1895-1945)"”, paper presented at 19th International Congress of Historical Science, Olso, Norway: 19th International Congress of Historical Science, 2000.
Liu Shiyung, 2008, “Public Health in Asia and Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Edited by Milton J. Lewis and Kerrie L. MacPherson. London and New York: Routledge, 2008.”, China Quarterly, (193), 189-190.
Liu Shiyung, 2007, “"Book_review: Chun-Chieh Huang ed, Taiwan in Transformation, 1895–2005: The Challenge of New Democracy to an Old Civilization"”, China Quarterly, (189), 215-216.
劉翠溶、劉士永、陳美玲(訪談),劉翠溶、劉士永(整編,中譯)。2002/12,《蘭大弼醫生口述歷史》,Oral History of Dr. David Landsborough IV (中英對照本),Xxxix+309頁。台北:中央研究院台灣史研究所籌備處。


