劉吉營,副教授,碩士生導師,山東建築大學熱能工程學院建築環境與能源套用工程教研室副主任。 作為主要完成人先後參與美國採暖、製冷與空調工程師學會項目(ASHRAE 1596-RP)、美國國家科學基金會項目(EFRI-1038264)等科研項目,現主持國家自然科學基金項目(51608310)、山東省自然科學基金項目(ZR2016EEB08)、山東省高等學校科技計畫項目(J16L07)、山東建築大學博士科研基金項目(XNBS1408)、山東省綠色建築協同創新中心創新團隊支持計畫項目等科研項目。
- 中文名:劉吉營
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:西南交通大學(博士),美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學(博士後)
- 學位/學歷:博士/研究生
- 專業方向:供熱、供燃氣、通風及空調工程
2014/09~2017/05,山東建築大學熱能工程學院, 講師;
[1] 教育部高等教育司產學合作協同育人項目(2018年第二批),基於三維虛擬仿真教學任務的《建築設備安裝技術》課程改革探索,2019.01-2020.12,負責人,在研;
[2] 山東省綠色建築協同創新中心創新團隊支持計畫項目,基於地板輻射供冷與置換通風系統的個性化送風性能分析,2018.07-2020.06,負責人,在研;
[3] 國家自然科學基金,社區尺度熱環境快速準確預測與區域建築能耗模擬耦合的仿真方法研究,2017.01-2019.12,負責人,在研;
[4] 山東省高等學校科技計畫,基於縮尺風洞實驗的建築群熱環境仿真方法研究,2017.01-2019.12,負責人,在研;
[5] 山東省自然科學基金,街區尺度熱環境對建築空調能耗影響的協同仿真技術研究,2016.10-2018.12,負責人,已結題;
[6] 山東建築大學泰山學者可再生能源建築利用研究團隊基金,地板輻射供冷暖與置換通風複合空調系統的性能化分析研究,2015.07-2017.06,負責人,已結題;
[7] 山東建築大學博士基金,城鎮社區微氣候環境的關鍵問題研究,2015.01-2018.12,負責人,已結題。
[1] Jiying Liu, Daniel Alejandro Dalgo, Shengwei Zhu, Hui Li, Linhua Zhang, Jelena Srebric, Performance analysis of a ductless personalized ventilation combined with radiant floor cooling system and displacement ventilation, Building Simulation, 2019 (已接收).
[2] Junying, Li, Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, Yuanman Hu, Yumao Hu, Miao Liu, Lei Su, Shunchang Wang, The Effect of Tree-Planting Patterns on the Microclimate within a Courtyard, Sustainability, 2019(已接收).
[3] Linhua Zhang, Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Moon Keun Kim, Jelena Srebric, A two-dimensional numerical analysis for thermal performance of an intermittently operated radiant floor heating system in a transient external climatic condition, Heat Transfer Engineering, 2019(已接收).
[4] Hui Li, Fengsheng Liu, Shoujun Zhou, Jiying Liu, Zhongjie Wu, Thermal degradation characteristics of rapeseed biodiesel and its blends with petroleum diesel. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2019 (已接收).
[5] Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, George Pitchurov, Linhua Zhang, and Jelena Srebric, An extensive comparison of modified zero-equation, standard k-ε, and LES models in predicting urban airflow, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 40: 28-43.
[6] Moon Keun Kim, Jiying Liu, Shi-Jie Cao, Energy analysis of a hybrid radiant cooling system under hot and humid climates: A case study at Shanghai in China, Building and Environment, 2018, 137: 208-14.
[7] Saber Khoshdel Nikkho, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, Quantifying the impact of urban wind sheltering on the building energy consumption, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 116:850-865.
[8] Jiying Liu, Xiaona Xie, Fenghua Qin, Shoujie Song, Donglan Lv, A case study of ground source direct cooling system integrated with water storage tank system, Building Simulation, 2016, 9:659-668.
[9] Mohammad Heidarinejad, Stefan Gracik, Mostapha Sadeghipour Roudsari, Saber Khoshdel Nikkho, Jiying Liu, Kai Liu, George Pitchorov, Jelena Srebric, Influence of building surface solar irradiance on environmental temperatures in urban neighborhoods, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2016, 26:186-202.
[10] Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Stefan Gracik, Jelena Srebric, Nanyang Yu, An indirect validation of convective heat transfer coefficients (CHTCs) for external building surfaces in an actual urban environment, Building Simulation, 2015, 8(3):337-352.
[11] Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Stefan Gracik, Jelena Srebric, The impact of exterior surface convective heat transfer coefficients on the building energy consumption in urban neighborhoods with different plan area densities, Energy and Buildings, 2015, 86:449-463.
[12] Jelena Srebric, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Jiying Liu, Building neighborhood emerging properties and their Impacts on multi-Scale modeling of building energy and airflows, Building and Environment, 2015, 91:246-262.
[13] Stefan Gracik, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, Effect of urban neighborhood on the performance of building cooling systems, Building and Environment, 2015, 90:15-29.
[14] Glen M. DeLoid, Joel M. Cohen, Georgios Pyrgiotakis, Sandra V. Pirela, Anoop Pal, Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, and Philip Demokritou, Advanced computational modeling for in vitro nanomaterial dosimetry, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 2015, 12-32.
[15] Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, Nanyang Yu, Numerical simulation of convective heat transfer coefficients at the external surfaces of building arrays immersed in a turbulent boundary layer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 61: 209-225.
[1] 山東省製冷學會暖通空調分會副秘書長;
[2] 第十屆建築室內空氣品質、通風及節能大會(IAQVEC2019)學術委員會委員;
[3] 第十屆國際供暖通風及空調學術會議(ISHVAC2017)組委會秘書長。
[1] “神霧杯”第十屆全國大學生節能減排社會實踐與科技競賽二等獎優秀指導教師,2017年;
[2] 第七屆全國中、高等院校學生“斯維爾杯”建築信息模型(BIM)套用技能大賽專項獎二等獎優秀指導教師,2017年;
[3] 第七屆全國中、高等院校學生“斯維爾杯”建築信息模型(BIM)套用技能大賽全能獎一等獎優秀指導教師,2016年;
[4] 第十四屆“挑戰杯”魯信山東省大學生課外學術科技作品競賽三等獎優秀指導教師,2015年。
[1] 駐濟高校黨外專家學者服務省會智庫專家,2019年;
[2] 山東建築大學優秀指導教師,2016年;
[3] 山東建築大學用人單位專家服務團專家,2015年;
[4] 山東建築大學優秀指導教師,2015年。